[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[3319] branches/jss_dec_10

kapatp at users.sourceforge.net kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Dec 26 11:59:06 UTC 2010

Revision: 3319
Author:   kapatp
Date:     2010-12-26 11:59:06 +0000 (Sun, 26 Dec 2010)

Log Message:
Proof read Section 3 - had to rework a few things.
Updated plot_history_cropped.png by removeing the "glow".

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/jss_dec_10/FINAL_JSS_TEX/GUI_elements.tex
--- branches/jss_dec_10/FINAL_JSS_TEX/GUI_elements.tex	2010-12-26 03:04:02 UTC (rev 3318)
+++ branches/jss_dec_10/FINAL_JSS_TEX/GUI_elements.tex	2010-12-26 11:59:06 UTC (rev 3319)
@@ -20,20 +20,6 @@
 visualization features (see Section~\ref{sec:analyzing_data}) for which RKWard provides a GUI
-A status bar is shown at the bottom of the window. It displays (from
-right to left) the status of the \proglang{R} engine (busy or idle), the
-current working directory, and in a multi purpose region for additional
-information on some menu items and other GUI elements, visible when
-hovering the mouse pointer over them.
-The central area is divided into a document view area
-(Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}C) and two panel subwindows
-(Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}B and D). The panels can be resized or moved to
-another edge of the central area independently. All panels can be
-toggled by mouse or keyboard shortcuts. When a panel is closed, the
-document view area (see below) is automatically re-sized to take up the
-free space.
@@ -48,14 +34,28 @@
-The left panel contains a file browser (see Section~\ref{sec:further_tool_windows}) and a
+A status bar is shown at the bottom of the window. It displays (from
+right to left) the status of the \proglang{R} engine (busy or idle), the
+current working directory, and a multi purpose region for additional
+information on some menu items and other GUI elements, visible when
+hovering the mouse pointer over them.
+The central area is divided into a document view area
+(Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}C) and two panel subwindows
+(Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}: B and D). The panels can be resized or moved to
+another edge of the central area independently. All panels can be
+toggled by mouse or keyboard shortcuts. When a panel is closed, the
+document view area (see below) is automatically re-sized to take up the
+free space.
+The left panel (Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}B) contains a file browser (see Section~\ref{sec:further_tool_windows}) and a
 workspace browser (see Section~\ref{sec:workspace_browser_object_viewer}) by default. The
-bottom panel contains the tool windows, namely Command
+bottom panel (Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}D) contains the tool windows, namely, Command
 log (Section~\ref{sec:further_tool_windows}), Pending Jobs (Section~\ref{sec:further_tool_windows}), \proglang{R} Console
 (Section~\ref{sec:using_R_console}), and Help Search (Section~\ref{sec:help_system}).
-The remainder of the central area is a single row TDI (Tab document
-interface) for different documents. Currently, the supported types of
+The remainder of the central area (Figure~\ref{fig:main_window}C) is a single row Tab Document
+Interface (TDI) for different documents. Currently, the supported types of
 documents are results output (Section~\ref{sec:results_output}), spreadsheet-like data editors
 (Section~\ref{sec:spreadsheet}), help pages (Section~\ref{sec:help_system}), script editors (Section~\ref{sec:code_editor}),
 object summaries (Section \ref{sec:workspace_browser_object_viewer}), and also
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@
 using drag \& drop.
 Both document windows and tool views can be detached from the main
-window as independent windows, managed by the window manager, and also
+window as independent windows, managed by the window manager, and subsequently
 re-attached. This feature allows to conveniently work with multiple documents
 at the same time, e.\,g., scripts or data editors. On{}-screen
-graphics device windows are created detached by default, but can also
+graphics device windows are created detached by default, but can
 be attached to the document view area of the main window.
-Windows can be shown (or activated) using a mouse device with point \&
+Windows can be shown (or toggled) using a mouse device with point \&
 click, as well as using a series of keyboard shortcuts (defined by
 default) for switching between the different tool and document windows.
 Key bindings can be configured from the GUI via ``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure Shortcuts''.
