[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2549] trunk/rkward

tfry at users.sourceforge.net tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jun 24 20:37:50 UTC 2009

Revision: 2549
Author:   tfry
Date:     2009-06-24 20:37:50 +0000 (Wed, 24 Jun 2009)

Log Message:
Some more touch-ups to the test framework. The basic features work, now.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/misc/rksaveobjectchooser.cpp
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/misc/rksaveobjectchooser.cpp	2009-06-24 17:19:38 UTC (rev 2548)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/misc/rksaveobjectchooser.cpp	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
 	RObject *object = RObjectList::getGlobalEnv ()->findObject (validizedSelectedObjectName ());
 	if (object) {
-qDebug ("exists: %s", qPrintable (object->getFullName ()));
 		object_exists = true;
 		overwrite_confirm->setText (i18n ("Overwrite? (The given object name already exists)"));
 		overwrite_confirm->setEnabled (true);

Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/CMakeLists.txt
--- trunk/rkward/tests/CMakeLists.txt	2009-06-24 17:19:38 UTC (rev 2548)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/CMakeLists.txt	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET (plugintests
-	COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../rkward/rkward --evaluate 'source (\"import_export_plugins.R\")'
+	COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../rkward/rkward --evaluate 'source (\"all_tests.R\")'
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/rkward/tests/all_tests.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/all_tests.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/all_tests.R	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if (!isClass ("RKTestSuite")) source ("test_framework.R")
+## add your test suite files, to this vector:
+testsuites <- c ("import_export_plugins.R")
+allresults <- new ("RKTestResult")
+for (testsuite in testsuites) {
+	source (testsuite)
+	allresults <- rktest.appendTestResults (allresults, results)
+	rm ("results")
+print ("Overall results:")
+print (allresults)

Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/import_export_plugins.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/import_export_plugins.R	2009-06-24 17:19:38 UTC (rev 2548)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/import_export_plugins.R	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+## intro
 # This should be the first line in each test suite file: Include the
-# test framework, multiple inclusion should do no harm
-source ("test.R")
+# test framework, unless already included (multiple inclusion would not
+# really do any harm either, though
+if (!isClass ("RKTestSuite")) source ("test_framework.R")
+## definition of the test suite
 suite <- new ("RKTestSuite", id="import_export_plugins",
+	# initCalls are run *before* any tests. Use this to set up the environment
 	initCalls = list (
 		function () {
 			library ("R2HTML")
@@ -16,6 +20,7 @@
 			suppressWarnings (rm ("women"))
+	## the tests
 	), tests = list (
 		new ("RKTest", id="load_r_object", call=function () {
 			rk.call.plugin ("rkward::load_r_object", file.selection="women.RData", other_env.state="0", submit.mode="submit")
@@ -34,9 +39,9 @@
 			# this one is expected to fail, as it would overwrite the existing "women" in globalenv()
 			rk.call.plugin ("rkward::import_csv", file.selection="women.csv", name.selection="women", submit.mode="submit")
 		}, expect_error=TRUE)
-	), postCalls = list ()
+	), postCalls = list ()	# like initCalls: run after all tests to clean up. Empty in this case.
