[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2727] trunk/rkward
m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
m-eik at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Dec 17 16:39:39 UTC 2009
Revision: 2727
Author: m-eik
Date: 2009-12-17 16:39:38 +0000 (Thu, 17 Dec 2009)
Log Message:
irt: migrated estimation plugins from php to js, updated tests
Modified Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_2pl.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_2pl.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_2pl.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -21,29 +21,29 @@
// check for selected advanced control options
var control = new Array() ;
- if (iterem != "40"){
- control[control.length] = "iter.em="+iterem ; }
- if (iterqn_2pl != "150"){
- control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_2pl ; }
- if (ghk_2pl != "15"){
- control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_2pl ; }
- if (optimeth != "BFGS"){
- control[control.length] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ; }
- if (verbose == "TRUE"){
- control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ; }
+ if (iterem != "40")
+ control[control.length] = "iter.em="+iterem ;
+ if (iterqn_2pl != "150")
+ control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_2pl ;
+ if (ghk_2pl != "15")
+ control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_2pl ;
+ if (optimeth != "BFGS")
+ control[control.length] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
+ if (verbose == "TRUE")
+ control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- echo ('estimates.2pl <- ltm(' + getValue("x") + ' ~ z1');
- // any additional options?
- if (interact == "TRUE") echo(" * z2");
- if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
- if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
- if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
- echo (')\n');
- }
+ echo ('estimates.2pl <- ltm(' + getValue("x") + ' ~ z1');
+ // any additional options?
+ if (interact == "TRUE") echo(" * z2");
+ if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
+ if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
+ if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
+ if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
+ if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
+ // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
+ if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
+ echo (')\n');
function printout () {
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@
var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("2PL parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.2pl$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.2pl$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print (coef(estimates.2pl))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.2pl$log.Lik, digits=1)))\n');
// check if results are to be saved:
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,103 +1,69 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(ltm)\n');
+ echo ('require(ltm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var constraint = "";
- var startval = "";
- var startval_mtx = "";
- var naaction = "";
- var irtparam = "";
- var optimeth = "";
- var verbose = "";
- var ghk_3pl = "";
- var iterqn_3pl = "";
- var type = "";
- var maxguess = "";
- var optimizer = "";
- var epshess = "";
- var control = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- constraint = getValue("constraint");
- startval = getValue("startval");
- startval_mtx = getValue("startval_mtx");
- naaction = getValue("naaction");
- irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
- optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
- verbose = getValue("verbose");
+ var constraint = getValue("constraint");
+ var startval = getValue("startval");
+ var startval_mtx = getValue("startval_mtx");
+ var naaction = getValue("naaction");
+ var irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
+ var optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
+ var verbose = getValue("verbose");
// these are 3pl specific
- ghk_3pl = getValue("ghk_3pl");
- iterqn_3pl = getValue("iterqn_3pl");
- type = getValue("type");
- maxguess = getValue("maxguess");
- optimizer = getValue("optimizer");
- epshess = getValue("epshess");
- // $parscale = getRK_val("parscale"); not implemented yet...
+ var ghk_3pl = getValue("ghk_3pl");
+ var iterqn_3pl = getValue("iterqn_3pl");
+ var type = getValue("type");
+ var maxguess = getValue("maxguess");
+ var optimizer = getValue("optimizer");
+ var epshess = getValue("epshess");
+ // var parscale = getValue("parscale"); not implemented yet...
// check for selected advanced control options
- control = new Array) ;
+ var control = new Array() ;
if (optimizer != "optim")
- control[] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
- if (iterqn_3pl != "1000")
- control[] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_3pl ;
- if (ghk_3pl != "21")
- control[] = "GHk="+ghk_3pl ;
- if (optimizer == "optim" && optimeth != "BFGS")
- control[] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
- if (verbose == "TRUE")
- control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- if (epshess != "1e-03")
- control[] = "eps.hessian="+epshess ;
+ control[control.length] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
+ if (iterqn_3pl != 1000)
+ control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_3pl ;
+ if (ghk_3pl != 21)
+ control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_3pl ;
+ if (optimizer == "optim" && optimeth != "BFGS")
+ control[control.length] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
+ if (verbose == "TRUE")
+ control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
+ if (epshess != 1e-03)
+ control[control.length] = "eps.hessian="+epshess ;
- echo ('estimates.3pl <- tpm(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (type == "rasch") echo(", type=\"rasch\"");
- if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
- if (maxguess != "1") echo(", max.guessing="+maxguess);
- if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
- if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if (control) echo(", control=list("+join(", ", control)+")");
- echo (')\n');
- }
+ echo ('estimates.3pl <- tpm(' + getValue("x"));
+ // any additional options?