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@
 configure data editor shortcuts, one has to open a data editor first and
 then to select ``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure Shortcuts''. Since RKWard relies on the
 \proglang{KDE} SC editor component,
-shortcuts for the script editor (Section~\ref{sec:code_editor}) are managed separately using
+shortcuts for the script editor (Section~\ref{sec:code_editor}) are managed separately via
 ``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure Editor$\rightarrow$Shortcuts''. On most systems, it is also
 possible to configure shortcuts by right-clicking on the respective
 menu item.
 The choice of available actions on the tool bar can be
-configured via ``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure Toolbars``. Further, it is possible to add and remove sets
+configured via ``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure Toolbars''. Further, it is possible to add and remove sets
 of data manipulation and analysis features from the GUI, using
-``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure RKWard/Plugins``.
+``Settings$\rightarrow$Configure RKWard/Plugins''.
 \subsection{Workspace browser and object viewer}
@@ -96,45 +96,44 @@
 The workspace browser allows to view
 and manipulate \proglang{R} objects, similar
 to a regular file-system browser. This includes both, user objects
-(data, functions) in \code{.GlobalEnv} and other environments in the
-\proglang{R} search path (typically
+(data, functions, environments) in \code{.GlobalEnv} and non-user objects in other environments in the
+\proglang{R} search path (typically,
 \proglang{R} package environments). Objects are shown
 in a hierarchical tree structure. For instance, an object of class
 \code{list} can be expanded to show all contained objects
-by clicking on the \code{+}-symbol left to the object name.
+by clicking on the $+$ symbol left of the object name.
 The basic type of each object is indicated by different icons. Further
-information on each object can be obtained by hovering the mouse
+information on each object can be seen by hovering the mouse
 pointer over the respective icon. A tooltip window will appear,
 including information such as dimensionality or function arguments,
-depending on the type of object. Objects inside \code{.GlobalEnv} can be
+depending on the type of object. Further, objects inside \code{.GlobalEnv} can be
 removed, renamed, and edited from the context menu.
 Literally hundreds or even thousands of objects are present in a typical
 \proglang{R} session. This can be overwhelming at
-first, therefore the workspace browser offers to show only a certain
+first, therefore, the workspace browser has options to show only a certain
 subset of objects, e.\,g., only functions or only data objects, including
-or excluding hidden objects (by names starting with a 
-dot), or showing only the contents of \code{.GlobalEnv} as
+or excluding hidden objects (object names starting with a 
+``.''), or showing only the contents of \code{.GlobalEnv} as
 opposed to all environments in the search path.
 Several actions are available from a context menu (after right-clicking
-on one of the objects), depending on the type of object. These allow to search the
+on the object names), depending on the type of object. These allow to search the
 \proglang{R} help for information on that object, to
 open a window with detailed information on the object, to delete, rename or copy the object to a new symbol name, or to
-copy it to \code{.GlobalEnv}. Further the context menu allows to open
+copy it to \code{.GlobalEnv}. Further, the context menu allows to open
 supported types of objects for editing (see Section~\ref{sec:spreadsheet}; currently, only
 \code{data.frame}s can be edited, and only while they exist in \code{.GlobalEnv}).
+Selecting ``View'' from the
+context menu opens a new window in the
+document area, containing basic information on the object as well as
+tabs which show the output of
+\code{print()} and \code{summary()} calls.
 An object list similar to the workspace browser (but showing only
 \code{.GlobalEnv} by default) is also used in several places for the
-selection of objects to work with, e.\,g., an analysis plugin (see Section~\ref{sec:analyzing_data}).
+selection of objects to work with, e.\,g., in an analysis plugin (see Section~\ref{sec:analyzing_data}).
-Selecting ``View'' from the workspace
-browser's context menu opens a new window in the
-document area, containing basic information on the object. In
-addition, this window has tabs which show the output of
-\code{print()}, and \code{summary()}.
 \subsection{Code editor}
@@ -142,30 +141,30 @@
 \proglang{R} script editor, based on the
 \proglang{KDE Advanced Text Editor} component
 (\url{http://kate-editor.org/}). Features of this
-editor include syntax highlighting, both on screen and in printouts (for
+editor include syntax highlighting (both on screen and in printouts; for
 \proglang{R} and many other script types), code
 folding, block-wise indentation adjustments or commenting, automatic
 brackets, search and replace with plain text or regular expressions,
 and many more. The editor automatically saves snapshots of the
-currently edited files in configurable intervals.
+currently edited files at configurable intervals.
