[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2531] trunk/rkward

tfry at users.sourceforge.net tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Jun 12 15:01:39 UTC 2009

Revision: 2531
Author:   tfry
Date:     2009-06-12 15:01:38 +0000 (Fri, 12 Jun 2009)

Log Message:
Add logic to create an NSIS windows installer

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/README.txt
--- trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/README.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/README.txt	2009-06-12 15:01:38 UTC (rev 2531)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+This directory contains files to create a windows installer based on the
+Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS): http://nsis.sourceforge.net
+Use make_release.bat to create a windows release from the current SVN-state.
+The first few lines of that file may need customization.
+Just like the debian/ directory for debian packaging, this directory is not
+meant to become part of source releases.
+During creation of the installer, a number of files are automatically generated
+inside this directory. Please don't add those to SVN.

Added: trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/installer.nsi
--- trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/installer.nsi	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/installer.nsi	2009-06-12 15:01:38 UTC (rev 2531)
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+!define R_DOWNLOAD_URL "http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/"
+!define KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL "http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Installation"
+!define PHP_DOWNLOAD_URL "http://www.php.net/downloads.php"
+!include nsDialogs.nsh
+!include LogicLib.nsh
+!include TextFunc.nsh
+!include rkward_version.nsh
+Name "RKWard"
+outFile "install_rkward_${RKWARD_VERSION}.exe"
+# main variables
+# page variables
+Var Dialog
+Var FileSelectLineEdit
+Var Button
+Var FileSelectCurrent
+Var FileBrowseInstructionText
+Var FileBrowseValidateFunc
+Var FileBrowseStatusLabel
+Var MyTemp
+Var RHomeOk
+Var KDEPrefixOk
+Var DownloadLinkText
+Var DownloadLinkDest
+# pages
+Page custom WelcomeCreate
+PageEx license
+	LicenseData "COPYING"
+Page custom RHomeCreate RHomeLeave
+Page custom KDEHomeCreate KDEHomeLeave
+Page instfiles
+!macro MakeExternalLink Py Plabel Plink
+	Push $0 ; save $0
+	${NSD_CreateLink} 0 ${Py} 100% 16u "${Plabel}"
+	Pop $0
+	nsDialogs::SetUserData $0 ${Plink}
+	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp OpenExternalLink
+	nsDialogs::onClick $0 $MyTemp
+	Pop $0 ; restore old value
+Function FileBrowseButtonClick
+	Pop $0
+	nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog /NOUNLOAD $FileBrowseInstructionText $FileSelectCurrent
+	Pop $MyTemp
+	${If} $MyTemp != error
+		${NSD_SetText} $FileSelectLineEdit $MyTemp
+	${EndIf}
+Function FileSelectLineEditChange
+	Pop $0
+	${NSD_GetText} $FileSelectLineEdit $FileSelectCurrent
+	Call $FileBrowseValidateFunc
+Function OpenExternalLink
+	Pop $0
+	nsDialogs::getUserData $0
+	Pop $0
+	ExecShell "open" $0
+Function WelcomeCreate
+	nsDialogs::Create 1018
+	Pop $Dialog
+	${If} $Dialog == error
+		Abort
+	${EndIf}
+	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 20u "Welcome to the RKWard on Windows installer."
+	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 21u 100% 48u "RKWard on Windows is still young, and installation is a bit cumbersome, but we'll talk you through the needed steps.$\r$\nNote that you need to install R and KDE _before_ you can install RKWard. PHP is also needed at runtime (but this installer will run without it).$\r$\nTo download the required software / or to get more info, these links should be helpful:"
+	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 70u "Help resources for RKWard on Windows" "http://p.sf.net/rkward/windows"
+	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 86u "Download R installer" ${R_DOWNLOAD_URL}
+	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 102u "KDE installation instructions" ${KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL}
+	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink 118u "Download PHP installer" ${PHP_DOWNLOAD_URL}
+	nsDialogs::Show
+# Check wether $FileSelectCurrent qualifies as R home directory
+Function ValidateRHome
+	Var /Global RHomeOk_count
+	StrCpy $RHomeOk_count 0
+	StrCpy $RHomeOk "no"
+	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe Rexe_found
+		StrCpy $0 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe does not exist"
+	Goto NextCheck
+	Rexe_Found:
+		StrCpy $0 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.exe exists"
+		IntOp $RHomeOk_count $RHomeOk_count + 1
+	NextCheck:
+	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.dll Rdll_found
+		StrCpy $1 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.dll does not exist"
+	Goto done
+	Rdll_Found:
+		GetDllVersion "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.dll" $R0 $R1
+		IntOp $R2 $R0 / 0x00010000
+		IntOp $R3 $R0 & 0x0000FFFF
+		StrCpy $1 "Version $R2.$R3"
+		# 0x00020005a == Version 2.9(.)0
+		${If} $R0 >= 0x0002005a
+			StrCpy $2 "should be ok"
+			IntOp $RHomeOk_count $RHomeOk_count + 1
+		${Else}
+			StrCpy $2 "is too old!"