+ if (type == "rasch") echo(", type=\"rasch\"");
+ if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
+ if (maxguess != 1) echo(", max.guessing="+maxguess);
+ if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
+ if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
+ if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
+ if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
+ // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
+ if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
+ echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("3PL parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.3pl$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.3pl$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print (coef(estimates.3pl))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.3pl$log.Lik, digits=1)))\n');
-// check if results are to be saved:
+ // check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.3pl\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(ltm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $constraint = getRK_val("constraint");
- $startval = getRK_val("startval");
- $startval_mtx = getRK_val("startval_mtx");
- $naaction = getRK_val("naaction");
- $irtparam = getRK_val("irtparam");
- $optimeth = getRK_val("optimeth");
- $verbose = getRK_val("verbose");
- // these are 3pl specific
- $ghk_3pl = getRK_val("ghk_3pl");
- $iterqn_3pl = getRK_val("iterqn_3pl");
- $type = getRK_val("type");
- $maxguess = getRK_val("maxguess");
- $optimizer = getRK_val("optimizer");
- $epshess = getRK_val("epshess");
- // $parscale = getRK_val("parscale"); not implemented yet...
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // check for selected advanced control options
- $control = array() ;
- if($optimizer != "optim")
- $control[] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
- if($iterqn_3pl != "1000")
- $control[] = "iter.qN=".$iterqn_3pl ;
- if($ghk_3pl != "21")
- $control[] = "GHk=".$ghk_3pl ;
- if($optimizer == "optim" && $optimeth != "BFGS")
- $control[] = "method=\"".$optimeth."\"" ;
- if($verbose == "TRUE")
- $control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- if($epshess != "1e-03")
- $control[] = "eps.hessian=".$epshess ;
-?>estimates.3pl <- tpm(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($type == "rasch") echo(", type=\"rasch\"");
- if($constraint) echo(", constraint=".$constraint);
- if($maxguess != "1") echo(", max.guessing=".$maxguess);
- if($irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if($startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if($startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val=".$startval_mtx);
- if($naaction) echo(", na.action=".$naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if($control) echo(", control=list(".join(", ", $control).")");
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("3PL parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.3pl$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (coef(estimates.3pl))
-rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.3pl$log.Lik, digits=1)))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.3pl
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_3pl.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_3pl.php" />
- <help file="par_est_3pl.rkh" />
+ <code file="par_est_3pl.js" />
+ <help file="par_est_3pl.rkh" ></help>
<convert id="optim_used" mode="equals" sources="optimizer.string" standard="optim" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,72 +1,45 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(eRm)\n');
+ echo ('require(eRm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var mpoints = "";
- var groups = "";
- var group_vec = "";
- var design = "";
- var design_mtx = "";
- var etastart = "";
- var etastart_vec = "";
- var stderr = "";
- var sumnull = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
- groups = getValue("groups");
- group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
- design = getValue("design");
- design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
- etastart = getValue("etastart");
- etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
- stderr = getValue("stderr");
- sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
+ var mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
+ var groups = getValue("groups");
+ var group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
+ var design = getValue("design");
+ var design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
+ var etastart = getValue("etastart");
+ var etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
+ var stderr = getValue("stderr");
+ var sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
echo ('estimates.lltm <- LLTM(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
- if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
- if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
- if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
+ if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
+ if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
+ if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
+ if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
+ if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("LLTM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lltm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lltm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print(t(rbind(Eta=estimates.lltm$etapar,StdErr=estimates.lltm$se.eta)))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lltm$loglik, digits=1),\n');
echo ('"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lltm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lltm$npar))\n');
-// check if results are to be saved:
+ // check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.lltm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(eRm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $mpoints = getRK_val("mpoints");
- $groups = getRK_val("groups");
- $group_vec = getRK_val("group_vec");
- $design = getRK_val("design");
- $design_mtx = getRK_val("design_mtx");
- $etastart = getRK_val("etastart");
- $etastart_vec = getRK_val("etastart_vec");
- $stderr = getRK_val("stderr");
- $sumnull = getRK_val("sumnull");
-?>estimates.lltm <- LLTM(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($design == "matrix") echo(", W=".$design_mtx);
- if($mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints=".$mpoints);
- if($groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec=".$group_vec);
- if($stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if($sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if($etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart=".$etastart_vec);
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("LLTM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lltm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lltm$loglik, digits=1),
-"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lltm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lltm$npar))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.lltm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_lltm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_lltm.php" />
- <help file="par_est_lltm.rkh" />
+ <code file="par_est_lltm.js" />
+ <help file="par_est_lltm.rkh" ></help>
<convert id="group_contrasts" mode="equals" sources="groups.string" standard="contrasts" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,88 +1,59 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(ltm)\n');
+ echo ('require(ltm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var constraint = "";
- var startval = "";
- var startval_mtx = "";
- var naaction = "";
- var irtparam = "";
- var optimeth = "";
- var verbose = "";
- var ghk_rasch = "";
- var iterqn_rasch = "";
- var control = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- constraint = getValue("constraint");
- startval = getValue("startval");
- startval_mtx = getValue("startval_mtx");
- naaction = getValue("naaction");
- irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
- optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
- verbose = getValue("verbose");
+ var constraint = getValue("constraint");
+ var startval = getValue("startval");
+ var startval_mtx = getValue("startval_mtx");
+ var naaction = getValue("naaction");
+ var irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
+ var optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
+ var verbose = getValue("verbose");
// these are rasch specific
- ghk_rasch = getValue("ghk_rasch");
- iterqn_rasch = getValue("iterqn_rasch");
+ var ghk_rasch = getValue("ghk_rasch");
+ var iterqn_rasch = getValue("iterqn_rasch");
// check for selected advanced control options
- control = new Array) ;
- if (iterqn_rasch != "150")
- control[] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_rasch ;
- if (ghk_rasch != "21")
- control[] = "GHk="+ghk_rasch ;
- if (optimeth != "BFGS")
- control[] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
- if (verbose == "TRUE")
- control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
+ var control = new Array() ;
+ if (iterqn_rasch != 150)
+ control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_rasch ;
+ if (ghk_rasch != 21)
+ control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_rasch ;
+ if (optimeth != "BFGS")
+ control[control.length] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
+ if (verbose == "TRUE")
+ control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- echo ('estimates.rasch <- rasch(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
- if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
- if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if (control) echo(", control=list("+join(", ", control)+")");
- echo (')\n');
- }
+ echo ('estimates.rasch <- rasch(' + getValue("x"));
+ // any additional options?
