[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward:[2381] branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/ plots/irt

sjar at users.sourceforge.net sjar at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 17 23:21:58 UTC 2008

Revision: 2381
Author:   sjar
Date:     2008-11-17 23:21:58 +0000 (Mon, 17 Nov 2008)

Log Message:
* experimental software
* plot plug-ins for irt by meik michalke
* still under development, thus in own folder for easier maintenance (folder hierarchy will be flatted later)

Added Paths:

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.php
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.php	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+function preprocess () {
+  // we'll need the ltm package, so in case it's not loaded...
+  require(ltm)
+function calculate () {
+function printout () {
+        doPrintout (true);
+function preview () {
+        preprocess ();
+        calculate ();
+        doPrintout (false);
+function doPrintout ($final) {
+        // this function takes care of generating the code for the printout() section. If $final is set to true,
+        // it generates the full code, including headers. If $final is set to false, only the essentials will
+        // be generated.
+  // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
+  $plot_type        = getRK_val("plot_type");
+  $plot_type_item   = getRK_val("plot_type_item");
+  $inp_items        = getRK_val("inp_items");
+  $spin_from        = getRK_val("spin_from");
+  $spin_to          = getRK_val("spin_to");
+  $annotation       = getRK_val("annotation");
+  $spin_categ       = getRK_val("spin_categ");
+  // in case there are generic plot options defined:
+  $plot_options     = getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+  $plot_ops_main    = getRK_val("plotoptions.main");
+  $plot_ops_type    = getRK_val("plotoptions.pointtype");
+  $plot_ops_xlab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.xlab");
+  $plot_ops_ylab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.ylab");
+  ///////////////////////////////////
+  // check for selected options
+  $options = array() ;
+  if($plot_type == "items" && $plot_type_item == "ICC")
+    $options[] = "type=\"ICC\"" ;
+  if($plot_type == "items" && $plot_type_item == "IIC")
+    $options[] = "type=\"IIC\"" ;
+  if($plot_type == "items" && $plot_type_item == "OCCu")
+    $options[] = "type=\"OCCu\"" ;
+  if($plot_type == "items" && $plot_type_item == "OCCl")
+    $options[] = "type=\"OCCl\"" ;
+    // plot all items?
+    if($plot_type == "items" && $inp_items) {
+      // for user convenience, we replace "-", ";" and space, split all input into an array
+      // and join it again, separated by commas:
+      $inp_items = str_replace("-",":",$inp_items);
+      $arr_items = split('[ ;]', $inp_items);
+      $options[] = "items=c(".join(",", $arr_items).")"; }
+    // plot all categories?
+    if($plot_type == "items" && $spin_categ != "0")
+      $options[] = "category=$spin_categ" ;
+  // for the test information curve, items must be set to "0":
+  if($plot_type == "TIC")
+    $options[] = "type=\"IIC\", items=0" ;
+  // there is no option for standard error curves yet, so we need some extra magic
+  // (see the "SEC" section in the plotting function below as well!)
+  if($plot_type == "SEC")
+    $options[] = "type=\"IIC\", items=0, plot=FALSE" ;
+  // more advanced options
+  // user defined zrange? we'll round it to two digits
+  if($spin_from != "-3.8" || $spin_to != "3.8")
+    $options[] = "zrange=c(".round($spin_from,2).",".round($spin_to,2).")" ;
+  // annotate lines and show legend?
+  if($annotation == "legend")
+    $options[] = "legend=TRUE" ;
+  if($annotation == "plain")
+    $options[] = "annot=FALSE" ;
+        if ($final) { ?>
+rk.header("Graded response model plot")
+<?       }
+        // only the following section will be generated for $final==false
+        // first we'll check wheter standard error curves should be plotted,
+        // because it takes two steps to draw them:
