[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [1502] trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins
kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Feb 28 05:57:49 UTC 2007
Revision: 1502
Author: kapatp
Date: 2007-02-27 21:57:49 -0800 (Tue, 27 Feb 2007)
Log Message:
* Rename histbreaksoptions to histcalcoptions
* Rename histoptions to histplotoptions
* Assign right=FLASE and include.lower=FALSE to histcalcoptions (instead of histplotoptions)
* Assign freq=FLASE to histplotoptions (instead of histcalcoptions)
* Rectify some errors (of using the double quotes) in headeroptions (histogram_options.php)
* Initiate other functions in binomial_clt
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php 2007-02-27 22:00:18 UTC (rev 1501)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php 2007-02-28 05:57:49 UTC (rev 1502)
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@
if ($fun == "hist") {
- $histbreaksoptions = getRK_val ("histogram_opt.code.calculate");
- $histoptions = getRK_val ("histogram_opt.code.printout");
- $histoptions .= getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+ $histcalcoptions = getRK_val ("histogram_opt.code.calculate");
+ $histplotoptions = getRK_val ("histogram_opt.code.printout");
+ $histplotoptions .= getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
rk.temp.cltdistrib <- list()
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
<? }
if ($fun == "hist") {
-rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist <- hist(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg, plot=FALSE<? echo ($histbreaksoptions); ?>);
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist <- hist(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg, plot=FALSE<? echo ($histcalcoptions); ?>);
rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim <- c(0,max(c(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist$density, rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY)));
-try( plot(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist, ylim=rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim<? echo ($histoptions); ?>) );
+try( plot(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist, ylim=rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim<? echo ($histplotoptions); ?>) );
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml 2007-02-27 22:00:18 UTC (rev 1501)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml 2007-02-28 05:57:49 UTC (rev 1502)
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
<convert id="isHistogram" sources="function.string" mode="equals" standard="hist"/>
<connect client="tab_histoptions.enabled" governor="isHistogram"/>
+ <convert id="isDist" sources="function.string" mode="equals" standard="dist"/>
+ <connect client="tab_distfunction.enabled" governor="isDist"/>
<connect client="normpointtype.enabled" governor="drawnorm.state"/>
<connect client="normlinecol.color.enabled" governor="drawnorm.state"/>
@@ -66,6 +69,9 @@
<tab id="tab_histoptions" label="Histogram">
<embed id="histogram_opt" component="rkward::histogram_options" label="Histogram Options"/>
+ <tab id="tab_distfunction" label="Distribution function">
+ <checkbox id="dist_lowertail" label="Lower tail" checked="true"/>
+ </tab>
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.php 2007-02-27 22:00:18 UTC (rev 1501)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.php 2007-02-28 05:57:49 UTC (rev 1502)
@@ -1,49 +1,35 @@
function makeCodes () {
- global $histbreaksoptions;
- global $histoptions;
+ global $histcalcoptions;
+ global $histplotoptions;
global $headeroptions;
- $histbreaksoptions = ", breaks=";
- $histoptions = "";
+ $histcalcoptions = ", breaks=";
+ $histplotoptions = "";
$headeroptions = "";
$varname = getRK_val ("varname");
$histbreaks = getRK_val ("histbreaksFunction");
- $headeroptions .= ', Breaks, "';
+ $headeroptions .= ', "Break points", "';
if ($histbreaks == "cells") {
- $histbreaksoptions .= getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells");
- $headeroptions .= getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells") . 'cells"';
+ $histcalcoptions .= getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells");
+ $headeroptions .= 'Approximately ' . getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells") . ' cells"';
} else if ($histbreaks == "int") {
- $histbreaksoptions .= "seq (floor (min (" . $varname . ", na.rm=TRUE))-0.5, ceiling (max (" . $varname . ", na.rm=TRUE))+0.5)";
- $headeroptions .= 'integers"';