+ if (constraint) echo(", constraint="+constraint);
+ if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
+ if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
+ if (startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val="+startval_mtx);
+ if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
+ // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
+ if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
+ echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
- var irtparam = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
- irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
echo ('rk.header ("Rasch parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rasch$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.rasch$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print (coef(estimates.rasch))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.rasch$log.Lik, digits=1)))\n');
-// check if results are to be saved:
+ // check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.rasch\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(ltm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $constraint = getRK_val("constraint");
- $startval = getRK_val("startval");
- $startval_mtx = getRK_val("startval_mtx");
- $naaction = getRK_val("naaction");
- $irtparam = getRK_val("irtparam");
- $optimeth = getRK_val("optimeth");
- $verbose = getRK_val("verbose");
- // these are rasch specific
- $ghk_rasch = getRK_val("ghk_rasch");
- $iterqn_rasch = getRK_val("iterqn_rasch");
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // check for selected advanced control options
- $control = array() ;
- if($iterqn_rasch != "150")
- $control[] = "iter.qN=".$iterqn_rasch ;
- if($ghk_rasch != "21")
- $control[] = "GHk=".$ghk_rasch ;
- if($optimeth != "BFGS")
- $control[] = "method=\"".$optimeth."\"" ;
- if($verbose == "TRUE")
- $control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
-?>estimates.rasch <- rasch(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($constraint) echo(", constraint=".$constraint);
- if($irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if($startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if($startval == "matrix") echo(", start.val=".$startval_mtx);
- if($naaction) echo(", na.action=".$naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if($control) echo(", control=list(".join(", ", $control).")");
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
- $irtparam = getRK_val("irtparam");
-rk.header ("Rasch parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rasch$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (coef(estimates.rasch))
-rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.rasch$log.Lik, digits=1)))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.rasch
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/dichotomous/par_est_rasch.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_rasch.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_rasch.js" />
<help file="par_est_rasch.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,114 +1,78 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Warning: '$' inside '"'-delimited string. This might be a variable name. Please check by hand!
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(ltm)\n');
+ echo ('require(ltm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var data = "";
- var chk_select = "";
- var inp_items = "";
- var constraint = "";
- var startval = "";
- var startval_lst = "";
- var naaction = "";
- var irtparam = "";
- var optimeth = "";
- var verbose = "";
- var ghk_gpcm = "";
- var iterqn_gpcm = "";
- var optimizer = "";
- var numrderiv = "";
- var epshess = "";
- var control = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- data = getValue("x");
- chk_select = getValue("chk_select");
- inp_items = getValue("inp_items");
- // reformat $inp_items
- if (inp_items)
- inp_items = str_replace("\n", ", ", preg_replace("/(.+)\[\[(.+)\]\]/", "$2", inp_items));
- constraint = getValue("constraint");
- startval = getValue("startval");
- startval_lst = getValue("startval_lst");
- naaction = getValue("naaction");
- irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
- optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
- verbose = getValue("verbose");
+ var data = getValue("x");
+ var chk_select = getValue("chk_select");
+ var inp_items = getValue("inp_items");
+ // reformat inp_items
+ if (inp_items)
+ inp_items = inp_items.split("\n").join(", ").replace(/(\w*)\[\["(\w*)"\]\]/g, '"$2"');
+ var constraint = getValue("constraint");
+ var startval = getValue("startval");
+ var startval_lst = getValue("startval_lst");
+ var naaction = getValue("naaction");
+ var irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
+ var optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
+ var verbose = getValue("verbose");
// these are gpcm specific
- ghk_gpcm = getValue("ghk_gpcm");
- iterqn_gpcm = getValue("iterqn_gpcm");
- optimizer = getValue("optimizer");
- numrderiv = getValue("numrderiv");
- epshess = getValue("epshess");
- // $parscale = getRK_val("parscale"); not implemented yet...