+       if ($plot_type == "SEC") { ?>
+# two steps are needed to plot standard error curves
+# first some values are generated...
+res <- try(plot(<? getRK("x");
+              if($options) echo(", ".join(", ", $options));
+          ?>))
+# ... and then they're used to plot the curves:
+try(plot(res[,"z"], 1/sqrt(res[,"test.info"]), lwd=2<?
+              // we give come defaults, but they can be changed via the embedded plot options:
+              if(!$plot_ops_type) echo(", type=\"l\"");
+              if(!$plot_ops_xlab) echo(", xlab=\"Ability\"");
+              if(!$plot_ops_ylab) echo(", ylab=\"Standard Error\"");
+              if(!$plot_ops_main) echo(", main=\"Stadard Error of Measurement\"");
+              if($plot_options) echo($plot_options);
+  ?>))
+<? }
+        // and this will be plotted if anything else than stadard error curves are chosen:
+        else { ?>
+try(plot(<? getRK("x");
+              if($options) echo(", ".join(", ", $options));
+              if($plot_options) echo($plot_options);
+          ?>))
+<? }
+        if ($final) { ?>
+<? }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.xml
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_grm.xml	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
+  <code file="plot_grm.php" />
+  <!-- <help file="plot_grm.rkh" /> -->
+  <logic>
+    <convert id="logic_items" mode="equals" sources="plot_type.string" standard="items" />
+    <connect client="plot_type_item.enabled" governor="logic_items" />
+    <connect client="frame_items.enabled" governor="logic_items" />
+  </logic>
+  <dialog label="Plotting fitted graded response model">
+    <tabbook>
+      <tab id="tab_variables" label="Model">
+        <row id="row_vars">
+          <varselector id="vars" />
+          <column>
+            <varslot type="numeric" id="x" classes="grm" source="vars" required="true" label="Choose fitted model to plot:"/>
+            <text>Only objects of class grm are valid!</text>
+            <stretch />
+            <preview id="preview"/>
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="tab_type" label="Plot type">
+        <column id="col_type">
+          <radio id="plot_type" label="Type of plot">
+            <option label="Plot item(s)" value="items" checked="true" />
+            <option label="Plot test information" value="TIC" />
+            <option label="Plot standard error" value="SEC" />
+          </radio>
+          <radio id="plot_type_item" label="Type of item plot">
+            <option label="Item characteristic curve" value="ICC" checked="true" />
+            <option label="Item information curve" value="IIC" />
+            <option label="Item operation characteristic curve" value="OCCu" />
+            <option label="Item operation characteristic curve (inverse)" value="OCCl" />
+          </radio>
+          <frame id="frame_items" label="Optional item selection">
+            <input id="inp_items" label="List of items (plot all if empty)" />
+            <spinbox id="spin_categ" label="Category (plot all if set to 0)" type="integer" initial="0" min="0" size="small" />
+          </frame>
+        </column>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="tab_options" label="Options">
+        <column id="col_options">
+          <frame label="Range of latent variable values">
+          <row>
+          <spinbox id="spin_from" label="From:" type="real" initial="-3.8" size="small" />
+          <spinbox id="spin_to" label="To:" type="real" initial="3.8" size="small" />
+          </row>
+          </frame>
+          <stretch />
+          <radio id="annotation" label="Annotation">
+            <option label="Annotate plotted lines" value="annot" checked="true" />
+            <option label="Show legend" value="legend" />
+            <option label="Plain lines, no annotation" value="plain" />
+          </radio>
+          <stretch />
+            <embed id="plotoptions" component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" />
+        </column>
+      </tab>
+    </tabbook>
+  </dialog>