-y <- rktest.runRKTestSuite (suite)
-print (y)
+## always store the result in "results" and print it
+results <- rktest.runRKTestSuite (suite)
+print (results)

Deleted: trunk/rkward/tests/test.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/test.R	2009-06-24 17:19:38 UTC (rev 2548)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/test.R	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-setClass ("RKTestSuite",
-		representation (id="character", initCalls="list", tests="list", postCalls="list"),
-		prototype(character(0), id=NULL, initCalls=list(), tests=list(), postCalls=list ()),
-		validity=function (object) {
-			if (length (object at id) != 1) return (FALSE)
-			if (length (object at tests) < 1) return (FALSE)
-			return (TRUE)
-		}
-	)
-setClass ("RKTest",
-		representation (id="character", call="function", fuzzy_output="logical", expect_error="logical"),
-		prototype(character(0), id=NULL, call=function () { stop () }, fuzzy_output=FALSE, expect_error=FALSE),
-		validity=function (object) {
-			if (is.null (object at id)) return (FALSE)
-			return (TRUE)
-		}
-	)
-setClass ("RKTestResult",
-		representation (id = "character", code_match = "logical", output_match = "logical", message_match = "logical", error="logical", passed="logical"),
-		prototype(character(0), id = character (0), code_match = NA, output_match = NA, message_match = NA, error = NA, passed=FALSE),
-		validity=function (object) {
-			return (all.equal (length (object at id), length (object at code_match), length (object at output_match), length (object at message_match), length (object at error), length (object at passed)))
-		}
-	)
-setMethod ("show", "RKTestResult", function (object) {
-	stopifnot (inherits (object, "RKTestResult"))
-	cat (format ("ID", width=20))
-	cat (format ("code match", width=15))
-	cat (format ("output match", width=15))
-	cat (format ("message match", width=15))
-	cat (format ("error", width=15))
-	cat (format ("result", width=15))
-	cat ("\n")
-	for (i in 1:length (object at id)) {
-		cat (format (object at id[i], width=20))
-		cat (format (if (object at code_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
-		cat (format (if (object at output_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
-		cat (format (if (object at message_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
-		cat (format (if (object at error[i]) "TRUE" else "false", width=15))
-		cat (format (if (object at passed[i]) "pass" else "FAIL", width=15))
-		cat ("\n")
-	}
-rktest.appendTestResults <- function (objecta, objectb) {
-	stopifnot (inherits (objecta, "RKTestResult") && validObject (objecta))
-	stopifnot (inherits (objectb, "RKTestResult") && validObject (objectb))
-	index <- length (objecta at id)
-	for (i in 1:length (objectb at id)) {
-		objecta at id[index+i] = objectb at id[i]
-		objecta at code_match[index+i] = objectb at code_match[i]
-		objecta at output_match[index+i] = objectb at output_match[i]
-		objecta at message_match[index+i] = objectb at message_match[i]
-		objecta at error[index+i] = objectb at error[i]
-		objecta at passed[index+i] = objectb at passed[i]
-	}
-	objecta
-rktest.file <- function (id, extension) {
-	file.path(getwd(), paste (id, extension, sep=""))
-# returns true, if file corresponds to standard.
-rktest.compare.against.standard <- function (file) {
-	standard_file <- paste (file, ".standard", sep="")
-	if (!file.exists (file)) {
-		# if neither exists, that means both files are empty
-		if (!file.exists (standard_file)) return (TRUE)
-	}
-	output.diff <- system(paste("diff", shQuote(file), shQuote(standard_file), "2>&1"), intern=TRUE)
-	if (!length (output.diff)) return (TRUE)
-	if ((length (output.diff) == 1) && (!nzchar (output.diff))) return (TRUE)
-	print (paste ("Differences between", file, "and", standard_file, ":"))
-	print (output.diff)
-	return (FALSE)
-rktest.runRKTest.internal <- function (test, output_file, code_file, message_file) {
-	# save / restore old output file
-	old_output <- rk.get.output.html.file ()
-	rk.set.output.html.file (output_file)
-	on.exit (rk.set.output.html.file (old_output), add=TRUE)
-	message_file_handle <- file (message_file, open="w+")
-	sink(message_file_handle, type="message")
-	on.exit ({
-			sink (NULL, type="message")
-			close (message_file_handle)
-		}, add=TRUE)
-	rk.record.commands (code_file)
-	on.exit (rk.record.commands (NULL), add=TRUE)
-	old.symbols <- ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE)
-	on.exit ({
-			# clean up any new objects created by the test
-			new.symbols <- ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE)
-			new.symbols <- new.symbols[!(new.symbols %in% old.symbols)]
-			rm (list=new.symbols, envir=globalenv ())
-			rk.sync.global ()
-		}, add=TRUE)
-	failed <- TRUE
-	try ({
-		test at call ()
-		failed <- FALSE
-	})
-	return (failed)
-rktest.runRKTest <- function (test) {
-	result <- new ("RKTestResult")		# FALSE by default
-	if (!inherits (test, "RKTest")) return (result)
-	result at id <- test at id
-	if (!validObject (test)) return (result)
-	output_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkout")
-	code_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkcom")
-	message_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkwarn")
-	# the essence of the test:
-	result at error <- rktest.runRKTest.internal (test, output_file, code_file, message_file)
-	result at output_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (output_file)
-	result at message_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (message_file)
-	result at code_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (code_file)
-	if ((result at error == test at expect_error) && (result at output_match || test at fuzzy_output) && result at code_match && result at message_match) result at passed = TRUE
-	result
-rktest.cleanRKTestSuite <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
-	oldwd = getwd ()
-	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
-	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
-	files <- list.files ()
-	# do not delete the standards!