+ var ghk_gpcm = getValue("ghk_gpcm");
+ var iterqn_gpcm = getValue("iterqn_gpcm");
+ var optimizer = getValue("optimizer");
+ var numrderiv = getValue("numrderiv");
+ var epshess = getValue("epshess");
+ // parscale = getValue("parscale"); not implemented yet...
// check for selected advanced control options
- control = new Array) ;
- if (iterqn_gpcm != "150")
- control[] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_gpcm ;
- if (ghk_gpcm != "21")
- control[] = "GHk="+ghk_gpcm ;
- if (optimizer != "optim")
- control[] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
- if (optimizer == "optim" && optimeth != "BFGS")
- control[] = "optimMethod=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
- if (numrderiv != "fd")
- control[] = "numrDeriv=\"cd\"" ;
- if (epshess != "1e-06")
- control[] = "epsHes="+epshess ;
- if (verbose == "TRUE")
- control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
+ var control = new Array() ;
+ if (iterqn_gpcm != 150)
+ control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_gpcm ;
+ if (ghk_gpcm != 21)
+ control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_gpcm ;
+ if (optimizer != "optim")
+ control[control.length] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
+ if (optimizer == "optim" && optimeth != "BFGS")
+ control[control.length] = "optimMethod=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
+ if (numrderiv != "fd")
+ control[control.length] = "numrDeriv=\"cd\"" ;
+ if (epshess != 1e-06)
+ control[control.length] = "epsHes="+epshess ;
+ if (verbose == "TRUE")
+ control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- echo ('estimates.gpcm <- gpcm(');
- if (data && chk_select && inp_items)
- echo ("subset("+data+", select=c("+inp_items+"))");
- else
- echo (data);
- // any additional options?
- if (constraint != "gpcm") echo(", constraint=\""+constraint+"\"");
- if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if (startval == "list" && startval_lst) echo(", start.val="+startval_lst);
- if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if (control) echo(", control=list("+join(", ", control)+")");
- echo (')\n');
- }
+ echo ('estimates.gpcm <- gpcm(');
+ if (data && chk_select && inp_items)
+ echo ("subset("+data+", select=c("+inp_items+"))");
+ else
+ echo (data);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (constraint != "gpcm") echo(", constraint=\""+constraint+"\"");
+ if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
+ if (startval == "list" && startval_lst) echo(", start.val="+startval_lst);
+ if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
+ if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
+ // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
+ if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
+ echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("GPCM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.gpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.gpcm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print (coef(estimates.gpcm))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.gpcm$log.Lik, digits=1)))\n');
// check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.gpcm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(ltm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $data = getRK_val("x");
- $chk_select = getRK_val("chk_select");
- $inp_items = getRK_val("inp_items");
- // reformat $inp_items
- if($inp_items)
- $inp_items = str_replace("\n", ", ", preg_replace("/(.+)\[\[(.+)\]\]/", "$2", $inp_items));
- $constraint = getRK_val("constraint");
- $startval = getRK_val("startval");
- $startval_lst = getRK_val("startval_lst");
- $naaction = getRK_val("naaction");
- $irtparam = getRK_val("irtparam");
- $optimeth = getRK_val("optimeth");
- $verbose = getRK_val("verbose");
- // these are gpcm specific
- $ghk_gpcm = getRK_val("ghk_gpcm");
- $iterqn_gpcm = getRK_val("iterqn_gpcm");
- $optimizer = getRK_val("optimizer");
- $numrderiv = getRK_val("numrderiv");
- $epshess = getRK_val("epshess");
- // $parscale = getRK_val("parscale"); not implemented yet...
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // check for selected advanced control options
- $control = array() ;
- if($iterqn_gpcm != "150")
- $control[] = "iter.qN=".$iterqn_gpcm ;
- if($ghk_gpcm != "21")
- $control[] = "GHk=".$ghk_gpcm ;
- if($optimizer != "optim")
- $control[] = "optimizer=\"nlminb\"" ;
- if($optimizer == "optim" && $optimeth != "BFGS")
- $control[] = "optimMethod=\"".$optimeth."\"" ;
- if($numrderiv != "fd")
- $control[] = "numrDeriv=\"cd\"" ;
- if($epshess != "1e-06")
- $control[] = "epsHes=".$epshess ;
- if($verbose == "TRUE")
- $control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
-?>estimates.gpcm <- gpcm(<?
- if($data && $chk_select && $inp_items)
- echo("subset(".$data.", select=c(".$inp_items."))");
- else
- echo($data);
- // any additional options?
