[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2534] trunk/rkward
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Jun 16 13:18:18 UTC 2009
Revision: 2534
Author: tfry
Date: 2009-06-16 13:18:18 +0000 (Tue, 16 Jun 2009)
Log Message:
Remove some more support code for R < 2.7.0
Bump version just in case.
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/rkward/ChangeLog
--- trunk/rkward/ChangeLog 2009-06-15 11:24:46 UTC (rev 2533)
+++ trunk/rkward/ChangeLog 2009-06-16 13:18:18 UTC (rev 2534)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
TODO: add notice on differing licences/copyrights in subdirs
-- Remove support for R 2.6.x and earlier TODO: clean up more (internal.R, RData?), adjust debian control
+- Remove support for R 2.6.x and earlier TODO: clean up more (RData?), adjust debian control
- Add basic checks for a correct installation of the RKWard resource files
- Remove "What to expect" dialog at startup
- Make keyboard shorcuts configurable
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R 2009-06-15 11:24:46 UTC (rev 2533)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R 2009-06-16 13:18:18 UTC (rev 2534)
@@ -116,14 +116,15 @@
"require" <- function (package, quietly = FALSE, character.only = FALSE, ...)
- if (!character.only) {
- package <- as.character(substitute(package))
- }
- if (!base::require(as.character(package), quietly = quietly, character.only = TRUE, ...)) {
- .rk.do.call("require", as.character(package))
- return(base::require(as.character(package), quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE, ...))
- }
- return(TRUE)
+ if (!character.only) {
+ package <- as.character(substitute(package))
+ }
+ if (!base::require(as.character(package), quietly = quietly, character.only = TRUE, ...)) {
+ .rk.do.call("require", as.character(package))
+ invisible(base::require(as.character(package), quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE, ...))
+ } else {
+ invisible(TRUE)
+ }
# overriding q, to ask via GUI instead. Arguments are not interpreted.
@@ -189,47 +190,26 @@
-if (compareVersion (paste (R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep="."), "2.4.0") >= 0) {
- ".rk.make.watch.f" <- function (k) {
- # we need to make sure, the functions we use are *not* looked up as symbols in .GlobalEnv.
- # else, for instance, if the user names a symbol "missing", and we try to resolve it in the
- # wrapper function below, evaluation would recurse to look up "missing" in the .GlobalEnv
- # due to the call to "if (!missing(value))".
- get <- base::get
- missing <- base::missing
- assign <- base::assign
- .rk.do.call <- rkward::.rk.do.call
- invisible <- base::invisible
- function (value) {
- if (!missing (value)) {
- assign (k, value, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
- .rk.do.call ("ws", k);
- invisible (value)
- } else {
- get (k, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
- }
+".rk.make.watch.f" <- function (k) {
+ # we need to make sure, the functions we use are *not* looked up as symbols in .GlobalEnv.
+ # else, for instance, if the user names a symbol "missing", and we try to resolve it in the
+ # wrapper function below, evaluation would recurse to look up "missing" in the .GlobalEnv
+ # due to the call to "if (!missing(value))".
+ get <- base::get
+ missing <- base::missing
+ assign <- base::assign
+ .rk.do.call <- rkward::.rk.do.call
+ invisible <- base::invisible
+ function (value) {
+ if (!missing (value)) {
+ assign (k, value, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
+ .rk.do.call ("ws", k);
+ invisible (value)
+ } else {
+ get (k, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
-} else {
- # see above, but '::' operator was more picky in R < 2.4
- ".rk.make.watch.f" <- function (k) {
- get <- base::get
- missing <- base::missing
- assign <- base::assign
- .rk.do.call <- get (".rk.do.call", envir=as.environment ("package:rkward"))
- invisible <- base::invisible
- function (value) {
- if (!missing (value)) {
- assign (k, value, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
- .rk.do.call ("ws", k);
- invisible (value)
- } else {
- get (k, envir=.rk.watched.symbols)
- }
- }
- }
".rk.watch.symbol" <- function (k) {
@@ -243,7 +223,7 @@
invisible (TRUE)
-# not needed by rkward
+# not needed by rkward but provided for completeness
".rk.unwatch.symbol" <- function (k) {
rm (list=k, envir=globalenv ())
@@ -300,88 +280,6 @@
eval (substitute (x <- y), envir=envir)
-".rk.get.structure.old" <- function (x, name, envlevel=0, namespacename=NULL, misplaced=FALSE, envir) {
- fun <- FALSE
- cont <- FALSE
- type <- 0
-# Do not change the order! Make sure all fields exist, even if empty
- if (missing (x)) {
-# .Call ("rk.test.type", name, envir) # Testing code. TODO: clean up
- x <- get (name, envir=envir)
- }
-# 1: name should always be first
- name <- as.character (name)
