[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [1082] trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins

tfry at users.sourceforge.net tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Jan 7 18:50:15 UTC 2007

Revision: 1082
Author:   tfry
Date:     2007-01-07 10:50:15 -0800 (Sun, 07 Jan 2007)

Log Message:
Plugin coding style

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.php	2007-01-07 17:42:53 UTC (rev 1081)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/scatterplot.php	2007-01-07 18:50:15 UTC (rev 1082)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 rk.temp$Xval <- <? if (getRK_val("columns") == "custoCol" ) echo (getRK_val("Xscale") . "\n"); else echo ("c(" . $x . ")\n"); ?>
 rk.temp$Yval <- <? if (getRK_val("rows") == "custoRow" ) echo (getRK_val("Yscale") . "\n"); else echo ("c(" . $y . ")\n"); ?>
-<? # verification (chiant mais doit \xEAtre fait)?>
+<? # verification (is this needed?) ?>
 rk.temp$ok <- TRUE
 if (length(rk.temp$Xvar) != length(rk.temp$Yvar)) {
 	rk.temp$ok <- FALSE ;
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 # find range of X/Y values needed
-rk.temp$Xdef <- c(min(rk.temp$Xval,na.rm=TRUE), max(rk.temp$Xval,na.rm=TRUE))
-rk.temp$Ydef <- c(min(rk.temp$Yval,na.rm=TRUE), max(rk.temp$Yval,na.rm=TRUE))
+rk.temp$Xdef <- range (rk.temp$Xval, na.rm=TRUE)
+rk.temp$Ydef <- range (rk.temp$Yval, na.rm=TRUE)
 rk.temp$type <- rep (<? echo ($type_string); ?>, length.out=length (rk.temp$Xvar));
 rk.temp$col <- rep (<? echo ($col); ?>, length.out=length (rk.temp$Xvar));

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.php	2007-01-07 17:42:53 UTC (rev 1081)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/stripchart_plot.php	2007-01-07 18:50:15 UTC (rev 1082)
@@ -3,28 +3,23 @@
 	function calculate () {
-?>	length.temp <- length (<? getRK ("x"); ?>);
-	method.temp <- c("<? getRK ("method"); ?>");
 	function printout () {
 	$x = getRK_val ("x");
 	$g = getRK_val ("g");
-	$method = getRK_val ("method");
+	$method = '"' . getRK_val ("method") . '"';
 	$jitter = getRK_val ("jitter");
 	$offset = getRK_val ("offset");
+	$vertical = getRK_val ("vertical");
-rk.header ("Stripchart", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (<? echo ($x); ?>), "Length", length.temp, "Method", method.temp, "Jitter", <? echo ($jitter); ?>, "Plot drawn vertically", <? getRK ("vertical"); ?>, "Offset", <? getRK ("offset"); ?>))
+rk.header ("Stripchart", list ("Variable", rk.get.description (<? echo ($x); ?>), "Method", <? echo ($method); ?>, "Jitter", <? echo ($jitter); ?>, "Plot drawn vertically", <? echo ($vertical); ?>, "Offset", <? echo ($offset); ?>))
 rk.graph.on ()
-stripchart (<? echo ($x); ?> ~ (<? echo ($g); ?>), vertical= <? getRK ("vertical"); ?>, method = "<? getRK ("method"); ?>", jitter = <? echo ($jitter); ?>, offset = <? echo ($offset); ?> <? getRK ("plotoptions.code.printout"); ?>)
+stripchart (<? echo ($x); ?> ~ (<? echo ($g); ?>), vertical=<? echo ($vertical); ?>, method = <? echo ($method); ?>, jitter = <? echo ($jitter); ?>, offset = <? echo ($offset); ?> <? getRK ("plotoptions.code.printout"); ?>)
 rk.graph.off ()
 	function cleanup () {
-?>	rm (length.temp)
-	rm (method.temp)

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/simple_anova/code.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/simple_anova/code.php	2007-01-07 17:42:53 UTC (rev 1081)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/simple_anova/code.php	2007-01-07 18:50:15 UTC (rev 1082)
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
 	function printout () {
-?>cat ("<h1>TODO: format Output</h1>")
+rk.header ("Simple Anova")
 rk.print (rk.temp.anova)