- if($constraint != "gpcm") echo(", constraint=\"".$constraint."\"");
- if($irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if($startval == "list" && $startval_lst) echo(", start.val=".$startval_lst);
- if($startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if($naaction) echo(", na.action=".$naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if($control) echo(", control=list(".join(", ", $control).")");
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("GPCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.gpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (coef(estimates.gpcm))
-rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.gpcm$log.Lik, digits=1)))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.gpcm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_gpcm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_gpcm.php" />
- <help file="par_est_gpcm.rkh" />
+ <code file="par_est_gpcm.js" />
+ <help file="par_est_gpcm.rkh" ></help>
<convert id="optim_used" mode="equals" sources="optimizer.string" standard="optim" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,94 +1,63 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(ltm)\n');
+ echo ('require(ltm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var constraint = "";
- var startval = "";
- var startval_lst = "";
- var hessian = "";
- var naaction = "";
- var irtparam = "";
- var optimeth = "";
- var verbose = "";
- var ghk_grm = "";
- var iterqn_grm = "";
- var dig_abbrv = "";
- var control = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- constraint = getValue("constraint");
- startval = getValue("startval");
- startval_lst = getValue("startval_lst");
- hessian = getValue("hessian");
- naaction = getValue("naaction");
- irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
- optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
- verbose = getValue("verbose");
+ var constraint = getValue("constraint");
+ var startval = getValue("startval");
+ var startval_lst = getValue("startval_lst");
+ var hessian = getValue("hessian");
+ var naaction = getValue("naaction");
+ var irtparam = getValue("irtparam");
+ var optimeth = getValue("optimeth");
+ var verbose = getValue("verbose");
// these are grm specific
- ghk_grm = getValue("ghk_grm");
- iterqn_grm = getValue("iterqn_grm");
- dig_abbrv = getValue("dig_abbrv");
+ var ghk_grm = getValue("ghk_grm");
+ var iterqn_grm = getValue("iterqn_grm");
+ var dig_abbrv = getValue("dig_abbrv");
// check for selected advanced control options
- control = new Array) ;
- if (iterqn_grm != "150")
- control[] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_grm ;
- if (ghk_grm != "21")
- control[] = "GHk="+ghk_grm ;
- if (optimeth != "BFGS")
- control[] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
- if (verbose == "TRUE")
- control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- if (dig_abbrv != "6")
- control[] = "digits.abbrv="+dig_abbrv ;
+ var control = new Array() ;
+ if (iterqn_grm != 150)
+ control[control.length] = "iter.qN="+iterqn_grm ;
+ if (ghk_grm != 21)
+ control[control.length] = "GHk="+ghk_grm ;
+ if (optimeth != "BFGS")
+ control[control.length] = "method=\""+optimeth+"\"" ;
+ if (verbose == "TRUE")
+ control[control.length] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
+ if (dig_abbrv != 6)
+ control[control.length] = "digits.abbrv="+dig_abbrv ;
- echo ('estimates.grm <- grm(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (constraint == "const_discr") echo(", constrained=TRUE");
- if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if (hessian == "hessian") echo(", Hessian=TRUE");
- if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if (startval == "list") echo(", start.val="+startval_lst);
- if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if (control) echo(", control=list("+join(", ", control)+")");
- echo (')\n');
- }
+ echo ('estimates.grm <- grm(' + getValue("x"));
+ // any additional options?
+ if (constraint == "const_discr") echo(", constrained=TRUE");
+ if (irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
+ if (hessian == "hessian") echo(", Hessian=TRUE");
+ if (startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
+ if (startval == "list") echo(", start.val="+startval_lst);
+ if (naaction) echo(", na.action="+naaction);
+ // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
+ if (control.length > 0) echo(", control=list("+control.join(", ")+")");
+ echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("GRM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.grm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.grm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print (coef(estimates.grm))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.grm$log.Lik, digits=1)))\n');
-// check if results are to be saved:
+ // check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.grm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(ltm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $constraint = getRK_val("constraint");
- $startval = getRK_val("startval");
- $startval_lst = getRK_val("startval_lst");
- $hessian = getRK_val("hessian");
- $naaction = getRK_val("naaction");
- $irtparam = getRK_val("irtparam");
- $optimeth = getRK_val("optimeth");
- $verbose = getRK_val("verbose");
- // these are grm specific
- $ghk_grm = getRK_val("ghk_grm");
- $iterqn_grm = getRK_val("iterqn_grm");
- $dig_abbrv = getRK_val("dig_abbrv");
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // check for selected advanced control options
- $control = array() ;
- if($iterqn_grm != "150")
- $control[] = "iter.qN=".$iterqn_grm ;
- if($ghk_grm != "21")
- $control[] = "GHk=".$ghk_grm ;
- if($optimeth != "BFGS")
- $control[] = "method=\"".$optimeth."\"" ;
- if($verbose == "TRUE")
- $control[] = "verbose=TRUE" ;
- if($dig_abbrv != "6")
- $control[] = "digits.abbrv=".$dig_abbrv ;
-?>estimates.grm <- grm(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($constraint == "const_discr") echo(", constrained=TRUE");
- if($irtparam != "TRUE") echo(", IRT.param=FALSE");
- if($hessian == "hessian") echo(", Hessian=TRUE");
- if($startval == "random") echo(", start.val=\"random\"");
- if($startval == "list") echo(", start.val=".$startval_lst);
- if($naaction) echo(", na.action=".$naaction);
- // finally check if any advanced control options must be inserted
- if($control) echo(", control=list(".join(", ", $control).")");
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("GRM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.grm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (coef(estimates.grm))
-rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.grm$log.Lik, digits=1)))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.grm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_grm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_grm.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_grm.js" />
<help file="par_est_grm.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,72 +1,45 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(eRm)\n');