-# 2: classification
- if (is.data.frame (x)) type <- type + 1
- if (is.matrix (x)) type <- type + 2
- if (is.array (x)) type <- type + 4
- if (is.list (x)) type <- type + 8
- if (type != 0) {
- type <- type + 16
- cont <- TRUE
- } else {
- if (is.function (x)) {
- fun <- TRUE
- type <- 128
- } else if (is.environment (x)) {
- type <- 256
- cont <- TRUE
- } else {
- type <- 32
- if (is.factor (x)) type <- type + 32768 # 2 << 14
- else if (is.numeric (x)) type <- type + 16384 # 1 << 14
- else if (is.character (x)) type <- type + 49152 # 3 << 14
- else if (is.logical (x)) type <- type + 65536 # 4 << 14
- }
- }
- if (!is.null (attr (x, ".rk.meta"))) type = type + 4096
- if (misplaced) type <- type + 8192
- type <- as.integer (type)
-# 3: classes
- classes <- class (x)
- if (is.null (classes)) classes = ""
-# 4: meta info
- meta <- .rk.get.meta (x)
- if (is.null (meta)) meta <- ""
-# 5: dimensionality
- dims <- dim(x)
- if (is.null (dims)) dims <- length (x) # handling for objects that - according to R - do not have a dimension (such as vectors, functions, etc.)
- if (is.null (dims)) dims <- 0 # according to help ("length"), we need to play safe
- dims <- as.integer (dims)
-# 6: Special info valid for some objects ony. This should always be last in the returned structure, as the number of fields may vary
- if (cont) { # a container
- if (is.environment (x)) {
- sub <- .rk.get.environment.children (x, envlevel+1, namespacename)
- } else {
- sub <- list ()
- nms <- names (x)
- if (!is.null (nms)) {
- i <- 0
- for (child in x) {
- i <- i+1
- sub[[nms[i]]] <- .rk.get.structure (child, nms[i], envlevel)
- }
- }
- }
- return (invisible (list (name, type, classes, meta, dims, sub)))
- } else if (fun) { # a function
- argnames <- as.character (names (formals (x)))
- argvalues <- as.character (lapply (formals (x), function (v) {
- if (is.character (v)) return (encodeString (v, quote="\""))
- else return (v)
- } ))
- return (invisible (list (name, type, classes, meta, dims, argnames, argvalues)))
- }
- return (invisible (list (name, type, classes, meta, dims)))
".rk.get.structure.new" <- function (x, name, envlevel=0, namespacename=NULL) {
.Call ("rk.get.structure", x, as.character (name), as.integer (envlevel), namespacename)
@@ -412,23 +310,12 @@
ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (name=childname, envlevel=envlevel, envir=x)
} else {
- # before R 2.4.0, operator "::" would only work on true namespaces, not on package names (operator "::" work, if there is a namespace, and that namespace has the symbol in it)
- # TODO remove once we depend on R >= 2.4.0
- if (compareVersion (paste (R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep="."), "2.4.0") < 0) {
- ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
- for (childname in lst) {
- misplaced <- FALSE
- if (is.null (ns) || (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
- ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (name=childname, envlevel=envlevel, misplaced=misplaced, envir=x)
- }
- } else {
# for R 2.4.0 or greater: operator "::" works if package has no namespace at all, or has a namespace with the symbol in it
- ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
- for (childname in lst) {
- misplaced <- FALSE
- if ((!is.null (ns)) && (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
- ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (name=childname, envlevel=envlevel, misplaced=misplaced, envir=x)
- }
+ ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
+ for (childname in lst) {
+ misplaced <- FALSE
+ if ((!is.null (ns)) && (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
+ ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (name=childname, envlevel=envlevel, misplaced=misplaced, envir=x)
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/ver.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/ver.R 2009-06-15 11:24:46 UTC (rev 2533)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/ver.R 2009-06-16 13:18:18 UTC (rev 2534)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-".rk.app.version" <- "0.5.1-pre2"
+".rk.app.version" <- "0.5.1-pre2b"
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/resource.ver
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/resource.ver 2009-06-15 11:24:46 UTC (rev 2533)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/resource.ver 2009-06-16 13:18:18 UTC (rev 2534)
@@ -1 +1 @@
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/version.h
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/version.h 2009-06-15 11:24:46 UTC (rev 2533)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/version.h 2009-06-16 13:18:18 UTC (rev 2534)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
/* Version number of package */
-#define VERSION "0.5.1-pre2"
+#define VERSION "0.5.1-pre2b"
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