-	files <- grep (".*\\.standard$", files, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
-	file.remove (files)
-	invisible (NULL)
-rktest.runRKTestSuite <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
-	result <- new ("RKTestResult")		# FALSE by default
-	if (!inherits (suite, "RKTestSuite")) return (result)
-	if (!validObject (suite)) return (result)
-	# clean any old results
-	rktest.cleanRKTestSuite (suite, basedir)
-	oldwd = getwd ()
-	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
-	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
-	if (length (suite at initCalls) > 0) {
-		for (i in 1:length (suite at initCalls)) try (suite at initCalls[[i]]())
-	}
-	for (i in 1:length (suite at tests)) {
-		try (res <- rktest.runRKTest(suite at tests[[i]]))
-		result <- rktest.appendTestResults (result, res)
-	}
-	if (length (suite at postCalls) > 0) {
-		for (i in 1:length (suite at postCalls)) try (suite at postCalls[[i]]())
-	}
-	result
-rktest.setSuiteStandards <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
-	if (!inherits (suite, "RKTestSuite")) return (result)
-	if (!validObject (suite)) return (result)
-	ok <- readline ("You are about to set new standards for this suite. This means you are certain that ALL tests in this suite have produced the expected/correct result on the last run. If you are absolutely sure, enter \"I am sure\" to proceed.");
-	if (ok != "I am sure") stop ("Aborted")
-	oldwd = getwd ()
-	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
-	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
-	files <- list.files ()
-	files <- grep (".*\\.(rkwarn|rkcom|rkout)$", files, value=TRUE)
-	file.copy (files, paste (files, ".standard", sep=""), overwrite=TRUE)
-	# clean anything that is *not* a standard file
-	rktest.cleanRKTestSuite (suite, basedir)
-# You can use this to temporarily replace .rk.rerun.plugin.link.
-# This way, after running a plugin, you are shown the call needed to run this
-# plugin with those settings, instead of the link.
-.rk.rerun.plugin.link.replacement <- function (plugin, settings, label) {
-	.rk.cat.output ("<h3>Rerun code:</h3>")
-	.rk.cat.output ("<pre>")
-	.rk.cat.output ("rk.call.plugin (\"")
-	.rk.cat.output (plugin)
-	.rk.cat.output ("\", ")
-	.rk.cat.output (gsub ("^\"", "", gsub ("=", "=\"", gsub ("\n", "\", ", settings))))
-	.rk.cat.output ("\", submit.mode=\"submit\")</pre>")
-# HACK: Override date, so we don't get a difference for each call of rk.header ()
-# TODO: implement a clean solution inside rk.header()
-date <- function () {
-	return ("DATE")

Copied: trunk/rkward/tests/test_framework.R (from rev 2548, trunk/rkward/tests/test.R)
--- trunk/rkward/tests/test_framework.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/test_framework.R	2009-06-24 20:37:50 UTC (rev 2549)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+setClass ("RKTestSuite",
+		representation (id="character", initCalls="list", tests="list", postCalls="list"),
+		prototype(character(0), id=NULL, initCalls=list(), tests=list(), postCalls=list ()),
+		validity=function (object) {
+			if (length (object at id) != 1) return (FALSE)
+			if (length (object at tests) < 1) return (FALSE)
+			return (TRUE)
+		}
+	)
+setClass ("RKTest",
+		representation (id="character", call="function", fuzzy_output="logical", expect_error="logical"),
+		prototype(character(0), id=NULL, call=function () { stop () }, fuzzy_output=FALSE, expect_error=FALSE),
+		validity=function (object) {
+			if (is.null (object at id)) return (FALSE)
+			return (TRUE)
+		}
+	)
+setClass ("RKTestResult",
+		representation (id = "character", code_match = "logical", output_match = "logical", message_match = "logical", error="logical", passed="logical"),