+ echo ('require(eRm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var mpoints = "";
- var groups = "";
- var group_vec = "";
- var design = "";
- var design_mtx = "";
- var etastart = "";
- var etastart_vec = "";
- var stderr = "";
- var sumnull = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
- groups = getValue("groups");
- group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
- design = getValue("design");
- design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
- etastart = getValue("etastart");
- etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
- stderr = getValue("stderr");
- sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
+ var mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
+ var groups = getValue("groups");
+ var group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
+ var design = getValue("design");
+ var design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
+ var etastart = getValue("etastart");
+ var etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
+ var stderr = getValue("stderr");
+ var sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
echo ('estimates.lpcm <- LPCM(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
- if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
- if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
- if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
+ if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
+ if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
+ if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
+ if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
+ if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("LPCM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lpcm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print(t(rbind(Eta=estimates.lpcm$etapar,StdErr=estimates.lpcm$se.eta)))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lpcm$loglik, digits=1),\n');
echo ('"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lpcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lpcm$npar))\n');
-// check if results are to be saved:
+ // check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.lpcm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(eRm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $mpoints = getRK_val("mpoints");
- $groups = getRK_val("groups");
- $group_vec = getRK_val("group_vec");
- $design = getRK_val("design");
- $design_mtx = getRK_val("design_mtx");
- $etastart = getRK_val("etastart");
- $etastart_vec = getRK_val("etastart_vec");
- $stderr = getRK_val("stderr");
- $sumnull = getRK_val("sumnull");
-?>estimates.lpcm <- LPCM(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($design == "matrix") echo(", W=".$design_mtx);
- if($mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints=".$mpoints);
- if($groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec=".$group_vec);
- if($stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if($sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if($etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart=".$etastart_vec);
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("LPCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lpcm$loglik, digits=1),
-"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lpcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lpcm$npar))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.lpcm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lpcm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_lpcm.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_lpcm.js" />
<help file="par_est_lpcm.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,72 +1,45 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(eRm)\n');
+ echo ('require(eRm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var mpoints = "";
- var groups = "";
- var group_vec = "";
- var design = "";
- var design_mtx = "";
- var etastart = "";
- var etastart_vec = "";
- var stderr = "";
- var sumnull = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
- groups = getValue("groups");
- group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
- design = getValue("design");
- design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
- etastart = getValue("etastart");
- etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
- stderr = getValue("stderr");
- sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
+ var mpoints = getValue("mpoints");
+ var groups = getValue("groups");
+ var group_vec = getValue("group_vec");
+ var design = getValue("design");
+ var design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
+ var etastart = getValue("etastart");
+ var etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
+ var stderr = getValue("stderr");
+ var sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
echo ('estimates.lrsm <- LRSM(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
- if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
- if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
- if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
+ if (mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints="+mpoints);
+ if (groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec="+group_vec);
+ if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
+ if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
+ if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("LRSM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lrsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lrsm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print(t(rbind(Eta=estimates.lrsm$etapar,StdErr=estimates.lrsm$se.eta)))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lrsm$loglik, digits=1),\n');
echo ('"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lrsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lrsm$npar))\n');
// check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.lrsm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(eRm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $mpoints = getRK_val("mpoints");
- $groups = getRK_val("groups");
- $group_vec = getRK_val("group_vec");
- $design = getRK_val("design");
- $design_mtx = getRK_val("design_mtx");
- $etastart = getRK_val("etastart");
- $etastart_vec = getRK_val("etastart_vec");
- $stderr = getRK_val("stderr");
- $sumnull = getRK_val("sumnull");
-?>estimates.lrsm <- LRSM(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($design == "matrix") echo(", W=".$design_mtx);
- if($mpoints > 1) echo(", mpoints=".$mpoints);
- if($groups == "contrasts") echo(", groupvec=".$group_vec);
- if($stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if($sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if($etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart=".$etastart_vec);
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("LRSM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lrsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lrsm$loglik, digits=1),