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/code.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/code.php	2007-01-07 17:42:53 UTC (rev 1081)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/code.php	2007-01-07 18:50:15 UTC (rev 1082)
@@ -4,119 +4,123 @@
 	function calculate () {
 $vars = "substitute (" . str_replace ("\n", "), substitute (", trim (getRK_val ("z"))) . ")";
+if (getRK_val ("narm")) $narm = "na.rm=TRUE";
+else $name = "na.rm=FALSE";
-# we make the calculation
-rk.temp.res <- list()
+rk.temp.vars <- list (<? echo ($vars); ?>)
+rk.temp.results <- data.frame ('Variable Name'=rep (NA, length (rk.temp.vars)), check.names=FALSE)
 rk.temp.option <- NA
-for (rk.temp.var in list (<? echo ($vars); ?>))  {
-	k <-  rk.get.description(rk.temp.var, is.substitute=TRUE)
+rk.temp.i <- 0
+for (rk.temp.var in rk.temp.vars)  {
+	rk.temp.i <- rk.temp.i + 1
+	rk.temp.results[['Variable Name']][rk.temp.i] <- rk.get.description(rk.temp.var, is.substitute=TRUE)
 	rk.temp.var <- eval(rk.temp.var)
-	rk.temp.res [[ k ]] <- list() 
-	<? if (getRK_val ("nombre")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Number of obs']] <- length(rk.temp.var)\n";
-	if (getRK_val ("nbna")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Number of missing values']] <- length(which(is.na(rk.temp.var)))\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("moyenne")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Mean']] <- mean(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("vari")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Variance']] <- var(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("ecartt")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Sd']] <- sd(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("minimum")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Minimum']] <- min(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("maximum")) 
-		echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Maximum']] <- max(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (($nmin = getRK_val ("nbminimum")) != "0") 
-		echo (" if ( length(rk.temp.var) >= " . $nmin .") {
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Minimum values']] <- list()
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Minimum values']][[1]] <- c(1:" . $nmin . ")
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Minimum values']][[2]] <- sort(rk.temp.var, decreasing=FALSE,na.last=TRUE) [1:" . $nmin  .   "]
-		}\n"  ) ;
-	if (($nmax = getRK_val ("nbmaximum")) != "0") 
-		echo (" if ( length(rk.temp.var) >= " . $nmax .") 
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Maximum values']] <- list()
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Maximum values']][[1]] <- c(1:" . $nmax . ")
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Maximum values']][[2]] <- sort(rk.temp.var, decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE) [1:" . $nmax  .   "]\n"  ) ;
-	if (getRK_val ("mediane")) echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Median']] <- median(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ;
-	if (getRK_val ("irq")) echo "rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Inter Quartile Range']] <- IQR(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n";
-	if (getRK_val ("quartile")) echo 
-		"rk.temp.res [[ k ]] [['Quartiles']]  <- list()
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]] [['Quartiles']] [[2]]  <- quantile(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]] [['Quartiles']] [[1]]  <- names(quantile(rk.temp.var,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA")."))\n"  ;
-	if (($nautre = getRK_val ("autre")) != "0") echo (" if ( length(rk.temp.var) >= " . $nautre .") {
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Other']] <- list()
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Other']][[1]] <- paste(seq(0,100,le=" . $nautre . "),'%')
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]] [['Other']] [[2]]  <- quantile(rk.temp.var,probs=seq(0,1,le=" . $nautre . "), na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")
-		}\n"  ) ; ?> 
+<?	if (getRK_val ("nombre")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Number of obs']][rk.temp.i] <- length(rk.temp.var)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("nbna")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Number of missing values']][rk.temp.i] <- length(which(is.na(rk.temp.var)))