-For interaction with \proglang{R}, the editor offers
-predefined shortcuts for submitting the current line, the current
+For interaction with \proglang{R}, the editor has
+predefined shortcuts (and toolbar icons) for submitting the current line, the current
 selection, predefined blocks, or the entire document to the
-\proglang{R} engine for evaluation. The editor further
-offers object-name completion and function argument hinting (figure
-\ref{fig:code_hinting}A and B) based on the objects present in
+\proglang{R} engine for evaluation. It also 
+offers object-name completion and function argument hinting (Figure
+\ref{fig:code_hinting}) based on the objects present in
 the \proglang{R} workspace\footnote{The object-name
 completion and function argument hinting features in RKWard predate the
 inclusion of similar features into the core
 \proglang{R} distribution. For this reason, they are
 technically based on different mechanisms.}. A further feature specific
 to the \proglang{R} language is the
-``Paste Special'' action. It allows to
+``Paste Special'' action, which allows to
 paste the clipboard content (e.\,g., from a separate spreadsheet
 application) as a single string, vector, or matrix, suitable
 for inclusion in an \proglang{R} script, optionally
-transforming it in advance (figure \ref{fig:special_paste}).
+transforming it in advance (Figure \ref{fig:special_paste}).
@@ -185,11 +184,11 @@
-Code editor windows can be created by opening an existing
+Script editor windows can be created by opening an existing
 \proglang{R} script file from the file browser, the
-``File''-menu, or by creating a new empty script. The script editor can
+``File''-menu, or by creating a new empty script. It can
 also be invoked from \proglang{R}, e.\,g., using the
-\code{file.edit()}, \code{file.show()} or \code{fix()}
+\code{file.edit()}, \code{file.show()}, or \code{fix()}
 \subsection{Using the R console}
@@ -205,15 +204,17 @@
 However, for most purposes RKWard's \proglang{R} console can be used exactly
 like \proglang{R} running in a terminal. Adding to that, it provides many of the
 features which are also available in the code editor (see Section~\ref{sec:code_editor}).
-Most prominently, it also supports syntax highlighting and code
+Most prominently, it supports syntax highlighting, code
 folding, function argument hinting, object-name completion, and pasting
 vector or matrix data directly from the clipboard.
 By default, any code that is submitted to the
 \proglang{R} engine from the code-editor or from help
 pages, is sent through the \proglang{R} console.
-However, it can also be configured to the submitted in the background,
+However, it can be configured to the submitted in the background,
+For further technical details, see Section \ref{sec:technical_asynchronous}.
+\marginpar{PK: is it right to refer to 5.1 here?}
 \subsection{Spreadsheet-like data editor}
@@ -227,8 +228,19 @@
 be created and opened from the GUI, and existing objects can be opened
 for editing from the workspace browser. For opening objects from
 \proglang{R} code, the function \code{rk.edit()} can be used.
+Figure \ref{fig:data_editors} shows multiple \code{data.frame}s open for editing.
-Meta-data on each column of a \code{data.frame} (i.\,e. name of the column, data
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics{../figures/data_editors.png}
+ \caption{RKWard with several \code{data.frame}s in use at the same time. A) One \code{data.frame} is opened for editing in the 
+ main window. B) A second \code{data.frame} is opened as detached window. C) \proglang{R}'s standard data editing features 
+(e.\,g., \code{fix()}, \code{edit()}) are also usable within an RKWard session. 
+In this example \code{fix(DNase)} was invoked from the console (depicted by an arrow).}
+ \label{fig:data_editors}
+Meta-data on each column of a \code{data.frame} (i.\,e., name of the column, data
 type, and potentially data labels) is shown in the upper portion of
 the data editor, and can be manipulated there, while the data itself is
 shown in the lower portion. The upper portion can be hidden using a
@@ -251,38 +263,28 @@
 highlighted in red. Internally, the invalid cell is set to \code{NA}.
 The entered value is stored separately, in an attribute of the column.
 The rationale for this approach is that it offers protection against
-accidental -- and probably undetected -- conversion of data types. The
+accidental, and probably undetected, conversion of data types. The
 user can manually convert the storage mode of a column by simply
-selecting a different data type.
+selecting a different data type in the ``Type'' row of the meta information.