+		prototype(character(0), id = character (0), code_match = NA, output_match = NA, message_match = NA, error = NA, passed=FALSE),
+		validity=function (object) {
+			return (all.equal (length (object at id), length (object at code_match), length (object at output_match), length (object at message_match), length (object at error), length (object at passed)))
+		}
+	)
+setMethod ("show", "RKTestResult", function (object) {
+	stopifnot (inherits (object, "RKTestResult"))
+	cat (format ("ID", width=20))
+	cat (format ("code match", width=15))
+	cat (format ("output match", width=15))
+	cat (format ("message match", width=15))
+	cat (format ("error", width=15))
+	cat (format ("result", width=15))
+	cat ("\n")
+	for (i in 1:length (object at id)) {
+		cat (format (object at id[i], width=20))
+		cat (format (if (object at code_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
+		cat (format (if (object at output_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
+		cat (format (if (object at message_match[i]) "true" else "FALSE", width=15))
+		cat (format (if (object at error[i]) "TRUE" else "false", width=15))
+		cat (format (if (object at passed[i]) "pass" else "FAIL", width=15))
+		cat ("\n")
+	}
+rktest.appendTestResults <- function (objecta, objectb) {
+	stopifnot (inherits (objecta, "RKTestResult") && validObject (objecta))
+	stopifnot (inherits (objectb, "RKTestResult") && validObject (objectb))
+	index <- length (objecta at id)
+	for (i in 1:length (objectb at id)) {
+		objecta at id[index+i] = objectb at id[i]
+		objecta at code_match[index+i] = objectb at code_match[i]
+		objecta at output_match[index+i] = objectb at output_match[i]
+		objecta at message_match[index+i] = objectb at message_match[i]
+		objecta at error[index+i] = objectb at error[i]
+		objecta at passed[index+i] = objectb at passed[i]
+	}
+	objecta
+rktest.file <- function (id, extension) {
+	file.path(getwd(), paste (id, extension, sep=""))
+# returns true, if file corresponds to standard.
+rktest.compare.against.standard <- function (file) {
+	standard_file <- paste (file, ".standard", sep="")
+	if (!file.exists (file)) {
+		# if neither exists, that means both files are empty
+		if (!file.exists (standard_file)) return (TRUE)
+	}
+	output.diff <- system(paste("diff", shQuote(file), shQuote(standard_file), "2>&1"), intern=TRUE)
+	if (!length (output.diff)) return (TRUE)
+	if ((length (output.diff) == 1) && (!nzchar (output.diff))) return (TRUE)
+	print (paste ("Differences between", file, "and", standard_file, ":"))
+	print (output.diff)
+	return (FALSE)
+rktest.runRKTest.internal <- function (test, output_file, code_file, message_file) {
+	# save / restore old output file
+	old_output <- rk.get.output.html.file ()
+	rk.set.output.html.file (output_file)
+	on.exit (rk.set.output.html.file (old_output), add=TRUE)
+	message_file_handle <- file (message_file, open="w+")
+	sink(message_file_handle, type="message")
+	on.exit ({
+			sink (NULL, type="message")
+			close (message_file_handle)
+		}, add=TRUE)
+	rk.record.commands (code_file)
+	on.exit (rk.record.commands (NULL), add=TRUE)
+	old.symbols <- ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE)
+	on.exit ({
+			# clean up any new objects created by the test
+			new.symbols <- ls (envir=globalenv (), all.names=TRUE)
+			new.symbols <- new.symbols[!(new.symbols %in% old.symbols)]
+			rm (list=new.symbols, envir=globalenv ())
+			rk.sync.global ()
+		}, add=TRUE)
+	failed <- TRUE
+	try ({
+		test at call ()
+		failed <- FALSE
+	})
+	return (failed)
+rktest.runRKTest <- function (test) {
+	result <- new ("RKTestResult")		# FALSE by default