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("moyenne")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Mean']][rk.temp.i] <- mean(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("vari")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Variance']][rk.temp.i] <- var(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("ecartt")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Sd']][rk.temp.i] <- sd(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("minimum")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Minimum']][rk.temp.i] <- min(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("maximum")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Maximum']][rk.temp.i] <- max(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (($nmin = getRK_val ("nbminimum")) != "0") { ?>
+	if (length (rk.temp.var) >= <? echo ($nmin); ?>) {
+		rk.temp.results[['Minimum values']][rk.temp.i] <- paste (sort(rk.temp.var, decreasing=FALSE, na.last=TRUE) [1:<? echo ($nmin); ?>])
+	}
+<? 	}
+	if (($nmax = getRK_val ("nbmaximum")) != "0") { ?>
+	if (length (rk.temp.var) >= <? echo ($nmin); ?>) {
+		rk.temp.results[['Maximum values']][rk.temp.i] <- paste (sort(rk.temp.var, decreasing=TRUE, na.last=TRUE) [1:<? echo ($nmin); ?>])
+	}
+<? 	}
+	if (getRK_val ("mediane")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Median']][rk.temp.i] <- median(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("irq")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Inter Quartile Range']][rk.temp.i] <- IQR(rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("quartile")) { ?>
+	rk.temp.temp <- quantile (rk.temp.var,<? echo ($narm); ?>)
+	rk.temp.results[['Quartiles']][rk.temp.i] <- paste (names (rk.temp.temp), rk.temp.temp, sep=": ", collapse=" ")
+<?	}
+	if (($nautre = getRK_val ("autre")) != "0") { ?>
+	rk.temp.temp <- quantile (rk.temp.var, probs=seq (0, 1, lenght.out=<? echo ($nautre); ?>), <? echo ($narm); ?>)
+	rk.temp.results[['Quantiles']][rk.temp.i] <- paste (names (rk.temp.temp), rk.temp.temp, sep=": ", 
+<?	} ?>
 	#robust statistics
-	<?  if (getRK_val ("trim") == "1") 
-		echo ("rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Trimmed Mean']] <- mean(rk.temp.var,trim= ". getRK_val("pourcent") . " ,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ) ;
-	if (getRK_val ("mad") == "1") 
-		echo ("rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Median Absolute Deviation']] <-  mad(rk.temp.var, constant = ". getRK_val("constMad") . " ,na.rm=".getRK_val("NA").")\n" ) ; 
-	if (getRK_val ("huber") == "1") echo ("
-		require (\"MASS\")
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Huber M-Estimator']] <- list()
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Huber M-Estimator']] [[1]] <- c('Location Estimate','Mad scale estimate')
-		rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Huber M-Estimator']] [[2]] <- c(NA,NA)
-		try(rk.temp.res [[ k ]][['Huber M-Estimator']] [[2]] <- hubers (rk.temp.var, k = " . getRK_val("winsor") . ",tol=".getRK_val("tol")." )\n");
-	if (getRK_val(customMu)=="1") echo (",mu=".getRK_val("mu")) ; 
-	if (getRK_val(customS)=="1") echo (",s=".getRK_val("s")) ;
-	if (getRK_val ("huber") == "1") echo (",initmu =".getRK_val("initmu")."(rk.temp.var)))")
-	?>	
-	rm(k)
+<?	if (getRK_val ("trim") == "1") { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Trimmed Mean']][rk.temp.i] <- mean (rk.temp.var, trim="<? getRK ("pourcent"); ?>", <? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("mad") == "1") { ?>
+	rk.temp.results[['Median Absolute Deviation']][rk.temp.i] <- mad (rk.temp.var, constant = "<? getRK ("constMad"); ?>", <? echo ($narm); ?>)
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val ("huber") == "1") { ?>
+	require ("MASS")
+	rk.temp.temp <- list (c('Location Estimate','Mad scale estimate'), c(NA,NA))
+	try(rk.temp.temp[[2]] <- hubers (rk.temp.var, k = "<? getRK ("winsor"); ?>",tol="<? getRK ("tol"); ?>"<?
+	if (getRK_val(customMu)=="1") echo (",mu=".getRK_val("mu"));
+	if (getRK_val(customS)=="1") echo (",s=".getRK_val("s"));
+	if (getRK_val ("huber") == "1") echo (",initmu =".getRK_val("initmu")."(rk.temp.var)))") ?>))
+	rk.temp.results[['Huber M-Estimator']][rk.temp.i] <- paste (rk.temp.temp[[1]], rk.temp.temp[[2]], sep=": ", collapse=" ")
+<?	} ?>
-	<? if (getRK_val ("result") == "1") echo( getRK_val("nom")."<- rk.temp.res") ?> 