 The data editor supports insertion and deletion of rows or columns at
-arbitrary positions. Rows and columns can also be added at the bottom or
-right by simply entering data into the trailing row/column shown in
+arbitrary positions. Rows (columns) can also be added at the bottom
+(right) by simply entering data into the trailing row (column) shown in
 gray. Copy \& paste is supported, where the area affected by paste
 operations can optionally be constrained to the selected region, or to
 the dimensions of the table. The data editor can also be set to read-only
 mode to examine data objects.
-In the context of data editing it is noteworthy that
+In the context of data editing, it is noteworthy that
 RKWard supports working with multiple objects simultaneously, rather than
 limiting actions to a single active \code{data.frame}, as with e.\,g., \pkg{Rcmdr} or
 \pkg{DeduceR}. Given this non-modal interface design, multiple data editor
-windows can be opened at once (figure \ref{fig:data_editors}).
+windows can be opened at once (Figure \ref{fig:data_editors}).
- \centering
- \includegraphics{../figures/data_editors.png}
- \caption{RKWard with several \code{data.frame}s in use at the same time. A) One \code{data.frame} is opened for editing in the 
- main window. B) A second \code{data.frame} is opened as detached window. C) \proglang{R}'s standard data editing features 
-(e.\,g., \code{fix()}, \code{edit()}) are also usable within an RKWard session. 
-In this example \code{fix(DNase)} was invoked from the console (arrow).}
- \label{fig:data_editors}
-\subsection{Handling, manipulating and analyzing data}
+\subsection{Handling, manipulating, and analyzing data}
-Dealing with data -- i.\,e. importing, transforming, filtering, analyzing, and visualizing data --
+Dealing with data -- i.\,e., importing, transforming, filtering, analyzing, and visualizing  --
 is the core strength of \proglang{R}, and one central goal of
 RKWard is to make the most of this functionality available to a broader
 audience by providing it in the form of easy to use GUI dialogs. Since
@@ -291,20 +293,26 @@
 can basically be accomplished by defining GUI dialogs, generating
 \proglang{R} code according to the settings made in
 the GUI, and have the generated code evaluated by the
-\proglang{R} engine. Note that on purpose, RKWard does not have its
+\proglang{R} engine. 
+This general pattern, implemented as plugins, is the %% TODO: MM: i don't think this sentence gets to its point yet. at least i don't get it ;-)
+\marginpar{PK at MM: reads better?}
+basic recipe for most of the functionality provided by RKWard
+(see Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins} for details). 
+%basic recipe for most of the functionality provided by RKWard, and
+%accordingly, this functionality can be presented in a standardized
+%fashion\footnote{Internally, this functionality is implemented as
+%plugins. See Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins} for details.}. 
+Note that on purpose, RKWard does not have its
 own file format for data import and export. That is, it is possible
 to import data from several sources (see below) or to save and load
-\proglang{R} sessions. This general pattern is the %% TODO: MM: i don't think this sentence gets to its point yet. at least i don't get it ;-)
-basic recipe for most of the functionality provided by RKWard, and
-accordingly, this functionality can be presented in a standardized
-fashion\footnote{Internally, this functionality is implemented as
-plugins. See Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins} for details.}. For
-the purpose of this article we will instance the standard
+\proglang{R} workspaces.
+the purpose of this article we will look at the standard
 elements of data handling functions by example of importing CSV
 (comma-separated values) data.
-At the time of this writing, RKWard provides support for importing SPSS
-files, Stata files, and ``delimited text'' data. Technically RKWard
+At the time of this writing, RKWard provides support for importing SPSS,
+Stata, and ``delimited text'' data. Internally, RKWard
 relies on \proglang{R} packages for certain sets of
 data which were already described elsewhere
 \citep{Murdoch2002}. Of course, further formats can
@@ -313,29 +321,30 @@
 the \proglang{R} Console (Section~\ref{sec:using_R_console}). To import CSV
 data, select ``File$\rightarrow$Import format$\rightarrow$Import Text$\rightarrow$CSV''
 data from the menu. This will open the dialog shown in
-Figure~\ref{fig:import_data}A. The central area of this dialog is concerned with setting
-the options to control the import. The input field for
-File name is highlighted, to indicate that
+Figure~\ref{fig:import_data}A. The central area of this dialog provides
+options to control the import. The 
+``File name'' field is highlighted, to indicate that
 it is required to specify a file before the dialog can proceed.