-"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lrsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lrsm$npar))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.lrsm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_lrsm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_lrsm.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_lrsm.js" />
<help file="par_est_lrsm.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,62 +1,40 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(eRm)\n');
+ echo ('require(eRm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var design = "";
- var design_mtx = "";
- var etastart = "";
- var etastart_vec = "";
- var stderr = "";
- var sumnull = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- design = getValue("design");
- design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
- etastart = getValue("etastart");
- etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
- stderr = getValue("stderr");
- sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
+ var design = getValue("design");
+ var design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
+ var etastart = getValue("etastart");
+ var etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
+ var stderr = getValue("stderr");
+ var sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
echo ('estimates.pcm <- PCM(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
- if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
+ if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
+ if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
+ if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("PCM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.pcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.pcm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print(t(rbind(Eta=estimates.pcm$etapar,StdErr=estimates.pcm$se.eta)))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.pcm$loglik, digits=1),\n');
echo ('"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.pcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.pcm$npar))\n');
// check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.pcm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(eRm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $design = getRK_val("design");
- $design_mtx = getRK_val("design_mtx");
- $etastart = getRK_val("etastart");
- $etastart_vec = getRK_val("etastart_vec");
- $stderr = getRK_val("stderr");
- $sumnull = getRK_val("sumnull");
-?>estimates.pcm <- PCM(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($design == "matrix") echo(", W=".$design_mtx);
- if($stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if($sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if($etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart=".$etastart_vec);
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("PCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.pcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.pcm$loglik, digits=1),
-"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.pcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.pcm$npar))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.pcm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_pcm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_pcm.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_pcm.js" />
<help file="par_est_pcm.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.js
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.js 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.js 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,62 +1,40 @@
-/* ------- This file generated by php2js from PHP code. --------
-Please check this file by hand, and remove this notice, afterwards.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
-Note: Control statement without braces. This is bad style.
----------------------------- */
-// globals
-var undefined;
function preprocess () {
// we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- echo (' require(eRm)\n');
+ echo ('require(eRm)\n');
function calculate () {
- var design = "";
- var design_mtx = "";
- var etastart = "";
- var etastart_vec = "";
- var stderr = "";
- var sumnull = "";
// let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- design = getValue("design");
- design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
- etastart = getValue("etastart");
- etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
- stderr = getValue("stderr");
- sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
+ var design = getValue("design");
+ var design_mtx = getValue("design_mtx");
+ var etastart = getValue("etastart");
+ var etastart_vec = getValue("etastart_vec");
+ var stderr = getValue("stderr");
+ var sumnull = getValue("sumnull");
echo ('estimates.rsm <- RSM(' + getValue("x"));
- // any additional options?
- if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
- if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
+ // any additional options?
+ if (design == "matrix") echo(", W="+design_mtx);
+ if (stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
+ if (sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
+ if (etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart="+etastart_vec);
echo (')\n');
function printout () {
- var save = "";
- var save_name = "";
// check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- save = getValue("chk_save");
- save_name = getValue("save_name");
+ var save = getValue("chk_save");
+ var save_name = getValue("save_name");
echo ('rk.header ("RSM parameter estimation")\n');
- echo ('rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))\n');
- echo ('rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print ("Call:")\n');
+ echo ('rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.rsm$call, width.cutoff=500))\n');
+ echo ('rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)\n');
echo ('rk.print(t(rbind(Eta=estimates.rsm$etapar,StdErr=estimates.rsm$se.eta)))\n');
echo ('rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.rsm$loglik, digits=1),\n');
echo ('"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.rsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.rsm$npar))\n');
// check if results are to be saved:
if (save && save_name) {
echo ('# keep results in current workspace\n');
echo (save_name + ' <<- estimates.rsm\n');
Deleted: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.php 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.php 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-function preprocess () {
- // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
- require(eRm)
-function calculate () {
- // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
- $design = getRK_val("design");
- $design_mtx = getRK_val("design_mtx");
- $etastart = getRK_val("etastart");
- $etastart_vec = getRK_val("etastart_vec");
- $stderr = getRK_val("stderr");
- $sumnull = getRK_val("sumnull");
-?>estimates.rsm <- RSM(<? getRK("x");
- // any additional options?