-	<? getRK_val("option") ?> 
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1") echo("
-	rk.temp.option <- list()
-	rk.temp.option [['Remove missing value from calcul ']] <- paste( 'Remove missing value from calcul',". getRK_val("NA") . ",sep=' = ')" )  ?> 
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("trim")=="1" ) echo("rk.temp.option [['Trimmed value for trimmed mean']] <-  paste('Trimmed value for trimmed mean',". getRK_val("pourcent") . ",sep=' = ')"); ?> 
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("mad")=="1" ) echo("rk.temp.option [['Constant for the MAD estimation ']] <-  paste('Constant for the MAD estimation '," . getRK_val("constMad") . ",sep=' = ')" ) ?> 
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("huber")=="1" ) echo("
-	rk.temp.option [['Winsorized values for Huber estimator ']] <- paste('Winsorized values for Huber estimator'  ," . getRK_val("winsor") . ",sep=' = ')" ."
-	rk.temp.option [['Tolerance in Huber estimator ']] <-  paste( 'Tolerance in Huber estimator '," .getRK_val("tol") . ",sep=' = ')" )?> 
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("huber")=="1" && getRK_val("customMu")=="1" ) echo ("rk.temp.option [['Mu for Huber estimator ']] <-  paste('Mu for Huber estimator' ,".getRK_val("mu") . ",sep=' = ')" )?>  
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("huber")=="1" && getRK_val("customS")=="1" ) echo ("rk.temp.option [['S for Huber estimator ']] <-  paste('S for Huber estimator' ,".getRK_val("s")   . ",sep=' = ')" )?>  
-	<? if (getRK_val("option")=="1" && getRK_val("huber")=="1" ) echo ("rk.temp.option [['Inial value']] <-  paste('Inial value' ,'".getRK_val("initmu") . "',sep=' = ')" ) ?> 
+<?	if (getRK_val ("result") == "1") { ?>
+# store results
+'<? getRK ("nom"); ?>' <- rk.temp.results
+<?	} ?>
 	function printout () {
 	// produce the output
+rk.header ("Univariate statistics", parameters=list (
+"Remove Missing values", <? if (getRK_val ("narm")) echo ("TRUE"); else echo ("FALSE"); ?>
+<?	if (getRK_val("trim")=="1") { ?>
+, "Trimmed value for trimmed mean", "<? getRK ("pourcent"); ?>"
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val("mad")=="1") { ?>
+, "Constant for the MAD estimation", "<? getRK ("constMad"); ?>"
+<?	}
+	if (getRK_val("huber")=="1") { ?>
+, "Winsorized values for Huber estimator", "<? getRK ("winsor"); ?>"
+, "Tolerance in Huber estimator", "<? getRK ("tol"); ?>"
+<?		if (getRK_val ("customMU")=="1") { ?>
+, "Mu for Huber estimator", "<? getRK ("mu"); ?>"
+<?		}
+		if (getRK_val ("customS")=="1") { ?>
+, "S for Huber estimator", "<? getRK ("s"); ?>"
+<?		} ?>
+, "Initial value", "<? getRK ("initmu"); ?>"
+<?	} ?>
-cat(paste("<h1>Univariate statistics of ","</h1>\n",sep=""))
-for (rk.temp.var in names(rk.temp.res )) {
-	cat(paste("<h1>Univariate statistics of ",rk.temp.var,"</h1>\n",sep=""))
-	cat ("<table border=\"1\">")
-	for (i in names(rk.temp.res[[rk.temp.var]])) {
-	if (i %in% c('Quartiles','Minimum values','Maximum values','Other','Huber M-Estimator'))
-	{
-		cat(paste("<tr><td>",i,"</td></tr>\n",sep=""))
-		cat(paste("<tr><td>",rk.temp.res[[rk.temp.var]][[i]][[1]],"</td><td>",rk.temp.res[[rk.temp.var]][[i]][[2]],"</td></tr>\n",sep=""))
-	}
-	else
-		cat(paste("<tr><td>",i ,"</td><td>",rk.temp.res[[rk.temp.var]][[i]],"</td></tr>\n",sep=""))
-	}
-	cat("</table>")
-if ( ! is.na(rk.temp.option[[1]])) rk.print(rk.temp.option)
+rk.results (rk.temp.results)
 	function cleanup () {
+rm (rk.temp.results)
+rm (rk.temp.i)
+try (rm (rk.temp.temp))

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/description.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/description.xml	2007-01-07 17:42:53 UTC (rev 1081)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/uni1.2/description.xml	2007-01-07 18:50:15 UTC (rev 1082)
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 			<tab id="option" label="Options" >
-				<checkbox value_unchecked="FALSE" checked="true" value="TRUE" id="NA" label="Omit missing values in calculs" />
+				<checkbox value_unchecked="0" checked="true" value="1" id="narm" label="Omit missing values" />
 				<checkbox checked="false" value="1" id="option" label="Print options in output" />
 				<checkbox checked="false" value="1" id="result" label="Get the result in the console" />
 				<input size="medium" intial="rk.univariate" id="nom" label="Name of the result" />

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