-Further options are available from tabbed pages of the central area.
+Further options are available from the tabbed pages of the central area.
-The right-hand area is common to all data handling
-dialogs. Here the Submit button is used
-to start the import action. It will become enabled once all required
-settings have been made, i.\,e. in this case a file name has been
-selected. The Close button will close the
+The right-side area is common to all data handling
+dialogs. Here the ``Submit'' button is used
+to start the import action. It is enabled once all required
+settings have been made, i.\,e., in this case a file name has been
+selected. The ``Close''  button will close the
 dialog without taking any action.
 The bottom area optionally shows the \proglang{R}
 code corresponding to the current settings, and which will be run
-upon pressing the Submit button (see Section~\ref{sec:importing_data} for generated \proglang{R} code). This
-display is updated dynamically as the user changes settings, allowing
-to see the effect of each change instantly. The code display can be hidden using
-the Code button in the right-hand section of the dialog, as it is in the example.
+upon pressing the ``Submit'' button (see Section~\ref{sec:importing_data} for generated \proglang{R} code). 
+The code display is hidden by default and can be revealed using
+the ``Code'' button. This 
+generated code display is updated dynamically as the user changes settings, allowing
+to see the effect of each change instantly. 
 Most data handling functions will produce some output, which is
 sent to the output window. From there it is possible to repeat the
-action by clicking on the Run Again link
+action by clicking on the ``Run Again'' link
 (see Section~\ref{sec:results_output}).
 \subsection{Graphics window and plot previews}
@@ -343,47 +352,50 @@
 For plotting, RKWard relies on the graphics capabilities provided by
 \proglang{R}. All \proglang{R}
-devices, including onscreen devices, can be used in the regular way.
-However, for the \code{X11()} and \code{windows()} devices, RKWard will add a menu
-bar and toolbar to the device windows (on the MS Windows platform,
-replacing the menu bar regularly provided by the device window). Menu
-bar and toolbar offer access to a number of different functions,
-including GUI dialogs for exporting the current plot to several
-different file formats, or adding a grid to an existing plot (will not
-work for all types of plot). Further, a history mechanism is provided,
+devices, including on{}-screen devices, can be used in the regular way.
+However, for the \code{X11()} and \code{windows()} devices, RKWard adds a menu
+bar and a toolbar to the device windows (on the Windows platform,
+replacing the default menu bar provided by the device). The menu
+bar and toolbar give access to a number of different functions,
+including GUI dialogs for exporting the current plot,
+and adding a grid to an existing plot 
+(works on only certain types of plots). Further, a history mechanism is provided,
 which stores most created plots automatically and allows to navigate
-back to earlier plots (figure \ref{fig:plot_history}). The maximum number
+back to earlier plots (Figure \ref{fig:plot_history}). 
+The history is available as a drop down list of the plot calls as well as using typical ``back''
+and ``forward'' buttons on the toolbar.
+The maximum number
 of plots to record, as well as the maximum size of each individual plot,
-is configurable from the settings menu. The plot history is shared
-between different instances of the on{}-screen device, yet they behave
-independently. For example, if multiple devices are displaying the same
-plot, any modification (including deletion) to the plot on one device
-renders its instances on other devices as "new" and hence can be added
+is configurable from the settings menu. This plot history is shared
+between the open on{}-screen device windows, yet they behave
+independently. For example, if multiple devices display the same
+plot, any modification (including deletion) of the plot on one device
+renders its instances on other devices as ``new'' and hence can be added
 back to the plot history. In addition, duplicating or closing a device
 window records any unsaved plots to the history.
- \includegraphics{../figures/plot_history_cropped.png}
- \caption{Onscreen graphics device window in RKWard. The plot history is 
+ \includegraphics[clip=true,trim=0cm 10cm 0cm 0cm, scale=0.75]{../figures/plot_history_cropped.png}
+ \caption{On{}-screen graphics device window in RKWard. The plot history is 
   available as a drop-down list, allowing to jump directly to a previous 
   plot. In this example, five different plots were performed on the same data 
   set of a random sample (\code{rnorm()}). The plot can be 
-  selectively exported as described in Figure~\ref{fig:boxplot2} via ``Device$\rightarrow$Export...''.