+	if (!inherits (test, "RKTest")) return (result)
+	result at id <- test at id
+	if (!validObject (test)) return (result)
+	output_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkout")
+	code_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkcom")
+	message_file <- rktest.file (test at id, ".rkwarn")
+	# the essence of the test:
+	result at error <- rktest.runRKTest.internal (test, output_file, code_file, message_file)
+	result at output_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (output_file)
+	result at message_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (message_file)
+	result at code_match = rktest.compare.against.standard (code_file)
+	if ((result at error == test at expect_error) && (result at output_match || test at fuzzy_output) && result at code_match && result at message_match) result at passed = TRUE
+	result
+rktest.cleanRKTestSuite <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
+	oldwd = getwd ()
+	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
+	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
+	files <- list.files ()
+	# do not delete the standards!
+	files <- grep (".*\\.standard$", files, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
+	file.remove (files)
+	invisible (NULL)
+rktest.runRKTestSuite <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
+	result <- new ("RKTestResult")		# FALSE by default
+	if (!inherits (suite, "RKTestSuite")) return (result)
+	if (!validObject (suite)) return (result)
+	# clean any old results
+	rktest.cleanRKTestSuite (suite, basedir)
+	oldwd = getwd ()
+	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
+	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
+	if (length (suite at initCalls) > 0) {
+		for (i in 1:length (suite at initCalls)) try (suite at initCalls[[i]]())
+	}
+	for (i in 1:length (suite at tests)) {
+		try (res <- rktest.runRKTest(suite at tests[[i]]))
+		result <- rktest.appendTestResults (result, res)
+	}
+	if (length (suite at postCalls) > 0) {
+		for (i in 1:length (suite at postCalls)) try (suite at postCalls[[i]]())
+	}
+	result
+rktest.setSuiteStandards <- function (suite, basedir=getwd ()) {
+	if (!inherits (suite, "RKTestSuite")) return (result)
+	if (!validObject (suite)) return (result)
+	ok <- readline ("You are about to set new standards for this suite. This means you are certain that ALL tests in this suite have produced the expected/correct result on the last run. If you are absolutely sure, enter \"I am sure\" to proceed.");
+	if (ok != "I am sure") stop ("Aborted")
+	oldwd = getwd ()
+	on.exit (setwd (oldwd))
+	setwd (paste (basedir, suite at id, sep="/"))
+	files <- list.files ()
+	files <- grep (".*\\.(rkwarn|rkcom|rkout)$", files, value=TRUE)
+	file.copy (files, paste (files, ".standard", sep=""), overwrite=TRUE)
+	# clean anything that is *not* a standard file
+	rktest.cleanRKTestSuite (suite, basedir)
+# You can use this to temporarily replace .rk.rerun.plugin.link.
+# This way, after running a plugin, you are shown the call needed to run this
+# plugin with those settings, instead of the link.
+.rk.rerun.plugin.link.replacement <- function (plugin, settings, label) {
+	.rk.cat.output ("<h3>Rerun code:</h3>")
+	.rk.cat.output ("<pre>")
+	.rk.cat.output ("rk.call.plugin (\"")
+	.rk.cat.output (plugin)
+	.rk.cat.output ("\", ")
+	.rk.cat.output (gsub ("^\"", "", gsub ("=", "=\"", gsub ("\n", "\", ", settings))))
+	.rk.cat.output ("\", submit.mode=\"submit\")</pre>")
+# HACK: Override date, so we don't get a difference for each call of rk.header ()
+# TODO: implement a clean solution inside rk.header()
+date <- function () {
+	return ("DATE")

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