- if($design == "matrix") echo(", W=".$design_mtx);
- if($stderr != "se") echo(", se=FALSE");
- if($sumnull != "sum0") echo(", sum0=FALSE");
- if($etastart == "startval") echo(", etaStart=".$etastart_vec);
- ?>)
-function printout () {
- // check whether parameter estimations should be kept in the global enviroment
- $save = getRK_val("chk_save");
- $save_name = getRK_val("save_name");
-rk.header ("RSM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
-rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.rsm$loglik, digits=1),
-"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.rsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.rsm$npar))
-// check if results are to be saved:
-if ($save && $save_name) {
-# keep results in current workspace
-<? echo($save_name); ?> <<- estimates.rsm
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.xml 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/analysis/irt/polytomous/par_est_rsm.xml 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
- <code file="par_est_rsm.php" />
+ <code file="par_est_rsm.js" />
<help file="par_est_rsm.rkh" />
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(ltm)
## Compute
estimates.2pl <- ltm(WIRS ~ z1 * z2)
## Print result
rk.header ("2PL parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.2pl$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.2pl$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (coef(estimates.2pl))
rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.2pl$log.Lik, digits=1)))
# keep results in current workspace
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.2PL_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>2PL parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> ltm(formula = WIRS ~ z1 * z2) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>ltm(formula = WIRS ~ z1 * z2)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(ltm)
## Compute
estimates.3pl <- tpm(LSAT)
## Print result
rk.header ("3PL parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.3pl$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.3pl$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (coef(estimates.3pl))
rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.3pl$log.Lik, digits=1)))
# keep results in current workspace
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.3PL_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>3PL parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> tpm(data = LSAT) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>tpm(data = LSAT)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(ltm)
## Compute
estimates.gpcm <- gpcm(subset(Science, select=c("Work", "Industry", "Future", "Benefit")), constraint="rasch")
## Print result
rk.header ("GPCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.gpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.gpcm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (coef(estimates.gpcm))
rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.gpcm$log.Lik, digits=1)))
# keep results in current workspace
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>GPCM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> gpcm(data = subset(Science, select = c("Work", "Industry", "Future", "Benefit")), constraint = "rasch") </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>gpcm(data = subset(Science, select = c("Work", "Industry", "Future", "Benefit")), constraint = "rasch")</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(ltm)
## Compute
estimates.grm <- grm(Environment)
## Print result
rk.header ("GRM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.grm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.grm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (coef(estimates.grm))
rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.grm$log.Lik, digits=1)))
# keep results in current workspace
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.GRM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>GRM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> grm(data = Environment) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>grm(data = Environment)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(eRm)
## Compute
estimates.lltm <- LLTM(lltmdat1, mpoints=2)
## Print result
rk.header ("LLTM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lltm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lltm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lltm$loglik, digits=1),
"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lltm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lltm$npar))
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LLTM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>LLTM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> LLTM(X = lltmdat1, mpoints = 2) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>LLTM(X = lltmdat1, mpoints = 2)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(eRm)
## Compute
estimates.lpcm <- LPCM(lpcmdat, mpoints=2, groupvec=G)
## Print result
rk.header ("LPCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lpcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lpcm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lpcm$loglik, digits=1),
"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lpcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lpcm$npar))
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LPCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>LPCM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> LPCM(X = lpcmdat, mpoints = 2, groupvec = G) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>LPCM(X = lpcmdat, mpoints = 2, groupvec = G)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(eRm)
## Compute
estimates.lrsm <- LRSM(lrsmdat, mpoints=2, se=FALSE, sum0=FALSE)
## Print result
rk.header ("LRSM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.lrsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.lrsm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.lrsm$loglik, digits=1),
"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.lrsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.lrsm$npar))
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.LRSM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>LRSM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> LRSM(X = lrsmdat, mpoints = 2, se = FALSE, sum0 = FALSE) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>LRSM(X = lrsmdat, mpoints = 2, se = FALSE, sum0 = FALSE)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(eRm)
## Compute
estimates.pcm <- PCM(pcmdat)
## Print result
rk.header ("PCM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.pcm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.pcm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.pcm$loglik, digits=1),
"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.pcm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.pcm$npar))
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.PCM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>PCM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> PCM(X = pcmdat) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>PCM(X = pcmdat)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(eRm)
## Compute
estimates.rsm <- RSM(rsmdat)
## Print result
rk.header ("RSM parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rsm$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.rsm$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (paste("Conditional log-likelihood:",round(estimates.rsm$loglik, digits=1),
"<br />Number of iterations:",estimates.rsm$iter,"<br />Number of parameters:",estimates.rsm$npar))
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.RSM_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>RSM parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> RSM(X = rsmdat) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>RSM(X = rsmdat)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkcommands.R 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
## Prepare
- require(ltm)
## Compute
estimates.rasch <- rasch(LSAT)
## Print result
rk.header ("Rasch parameter estimation")
-rk.print (paste("Call: <code>",deparse(estimates.rasch$call, width.cutoff=500),"</code>"))
-rk.print ("<h4>Coefficients:</h4>")
+rk.print ("Call:")
+rk.print.literal (deparse(estimates.rasch$call, width.cutoff=500))
+rk.header ("Coefficients:", level=4)
rk.print (coef(estimates.rasch))
rk.print (paste("Log-likelihood value at convergence:",round(estimates.rasch$log.Lik, digits=1)))
# keep results in current workspace
Modified: trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkout
--- trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 08:35:09 UTC (rev 2726)
+++ trunk/rkward/tests/item_response_theory/RKTestStandard.Rasch_parameter_estimation.rkout 2009-12-17 16:39:38 UTC (rev 2727)
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<h1>Rasch parameter estimation</h1>
-<p class='character'>Call: <code> rasch(data = LSAT) </code></p><p class='character'><h4>Coefficients:</h4></p>
+<p class='character'>Call:</p><pre>rasch(data = LSAT)</pre>
<p align= center >
<table cellspacing=0 border=1><caption align=bottom class=captiondataframe></caption><tr><td>
<table border=0 class=dataframe>
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