+  selectively exported as described in Figure~\ref{fig:boxplot2} via ``Device$\rightarrow$Export''.
-Also, RKWard provides different plot types with GUI dialogs,
-available from the Plots menu. For those that are, RKWard supports a plot
-preview feature. If the preview button of
-the respective dialog is checked, a device window will be opened, which
+Further, RKWard provides access to different plotting functions using GUI dialogs,
+available from the ``Plots'' menu. Wherever appropriate, RKWard supports a ``plot
+preview'' feature. If the ``Preview'' box of
+the respective dialog is checked (c.\,f., Figure \ref{fig:boxplot1}), a device window is opened, which
 shows the plot as it would be created with the current settings. The
 preview is updated automatically as the user makes changes, allowing to
 see the effect of each setting instantly\footnote{The preview is
 updated asynchronously to keep the GUI responsive; see Section~\ref{sec:technical_graphics}.}. For example, the CLT plugins
-under the Distributions menu can be very helpful to dynamically ``show''
-the convergence while teaching. Such ``preview plots'' are not added to
+under the ``Distributions'' menu can be very helpful to dynamically ``show''
+the convergence in distribution while teaching. For the sake of simplicity, such preview plots are not added to
 the history.
 \subsection{Results output}
@@ -391,37 +403,38 @@
 While all basic mechanisms of
 capturing and documenting \proglang{R} output can also
-be used, RKWard provides a dedicated output file and output
-window for the documentation of results. All GUI-driven data handling
+be used, RKWard provides a dedicated output file and a output
+window for documenting the results. All GUI-driven data handling
 functions (see Section~\ref{sec:analyzing_data}) write their output to this file. 
 The same applies to error messages, in case a plugin fails to perform its task.
-The output is presented in journal view\footnote{Note: The view of the output can be adjusted in
-to a desired font size for easy reading from the menu. 
-Since the output is based on \proglang{HTML} it is also possible to view the source code 
+The output is presented in a journal format\footnote{Note: The font size of the output can be adjusted
+from the menu. 
+Since it is based on \proglang{HTML}, it is also possible to view the source code 
 (see below).}. All results are presented
 sequentially with the last performed task at the bottom.
-It is also possible to write to the output from \proglang{R}
+It is also possible to write to the output directly from \proglang{R}
 scripts by using a number of dedicated \proglang{R}
-functions. For the GUI-driven data handling functions, the output is
+functions included in the \code{rkward} package. For the GUI-driven data handling functions, the output is
 standardized to include the name of the feature, the date and time of
-its execution, and other basic parameters, if
+its execution, and other basic parameters, wherever
 applicable. Further, a clickable ``Run
 Again'' link is rendered below the output of each data
 handling feature, which allows to invoke the same feature again with
 identical parameters\footnote{In case not all parameters could be
-applied, since some of the \proglang{R} objects in
+reused, since, may be, some of the objects in
 question are no longer available, the user will be notified.} (see
 figure \ref{fig:results_output}). Thus, the ``Run
 Again'' feature combines the documentation of the result
 with an automated way to conduct the same analysis again on new
-data, providing benefits similar to, i.\,e., the automated report generation
+data, providing benefits similar to, for example, the automated report generation
 available from \pkg{RreportGenerator}\footnote{The application generates automatic
 reports from routine statistical analysis in bioinformatical
 applications} \citep{RaffelsbergerW2008}.
- \includegraphics[width=15.5cm]{../figures/results_output_cropped.png}
+ %%PK: scaling up reduces the quality; may be increase the font size before screen capture?
+ \includegraphics{../figures/results_output_cropped.png}
  \caption{Sample contents of the output window. Standard elements of plugin output include
  a standardized header, and a ``Run again'' link, which allows to repeat the analysis with
  identical or similar parameters.}
@@ -434,15 +447,16 @@
 accessible for further processing, typically in a dedicated word
 processor. Output is based on
 \proglang{HTML} (hypertext markup language), and the raw
-\proglang{HTML} file and any images can be directly
+\proglang{HTML} file and any images therein can be directly
 retrieved from a dedicated folder
-(\~{}/.rkward, by default). It is also
+($\sim\!$/.rkward, by default). It is also
 possible to select and copy sections of the output directly from the
 output window, and to paste them into office applications as
-\proglang{HTML} code. In future releases, RKWard will
-try to integrate with existing office suites. This
+richly formatted text; even images and tables can be easily copied by drag \& drop. In future releases, 
+it is planned to integrate RKWard
+with existing office suites. This
 will possibly also mean changing to a different file format such as ODF (open
-document format, and technologies such as \pkg{sweave} and \pkg{odfWeave}
+document format) and technologies such as \pkg{sweave} and \pkg{odfWeave}
 \citep{Leisch2002, Kuhn2006}.