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.php
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.php	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+function preprocess () {
+  // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
+  require(eRm)
+function calculate () {
+function printout () {
+        doPrintout (true);
+function preview () {
+        preprocess ();
+        calculate ();
+        doPrintout (false);
+function doPrintout ($final) {
+        // this function takes care of generating the code for the printout() section. If $final is set to true,
+        // it generates the full code, including headers. If $final is set to false, only the essentials will
+        // be generated.
+  // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
+  $inp_items        = getRK_val("inp_items");
+  $spin_abilfrom    = getRK_val("spin_abilfrom");
+  $spin_abilto      = getRK_val("spin_abilto");
+  $spin_probfrom    = getRK_val("spin_probfrom");
+  $spin_probto      = getRK_val("spin_probto");
+  $annotation       = getRK_val("annotation");
+  $chk_ask          = getRK_val("chk_ask");
+  $chk_mplot        = getRK_val("chk_mplot");
+  // in case there are generic plot options defined:
+  $plot_options     = getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+  $plot_ops_main    = getRK_val("plotoptions.main");
+  $plot_ops_type    = getRK_val("plotoptions.pointtype");
+  $plot_ops_xlab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.xlab");
+  $plot_ops_ylab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.ylab");
+  ///////////////////////////////////
+  // check for selected options
+  $options = array() ;
+  // plot all items?
+  if($inp_items) {
+    // for user convenience, we replace "-", ";" and space, split all input into an array
+    // and join it again, separated by commas:
+    $inp_items = str_replace("-",":",$inp_items);
+    $arr_items = split('[ ;]', $inp_items);
+    $options[] = "item.subset=c(".join(",", $arr_items).")"; }
+  if($chk_mplot == "mplot")
+    $options[] = "mplot=TRUE" ;
+  if($chk_ask != "ask")
+    $options[] = "ask=FALSE" ;
+  // more advanced options
+  // user defined ranges? we'll round it to two digits
+  if(($spin_abilfrom != "-4" || $spin_abilto != "4") && $spin_abilfrom < $spin_abilto)
+    $options[] = "xlim=c(".round($spin_abilfrom,2).",".round($spin_abilto,2).")" ;
+  if(($spin_probfrom != "0" || $spin_probto != "1") && $spin_probfrom < $spin_probto)
+    $options[] = "ylim=c(".round($spin_probfrom,2).",".round($spin_probto,2).")" ;
+  // annotate lines and show legend?
+  if($annotation == "plain")
+    $options[] = "legpos=FALSE" ;
+        if ($final) { ?>
+rk.header("Partial credit model plot")
+<?       }
+        // only the following section will be generated for $final==false
+        ?>
+try(plotICC(<? getRK("x");
+              if($options) echo(", ".join(", ", $options));
+              if($plot_options) echo($plot_options);
+          ?>))
+        if ($final) { ?>
+<? }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.xml
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_pcm.xml	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
+  <code file="plot_pcm.php" />
+  <!-- <help file="plot_pcm.rkh" /> -->
+  <dialog label="Plotting fitted partial credit model">
+    <tabbook>
+      <tab id="tab_variables" label="Model">
+        <row id="row_vars">
+          <varselector id="vars" />
+          <column>
+            <varslot type="numeric" id="x" classes="Rm" source="vars" required="true" label="Choose fitted model to plot:"/>
+            <text>Only objects of class Rm are valid!</text>
+            <stretch />
+            <preview id="preview"/>
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="tab_options" label="Options">
+        <column id="col_options">
+          <frame id="frame_items" label="Optional item selection">
+            <input id="inp_items" label="List of items (plot all if empty)" />
+            <checkbox id="chk_mplot" label="Plot up to 4 items in one figure" value="mplot" />
+            <checkbox id="chk_ask" label="Ask before next figure is drawn" value="ask" checked="true" />
+          </frame>
+          <frame label="Range of person parameters">
+          <row>
+          <spinbox id="spin_abilfrom" label="From:" type="real" initial="-4" size="small" />
+          <spinbox id="spin_abilto" label="To:" type="real" initial="4" size="small" />
+          </row>
+          </frame>
+          <frame label="Range of probability to solve">
+          <row>
+          <spinbox id="spin_probfrom" label="From:" type="real" initial="0"  min="0" max="1" size="small" />
+          <spinbox id="spin_probto" label="To:" type="real" initial="1"  min="0" max="1" size="small" />
+          </row>
+          </frame>
+          <radio id="annotation" label="Annotation">
+            <option label="Show legend" value="legend" checked="true" />
+            <option label="Plain lines, no annotation" value="plain" />
+          </radio>
+          <stretch />
+            <embed id="plotoptions" component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" />
+        </column>
+      </tab>
+    </tabbook>
+  </dialog>

