[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [2055] branches/KDE4_port

tfry at users.sourceforge.net tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Oct 14 15:55:51 UTC 2007

Revision: 2055
Author:   tfry
Date:     2007-10-14 08:55:50 -0700 (Sun, 14 Oct 2007)

Log Message:
Two more files compile

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/KDE4_port/TODO_KDE4
--- branches/KDE4_port/TODO_KDE4	2007-10-14 14:51:43 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ branches/KDE4_port/TODO_KDE4	2007-10-14 15:55:50 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -37,3 +37,13 @@
 	- does it work?
 	- does it have a sunken frame? Can we get rid of that?
+	- does it work?
+	- does the "set fixed size" dialog work?
+	- does the "copy device to R object" dialog work?
+	- does it work?
+	- does the completion popup show up in a correct size?

Modified: branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rkfilebrowser.cpp
--- branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rkfilebrowser.cpp	2007-10-14 14:51:43 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rkfilebrowser.cpp	2007-10-14 15:55:50 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
 #include <kurlcompletion.h>
 #include <ktoolbar.h>
 #include <krun.h>
+#include <kactioncollection.h>
 #include <qdir.h>
 #include <qlayout.h>
 #include <q3vbox.h>
-#include <q3listbox.h>
 //Added by qt3to4:
 #include <QEvent>
 #include <Q3VBoxLayout>
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	Q3VBoxLayout *layout = new Q3VBoxLayout (this);
 	layout_widget = new Q3VBox (this);
 	layout->addWidget (layout_widget);
-	layout_widget->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
+	layout_widget->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
 	RKDummyPart *part = new RKDummyPart (this, layout_widget);
 	setPart (part);
@@ -84,25 +84,25 @@
 	KToolBar *toolbar = new KToolBar (this);
-	toolbar->setIconSize (16);
+	toolbar->setIconSize (QSize (16, 16));
 	urlbox = new KUrlComboBox (KUrlComboBox::Directories, true, this);
 	KUrlCompletion* cmpl = new KUrlCompletion (KUrlCompletion::DirCompletion);
 	urlbox->setCompletionObject (cmpl);
 	urlbox->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject (true);
 	urlbox->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
-	urlbox->listBox ()->installEventFilter (this);
+// KDE4: do we need this (see eventFilter(), below)	urlbox->listBox ()->installEventFilter (this);
 	dir = new KDirOperator (KUrl (), this);
 	dir->setPreviewWidget (0);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("up")->plug (toolbar);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("back")->plug (toolbar);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("forward")->plug (toolbar);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("home")->plug (toolbar);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("short view")->plug (toolbar);
-	dir->actionCollection ()->action ("detailed view")->plug (toolbar);
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("up"));
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("back"));
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("forward"));
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("home"));
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("short view"));
+	toolbar->addAction (dir->actionCollection ()->action ("detailed view"));
 	connect (dir, SIGNAL (urlEntered (const KUrl &)), this, SLOT (urlChangedInView (const KUrl &)));
 	connect (urlbox, SIGNAL (returnPressed (const QString &)), this, SLOT (urlChangedInCombo (const QString &)));
@@ -120,38 +120,38 @@
 void RKFileBrowserWidget::setURL (const QString &url) {
-	urlbox->setURL (url);
-	dir->setURL (url, true);
+	urlbox->setUrl (url);
+	dir->setUrl (url, true);
 void RKFileBrowserWidget::urlChangedInView (const KUrl &url) {
-	urlbox->setURL (url);
+	urlbox->setUrl (url);
 void RKFileBrowserWidget::urlChangedInCombo (const QString &url) {
-	dir->setURL (url, true);
+	dir->setUrl (url, true);
 void RKFileBrowserWidget::urlChangedInCombo (const KUrl &url) {
-	dir->setURL (url, true);
+	dir->setUrl (url, true);
 bool RKFileBrowserWidget::eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *e) {
 	// don't trace
+/* KDE4: do we still need this?
 	// fix size of popup (copied from katefileselector.cpp)
 	Q3ListBox *lb = urlbox->listBox ();
 	if (watched == lb && e->type() == QEvent::Show) {
 		int add = lb->height() < lb->contentsHeight() ? lb->verticalScrollBar()->width() : 0;
 		int w = qMin (topLevelWidget ()->width(), lb->contentsWidth() + add);
 		lb->resize (w, lb->height());
-	}
+	} */
 	return QWidget::eventFilter (watched, e);
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 		if (item->name (true).endsWith (".rdata")) {
 			RKWardMainWindow::getMain ()->fileOpenAskSave (item->url ());
 		} else {
-			new KRun (item->url (), item->mode (), item->isLocalFile ());
+			new KRun (item->url (), topLevelWidget(), item->mode (), item->isLocalFile ());