 Images contained in the output are stored as
@@ -459,8 +473,8 @@
 \subsection{Package management}
 The number of \proglang{R} packages available from CRAN (the comprehensive \proglang{R} archive
-network), Omegahat\footnote{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/}} and Bioconductor \citep{Gentleman2004} has grown exponentially since \proglang{R} v. 1.3
-(2001) to \proglang{R} v. 2.7 (2008) \citep{Fox2008, Ligges2003, Visne2009}. RKWard
+network), Omegahat\footnote{\url{http://www.omegahat.org/}} and Bioconductor \citep{Gentleman2004} has grown exponentially since \proglang{R}\,1.3
+(2001) to \proglang{R}\,2.7 (2008) \citep{Fox2008, Ligges2003, Visne2009}. RKWard
 utilizes functionality from a growing number of these packages, but avoids
 making the installation of all supported packages a pre-requirement to using
 RKWard at all. Only once a not yet installed package is required to conduct a certain
@@ -474,9 +488,9 @@
 RKWard supports installing packages to any user writable location. If no current
 library location is user writable, RKWard offers to create a new one.
 On UNIX systems, interactively acquiring root privileges for
-installation to the system-wide library is also supported. If used to
-update already installed packages, the user can choose whether to
-update all packages at once, or only selected packages. The installation process
+installation to the system-wide libraries is also supported. If used to
+update already installed packages, the user can choose to either
+update all packages at once, or only the selected ones. The installation process
 itself can be monitored at the interface for error tracking. At the time of this writing, RKWard has no
 built-in tools for the interactive exploration of \proglang{R} packages. However, it is
 possible to invoke external helpers \citep{Zhang2004}.
@@ -490,62 +504,90 @@
 used to open supported file types (e.\,g., \proglang{R}
 scripts, \proglang{HTML} files) inside the main RKWard
 window. For unsupported file types (such as PDF), the
-systems default external applications can be used.
+systems default external applications are used.
 The command log window contains a log of the commands that have been
 evaluated by the \proglang{R} engine, and any output
 produced by these commands. By default, the log shows only commands
 which have been entered by the user or directly correspond to user
 actions, but it can be configured to include commands which are run for
-application internal purposes such as keeping the workspace browser up
+\proglang{RKWard}'s internal purposes such as keeping the workspace browser up
 to date.
 Commands can be submitted while the \proglang{R} engine
 has not yet started, or while another lengthy calculation is still
-performing. In these cases commands are placed into a queue first, and
+in progress. In these cases commands are placed into a queue first, and
 executed as soon as the \proglang{R} engine becomes
-available. A pending jobs window lists current \proglang{R} commands waiting for
+available. The pending jobs window lists current \proglang{R} commands waiting for
 evaluation by the \proglang{R} engine. While this
 window is mostly of interest to application developers for diagnostic
 purposes, it can also be used to interrupt selected commands.
 \subsection{Help system}
-Help on \proglang{R}
-or RKWard can be browsed inside an arbitrary number of document
-windows. These allow to browse \proglang{R} manuals in
-\proglang{HTML} form, help pages on
-\proglang{R} functions and packages, help pages on
-RKWard in general, and help pages on specific GUI dialogs within
-RKWard\footnote{For technical backgound of RKWard GUI help pages 
-please refer to Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins_defining}}. 
-All types of help can be browsed in the
-same document window, and can be cross-linked. For example, help pages for
-RKWard GUI dialogs will typically link to documentation for both
-related RKWard dialogs and the underlying
-\proglang{R} functions.
+%Help on \proglang{R}
+%or RKWard are easily available and accessible through an arbitrary number of document
+%windows. These allow to browse \proglang{R} manuals in
+%\proglang{HTML} form, help pages on
+%\proglang{R} functions and packages, help pages on
+%RKWard in general, and help pages on specific GUI dialogs within
+%RKWard\footnote{For technical backgound of RKWard GUI help pages 
+%please refer to Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins_defining}}. 