+		${EndIf}
+		StrCpy $1 "$FileSelectCurrent\bin\R.dll exists ($1 $2)"
+	done:
+	${If} $RHomeOk_count >= 2
+		StrCpy $2 "OK!"
+		StrCpy $RHomeOk "yes"
+	${Else}
+		StrCpy $2 "FAIL!"
+	${EndIf}
+	${NSD_SetText} $FileBrowseStatusLabel "$0$\r$\n$1$\r$\n$\r$\n$2"
+	StrCpy $INST_RHOME $FileSelectCurrent
+Function RHomeCreate
+	${If} $INST_RHOME == ""
+	${EndIf}
+	StrCpy $FileSelectCurrent $INST_RHOME
+	StrCpy $FileBrowseInstructionText "Select the directory of your _existing_ R installation. R has to be installed, already, this installer will not do this for you (but see the link at the bottom of this page."
+	GetFunctionAddress $FileBrowseValidateFunc ValidateRHome
+	StrCpy $DownloadLinkText "Download R installer"
+	StrCpy $DownloadLinkDest ${R_DOWNLOAD_URL}
+	Call CreateDirSelectionPage
+Function RHomeLeave
+	${If} $RHomeOk != "yes"
+			"$FileSelectCurrent does not qualify as the directory of the R installation to use.$\r$\nEither R is not installed, there at all, or the installed version is to old."
+		Abort ;
+	${EndIf}
+Function KDEHomeCreate
+	${If} $INST_KDEPREFIX == ""
+		ExecWait 'cmd.exe /C kde4-config --prefix > "$PLUGINSDIR\kdeprefix.txt"'
+		ClearErrors
+		FileOpen $0 "$PLUGINSDIR\kdeprefix.txt" r
+		IfErrors notinpath
+		FileRead $0 $INST_KDEPREFIX
+		FileClose $0
+		notinpath:
+	${EndIf}
+	StrCpy $FileSelectCurrent $INST_KDEPREFIX
+	StrCpy $FileBrowseInstructionText "Select the base directory of your _existing_ KDE installation. KDE has to be installed, already, this installer will not do this for you (but see the link at the bottom of this page."
+	GetFunctionAddress $FileBrowseValidateFunc ValidateKDEPrefix
+	StrCpy $DownloadLinkText "KDE installation instructions"
+	StrCpy $DownloadLinkDest ${KDE_DOWNLOAD_URL}
+	Call CreateDirSelectionPage
+Function KDEHomeLeave
+	${If} $KDEPrefixOk != "yes"
+			"$FileSelectCurrent does not seem to contain a KDE installation."
+		Abort ;
+	${EndIf}
+Function ValidateKDEPrefix
+	Var /Global KDEPrefixOk_count
+	StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk_count 0
+	StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk "no"
+	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\bin bindir_found
+		StrCpy $0 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\bin does not exist"
+	Goto NextCheck
+	bindir_found:
+		StrCpy $0 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\bin exists"
+		IntOp $KDEPrefixOk_count $KDEPrefixOk_count + 1
+	NextCheck:
+	IfFileExists $FileSelectCurrent\share sharedir_found
+		StrCpy $1 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\share does not exist"
+	Goto done
+	sharedir_Found:
+		StrCpy $1 "Directory $FileSelectCurrent\share exists"
+		IntOp $KDEPrefixOk_count $KDEPrefixOk_count + 1
+	done:
+	${If} $KDEPrefixOk_count >= 2
+		StrCpy $2 "This looks ok."
+		StrCpy $KDEPrefixOk "yes"
+	${Else}
+		StrCpy $2 "This looks wrong."
+	${EndIf}
+	${NSD_SetText} $FileBrowseStatusLabel "$0$\r$\n$1$\r$\n$\r$\n$2"
+	StrCpy $INST_KDEPREFIX $FileSelectCurrent
+Function CreateDirSelectionPage
+	nsDialogs::Create 1018
+	Pop $Dialog
+	${If} $Dialog == error
+		Abort
+	${EndIf}
+	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 24u $FileBrowseInstructionText
+	${NSD_CreateText} 0 35u 70% 16u $FileSelectCurrent
+	Pop $FileSelectLineEdit
+	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp FileSelectLineEditChange
+	nsDialogs::onChange $FileSelectLineEdit $MyTemp
+	${NSD_CreateBrowseButton} 75% 35u 25% 16u "Browse"
+	Pop $Button
+	GetFunctionAddress $MyTemp FileBrowseButtonClick
+	nsDialogs::onClick $Button $MyTemp
+	${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 60u 100% 50u ""
+	Pop $FileBrowseStatusLabel
+	Call $FileBrowseValidateFunc
+	!insertmacro MakeExternalLink -16u $DownloadLinkText $DownloadLinkDest
+	nsDialogs::Show
+## installation
+# set desktop as install directory
+installDir $DESKTOP
+# default section
+	File /r install\_KDEPREFIX_\*.*
+	setOutPath $INST_RHOME
+	File /r install\_RHOME_\*.*
+	CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\RKWard.lnk" "$INST_KDEPREFIX\bin\rkward.bat"
+#	writeUninstaller $INST_KDEPREFIX\uninstaller.exe
+#section "Uninstall"
+#	# Always delete uninstaller first
+#	delete $INSTDIR\uninstaller.exe

Added: trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/make_release.bat
--- trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/make_release.bat	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/windows_nsis/make_release.bat	2009-06-12 15:01:38 UTC (rev 2531)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+SET RHOME=Programme/R/R-2.9.0
+SET SH_PATH=C:\Rtools\bin
+SET MAKENSIS=c:/programme/nsis/makensis.exe
+REM --------------------------------------------
+REM everything below should not need customizing
+REM --------------------------------------------
+rmdir /Q /S %RELEASE_DIR%\install
+mkdir install
+mkdir build
+cd build
+REM sh.exe must not be in path during cmake call, but must be in path for R package install...
+mingw32-make install DESTDIR=%INSTALL_DIR%
+REM Prepare Version info for use in NSIS
+echo !define RKWARD_VERSION \ > %RELEASE_DIR%/rkward_version.nsh
+more %SOURCE_DIR%\rkward\resource.ver >> %RELEASE_DIR%/rkward_version.nsh
+%MAKENSIS% installer.nsi

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