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.php
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.php	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+function preprocess () {
+  // we'll need the eRm package, so in case it's not loaded...
+  require(eRm)
+function calculate () {
+function printout () {
+        doPrintout (true);
+function preview () {
+        preprocess ();
+        calculate ();
+        doPrintout (false);
+function doPrintout ($final) {
+        // this function takes care of generating the code for the printout() section. If $final is set to true,
+        // it generates the full code, including headers. If $final is set to false, only the essentials will
+        // be generated.
+  // let's read all values into php variables for the sake of readable code
+  $inp_items        = getRK_val("inp_items");
+  $spin_abilfrom    = getRK_val("spin_abilfrom");
+  $spin_abilto      = getRK_val("spin_abilto");
+  $spin_probfrom    = getRK_val("spin_probfrom");
+  $spin_probto      = getRK_val("spin_probto");
+  $annotation       = getRK_val("annotation");
+  $chk_ask          = getRK_val("chk_ask");
+  $chk_mplot        = getRK_val("chk_mplot");
+  // in case there are generic plot options defined:
+  $plot_options     = getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+  $plot_ops_main    = getRK_val("plotoptions.main");
+  $plot_ops_type    = getRK_val("plotoptions.pointtype");
+  $plot_ops_xlab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.xlab");
+  $plot_ops_ylab    = getRK_val("plotoptions.ylab");
+  ///////////////////////////////////
+  // check for selected options
+  $options = array() ;
+  // plot all items?
+  if($inp_items) {
+    // for user convenience, we replace "-", ";" and space, split all input into an array
+    // and join it again, separated by commas:
+    $inp_items = str_replace("-",":",$inp_items);
+    $arr_items = split('[ ;]', $inp_items);
+    $options[] = "item.subset=c(".join(",", $arr_items).")"; }
+  if($chk_mplot == "mplot")
+    $options[] = "mplot=TRUE" ;
+  if($chk_ask != "ask")
+    $options[] = "ask=FALSE" ;
+  // more advanced options
+  // user defined ranges? we'll round it to two digits
+  if(($spin_abilfrom != "-4" || $spin_abilto != "4") && $spin_abilfrom < $spin_abilto)
+    $options[] = "xlim=c(".round($spin_abilfrom,2).",".round($spin_abilto,2).")" ;
+  if(($spin_probfrom != "0" || $spin_probto != "1") && $spin_probfrom < $spin_probto)
+    $options[] = "ylim=c(".round($spin_probfrom,2).",".round($spin_probto,2).")" ;
+  // annotate lines and show legend?
+  if($annotation == "plain")
+    $options[] = "legpos=FALSE" ;
+        if ($final) { ?>
+rk.header("Rating scale model plot")
+<?       }
+        // only the following section will be generated for $final==false
+        ?>
+try(plotICC(<? getRK("x");
+              if($options) echo(", ".join(", ", $options));
+              if($plot_options) echo($plot_options);
+          ?>))
+        if ($final) { ?>
+<? }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.xml
--- branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/release_branch_0.4.9/rkward/plugins/plots/irt/polytomous/plot_rsm.xml	2008-11-17 23:21:58 UTC (rev 2381)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
+  <code file="plot_rsm.php" />
+  <!-- <help file="plot_rsm.rkh" /> -->
+  <dialog label="Plotting fitted rating scale model">
+    <tabbook>
+      <tab id="tab_variables" label="Model">
+        <row id="row_vars">
+          <varselector id="vars" />
+          <column>
+            <varslot type="numeric" id="x" classes="Rm" source="vars" required="true" label="Choose fitted model to plot:"/>
+            <text>Only objects of class Rm are valid!</text>
+            <stretch />
+            <preview id="preview"/>
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="tab_options" label="Options">
+        <column id="col_options">
+          <frame id="frame_items" label="Optional item selection">
+            <input id="inp_items" label="List of items (plot all if empty)" />
+            <checkbox id="chk_mplot" label="Plot up to 4 items in one figure" value="mplot" />
+            <checkbox id="chk_ask" label="Ask before next figure is drawn" value="ask" checked="true" />
+          </frame>
+          <frame label="Range of person parameters">
+          <row>
+          <spinbox id="spin_abilfrom" label="From:" type="real" initial="-4" size="small" />
+          <spinbox id="spin_abilto" label="To:" type="real" initial="4" size="small" />
+          </row>
+          </frame>
+          <frame label="Range of probability to solve">
+          <row>
+          <spinbox id="spin_probfrom" label="From:" type="real" initial="0"  min="0" max="1" size="small" />
+          <spinbox id="spin_probto" label="To:" type="real" initial="1"  min="0" max="1" size="small" />
+          </row>
+          </frame>
+          <radio id="annotation" label="Annotation">
+            <option label="Show legend" value="legend" checked="true" />
+            <option label="Plain lines, no annotation" value="plain" />
+          </radio>
+          <stretch />
+            <embed id="plotoptions" component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Generic plot options" />
+        </column>
+      </tab>
+    </tabbook>
+  </dialog>

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