+%All types of help can be browsed in the
+%same document window, and can be cross-linked. For example, help pages for
+%RKWard GUI dialogs will typically link to documentation for both
+%related RKWard dialogs and the underlying
+%\proglang{R} functions.
-The help system can be invoked through several actions in the
-Help menu. Help pages on RKWard dialogs can be
-accessed from the dialog itself using the
-Help button. They
-also allow starting the respective dialog by click on a link near the
-top of the page. Help on \proglang{R} specific
-functions can be invoked from the context
-menu of the workspace browser, by pressing F2 (Function
-reference) while the cursor is on a function name in the
-code editor or the \proglang{R} console, or by using
-the \proglang{R} \code{help()}
-command. In addition, a tool view is provided as an interface to the
-\code{help.search()} command in
-\proglang{R}. This allows to search all installed, all
-loaded, or specific \proglang{R} packages for a
-specified topic.
+\proglang{RKWard} provides access to both \proglang{R}  specific and 
+\proglang{RKWard} specific help pages seamlessly in a unified framework. 
+The former includes documentation on \proglang{R} functions and packages 
+and the various R manuals; while the later includes help pages on 
+\proglang{RKWard} in general and on specific GUI dialogs\footnote{For technical 
+backgound of RKWard GUI help pages please refer to Section~\ref{sec:technical_plugins_defining}}. 
+All these various types of help pages can be browsed in the same document 
+window, and are appropriately cross--linked. For example, help pages for
+\proglang{RKWard} GUI dialogs will typically link to documentation for both
+related \proglang{RKWard} dialogs and the underlying \proglang{R} functions.
+It worthwhile to note here that, the TDI interface of the document view area 
+(c.\,f., Figure \ref{fig:main_window}C) allows to utilize arbitrary number of document 
+windows for browsing these help pages simultaneously.
+%The help system can be invoked through several actions in the
+%Help menu. Help pages on RKWard dialogs can be
+%accessed from the dialog itself using the
+%Help button. They
+%also allow starting the respective dialog by click on a link near the
+%top of the page. Help on \proglang{R} specific
+%functions can be invoked from the context
+%menu of the workspace browser, by pressing F2 (Function
+%reference) while the cursor is on a function name in the
+%code editor or the \proglang{R} console, or by using
+%the \proglang{R} \code{help()}
+%command. In addition, a tool view is provided as an interface to the
+%\code{help.search()} command in
+%\proglang{R}. This allows to search all installed, all
+%loaded, or specific \proglang{R} packages for a
+%specified topic.
+An easy way to access the help system is the ``Help'' menu. Help pages on
+\proglang{RKWard} GUI dialogs can be accessed from the dialog itself using the
+``Help'' button. An useful (``reverse'') feature here is that these pages include 
+a link near the top of the page to start the corresponding GUI dialog directly.
+\marginpar{Does this need a figure?}
+Help on \proglang{R} specific functions can be invoked from multiple places, 
+such as, the context menu of the workspace browser, by pressing F2 (function
+reference) while the cursor is on a function name either in the code editor or 
+in the \proglang{R} console, and of course, by using the \proglang{R} \code{help()}
+command. In addition, a tool view window\footnote{Note the ``Help search'' 
+tool in Figure \ref{fig:main_window}E} is provided as an interface to the
+\code{help.search()} command in \proglang{R}. This allows to search all installed, 
+all loaded, and related \proglang{R} packages for a specified topic.
 The help browser window is based on the \proglang{KDE}
-\proglang{HTML} viewer component and supports
-features like increasing/decreasing the font size or searching text
-within a help page. \proglang{R} code inside a help
+\proglang{HTML} viewer component and supports typical
+features like increasing or decreasing the font size and searching text
+within a page. Additionally, \proglang{R} code inside a help
 page can be sent to the \proglang{R} engine for
-evaluation by selecting it and pressing F8 (Run/Run
+evaluation by selecting it and pressing F8 (or via ``Run$\rightarrow$Run

Modified: branches/jss_dec_10/figures/plot_history_cropped.png
(Binary files differ)

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