+ $histcalcoptions .= "seq (floor (min (" . $varname . ", na.rm=TRUE))-0.5, ceiling (max (" . $varname . ", na.rm=TRUE))+0.5)";
+ $headeroptions .= 'Integers"';
else if ($histbreaks == "vec") {
- $histbreaksoptions .= "(function(x) {y = extendrange(x,f=0.1); seq(from=y[1], to=y[2], length=" . getRK_val ("histbreaks_veclength") . ")})(" . $varname . ")";
- $headeroptions .= 'vector length ' . getRK_val ("histbreaks_veclength") . '"';
+ $histcalcoptions .= "(function(x) {y = extendrange(x,f=0.1); seq(from=y[1], to=y[2], length=" . getRK_val ("histbreaks_veclength") . ")})(" . $varname . ")";
+ $headeroptions .= 'Equally spaced vector of length ' . getRK_val ("histbreaks_veclength") . '"';
} else {
- $histbreaksoptions .= "\"" . $histbreaks . "\"";
+ $histcalcoptions .= "\"" . $histbreaks . "\"";
$headeroptions .= $histbreaks . '"';
- $addbars = getRK_val ("addtoplot");
- if ($addbars) $histoptions .= ", add=TRUE";
- $freq = getRK_val ("freq");
- if (!$freq) {
- $histoptions .= ", freq=FALSE";
- $headeroptions .= ', Scale, "Density"';
- } else {
- $headeroptions .= ', Scale, "Frequency"';
- }
- $labels = getRK_val ("barlabels");
- if ($labels) $histoptions .= ", labels=TRUE";
$right = getRK_val ("rightclosed");
if (!$right) {
$headeroptions .= ', "Right closed", "FALSE"';
- $histoptions .= ", right=FALSE";
+ $histcalcoptions .= ", right=FALSE";
} else {
$headeroptions .= ', "Right closed", "TRUE"';
@@ -51,18 +37,32 @@
$inclowest = getRK_val ("include_lowest");
if (!$inclowest) {
$headeroptions .= ', "Include in lowest cell", "FALSE"';
- $histoptions .= ", include.lowest=FALSE";
+ $histcalcoptions .= ", include.lowest=FALSE";
} else {
$headeroptions .= ', "Include in lowest cell", "TRUE"';
+ $freq = getRK_val ("freq");
+ if (!$freq) {
+ $histplotoptions .= ", freq=FALSE";
+ $headeroptions .= ', "Scale", "Density"';
+ } else {
+ $headeroptions .= ', "Scale", "Frequency"';
+ }
+ $addbars = getRK_val ("addtoplot");
+ if ($addbars) $histplotoptions .= ", add=TRUE";
+ $labels = getRK_val ("barlabels");
+ if ($labels) $histplotoptions .= ", labels=TRUE";
$histlty = getRK_val ("histlinetype");
- $histoptions .= ", lty=" . "\"" . $histlty . "\"";
+ $histplotoptions .= ", lty=" . "\"" . $histlty . "\"";
if ($histlty != "blank") {
$density = getRK_val ("density");
- $histoptions .= ", density=" . $density;
- if ($density > 0) $histoptions .= ", angle=" . getRK_val ("angle");
+ $histplotoptions .= ", density=" . $density;
+ if ($density > 0) $histplotoptions .= ", angle=" . getRK_val ("angle");
if (getRK_val ("doborder")) $histbordercol = getRK_val ("histbordercol.code.printout");
else $histbordercol = ", border=FALSE";
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
$histfillcol = "";
if (getRK_val ("usefillcol")) $histfillcol = getRK_val ("histfillcol.code.printout");
- $histoptions .= $histbordercol . $histfillcol;
+ $histplotoptions .= $histbordercol . $histfillcol;
function preprocess () {
@@ -82,19 +82,19 @@
function calculate () {
- global $histbreaksoptions;
+ global $histcalcoptions;
// makeCodes() has already run
- echo ($histbreaksoptions);
+ echo ($histcalcoptions);
function printout () {
- global $histoptions;
+ global $histplotoptions;
// makeCodes() has already run
- echo ($histoptions);
+ echo ($histplotoptions);
function cleanup () {
Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.xml 2007-02-27 22:00:18 UTC (rev 1501)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/plots/histogram_options.xml 2007-02-28 05:57:49 UTC (rev 1502)
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
<convert id="isbreaks_vec" sources="histbreaksFunction.string" mode="equals" standard="vec"/>
<connect client="histbreaks_veclength.enabled" governor="isbreaks_vec"/>
+ <convert id="isbreaks_int" sources="histbreaksFunction.string" mode="equals" standard="int"/>
+ <convert id="isbreaks_intORvec" mode="or" sources="isbreaks_int;isbreaks_vec"/>
+ <connect client="include_lowest.enabled" governor="isbreaks_intORvec"/>
<convert id="isdensityGT0" mode="range" sources="density.int" min="1" />
<convert id="ishistlty_notblank" sources="histlinetype.string" mode="notequals" standard="blank" />
<convert id="ishistlty_blank" sources="histlinetype.string" mode="equals" standard="blank" />
@@ -62,7 +66,10 @@
<spinbox id="histbreaks_veclength" label="Vector length" type="integer" min="1" initial="10"/>
<checkbox id="rightclosed" label="Right closed" checked="true"/>
+ <row>
<checkbox id="include_lowest" label="Include in lowest cell" checked="true"/>
+ <text id="inclow_text">(For vector valued breaks)</text>
+ </row>
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