Modified: branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rktoplevelwindowgui.cpp
--- branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rktoplevelwindowgui.cpp	2007-10-14 14:51:43 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ branches/KDE4_port/rkward/windows/rktoplevelwindowgui.cpp	2007-10-14 15:55:50 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <klocale.h>
 #include <kmessagebox.h>
 #include <k3aboutapplication.h>
+#include <kactioncollection.h>
 #include "../rkconsole.h"
 #include "../robjectbrowser.h"
@@ -45,32 +46,49 @@
 	setXMLFile ("rktoplevelwindowgui.rc");
 	// help menu
-	KAction *help_invoke_r_help = new KAction (i18n ("Help on R"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (invokeRHelp ()), actionCollection(), "invoke_r_help");
-	KAction *show_help_search = new KAction (i18n ("Search R Help"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (showHelpSearch ()), actionCollection(), "show_help_search");
-	KAction *show_rkward_help = KStandardAction::helpContents (this, SLOT (showRKWardHelp ()), actionCollection(), "rkward_help");
+	QAction *help_invoke_r_help = actionCollection ()->addAction ("invoke_r_help", this, SLOT(invokeRHelp()));
+	help_invoke_r_help->setText (i18n ("Help on R"));
+	QAction *show_help_search = actionCollection ()->addAction ("show_help_search", this, SLOT(showHelpSearch()));
+	show_help_search->setText (i18n ("Search R Help"));
+	QAction *show_rkward_help = actionCollection ()->addAction (KStandardAction::HelpContents, "rkward_help", this, SLOT (showRKWardHelp()));
 	show_rkward_help->setText (i18n ("Help on RKWard"));
-	KStandardAction::aboutApp (this, SLOT (showAboutApplication ()), actionCollection(), "about_app");
-	KStandardAction::whatsThis (for_window, SLOT (whatsThis ()), actionCollection(), "whats_this");
-	KStandardAction::reportBug (this, SLOT (reportRKWardBug ()), actionCollection(), "report_bug");
+	actionCollection ()->addAction (KStandardAction::AboutApp, "about_app", this, SLOT (showAboutApplication()));
+	actionCollection ()->addAction (KStandardAction::WhatsThis, "whats_this", for_window, SLOT (whatsThis()));
+	actionCollection ()->addAction (KStandardAction::ReportBug, "report_bug", this, SLOT (reportRKWardBug()));
-	help_invoke_r_help->setStatusText (i18n ("Shows the R help index"));
-	show_help_search->setStatusText (i18n ("Shows/raises the R Help Search window"));
-	show_rkward_help->setStatusText (i18n ("Show help on RKWard"));
+	help_invoke_r_help->setStatusTip (i18n ("Shows the R help index"));
+	show_help_search->setStatusTip (i18n ("Shows/raises the R Help Search window"));
+	show_rkward_help->setStatusTip (i18n ("Show help on RKWard"));
 	// window menu
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide Workspace Browser"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+1"), this, SLOT (toggleWorkspace()), actionCollection (), "window_show_workspace");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide Filesystem Browser"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+2"), this, SLOT (toggleFilebrowser()), actionCollection (), "window_show_filebrowser");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide Command Log"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+3"), this, SLOT (toggleCommandLog()), actionCollection (), "window_show_commandlog");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide Pending Jobs"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+4"), this, SLOT (togglePendingJobs()), actionCollection (), "window_show_pendingjobs");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide Console"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+5"), this, SLOT (toggleConsole()), actionCollection (), "window_show_console");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show/Hide R Help Search"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+6"), this, SLOT (toggleHelpSearch()), actionCollection (), "window_show_helpsearch");
-	new KAction (i18n ("Activate Document view"), 0, KShortcut ("Alt+0"), this, SLOT (activateDocumentView()), actionCollection (), "window_activate_docview");
+	QAction *action;
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_workspace", this, SLOT(toggleWorkspace()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide Workspace Browser"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_1);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_filebrowser", this, SLOT(toggleFilebrowser()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide Filesystem Browser"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_2);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_commandlog", this, SLOT(toggleCommandLog()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide Command Log"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_3);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_pendingjobs", this, SLOT(togglePendingJobs()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide Pending Jobs"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_4);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_console", this, SLOT(toggleConsole()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide Console"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_5);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_show_helpsearch", this, SLOT(toggleHelpSearch()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show/Hide R Help Search"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_6);
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("window_activate_docview", this, SLOT(activateDocumentView()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Activate Document view"));
+	action->setShortcut (Qt::AltModifier + Qt::Key_0);
-	new KAction (i18n ("Show &Output"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotOutputShow ()), actionCollection (), "output_show");
+	action = actionCollection ()->addAction ("output_show", this, SLOT (slotOutputShow()));
+	action->setText (i18n ("Show &Output"));
-	actionCollection ()->setWidget (for_window);
-	actionCollection ()->setHighlightingEnabled (true);
+	actionCollection ()->setAssociatedWidget (for_window);
 RKTopLevelWindowGUI::~RKTopLevelWindowGUI () {
@@ -120,7 +138,7 @@
 void RKTopLevelWindowGUI::showRKWardHelp () {
-	RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->openHelpWindow ("rkward://page/rkward_welcome", true);
+	RKWorkplace::mainWorkplace ()->openHelpWindow (KUrl ("rkward://page/rkward_welcome"), true);
 void RKTopLevelWindowGUI::toggleHelpSearch () {

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