[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [1422] trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins

kapatp at users.sourceforge.net kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Feb 22 10:18:13 UTC 2007

Revision: 1422
Author:   kapatp
Date:     2007-02-22 02:18:13 -0800 (Thu, 22 Feb 2007)

Log Message:
New Export plugin functional

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/setworkdir.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/setworkdir.php	2007-02-21 14:27:20 UTC (rev 1421)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/setworkdir.php	2007-02-22 10:18:13 UTC (rev 1422)
@@ -3,15 +3,9 @@
 function calculate () {
   $dir = getRK_val ("dir");
-  if (is_dir($dir)) {
 setwd("<? echo ($dir); ?>")
-  } else {
-cat("Not a directory.")
-  }
 function printout () {

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.php	2007-02-21 14:27:20 UTC (rev 1421)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.php	2007-02-22 10:18:13 UTC (rev 1422)
@@ -4,21 +4,51 @@
 function calculate () {
 	$type = getRK_val ("format");
-  $file = getRK_val ("file");
-  if (getRK_val ("autoextension")) {
-    if ($type == "jpeg") $ext = ".jpg";
-    elseif ($type == "postscript") $ext = ".ps";
-    else $ext = "." . $type;
-    $possible_ext = substr($file, -4);
-    if (strcasecmp($ext, $possible_ext) != 0) $file .= $ext;
-  }
+	$jpegpng = (($type == "jpeg") | ($type == "png"));
+	$file = getRK_val ("file");
+	if (getRK_val ("autoextension")) {
+		if ($type == "jpeg") {
+			if (!( ereg("\.jpeg$",$file)|ereg("\.jpg$",$file) )) $file .= ".jpg";
+		} elseif ($type == "postscript") {
+			if (!( ereg("\.ps$",$file)|ereg("\.eps$",$file) )) $file .= ".eps";
+		} else {
+			$ext = "." . $type;
+			if (!ereg($ext."$",$file)) $file .= $ext;
+		}
+/*		$possible_ext = substr($file, -4);
+		if (strcasecmp($ext, $possible_ext) != 0) $file .= $ext;*/
+// 		if (!ereg($ext."$",$file)) $file .= $ext;
+	}
 	$options = "";
-	if (!getRK_val ("autowidth")) $options .= ", width=" . getRK_val ("width");
-	if (!getRK_val ("autoheight")) $options .= ", height=" . getRK_val ("height");
+	if ($jpegpng) {
+		$width = getRK_val ("width_px");
+		$height = getRK_val ("height_px");
+	} else {
+		$width = getRK_val ("width_in");
+		$height = getRK_val ("height_in");
+	}
+	if (!getRK_val ("autowidth")) $options .= ", width=" . $width;
+	if (!getRK_val ("autoheight")) $options .= ", height=" . $height;
 	if (!getRK_val ("autopointsize")) $options .= ", pointsize=" . getRK_val ("pointsize");
 	if (($type == "jpeg") & (!getRK_val ("autoquality"))) $options .= ", quality=" . getRK_val ("quality");
-	if (!getRK_val ("autobg")) $options .= ", bg=\"" . getRK_val ("bg") . "\"";
-	if (!getRK_val ("autores")) $options .= ", res=" . getRK_val ("resolution");
+/*	if (!getRK_val ("color_transparent")) $options .= getRK_val ("bg.code.printout");
+	else $options .= ", bg=\"transparent\"";*/
+	if ($jpegpng & !getRK_val ("autores")) $options .= ", res=" . getRK_val ("resolution");
+	if (!$jpegpng) {
+		$paper = getRK_val ("paper");
+		if (!empty ($paper)) $options .= ", paper=" . "\"" . $paper . "\"";
+		$pagecentre = getRK_val ("pagecentre");
+		if (!$pagecentre) $options .= ", pagecentre=FALSE";
+		$pshoriz = getRK_val ("ps_horiz");
+		if (!$pshoriz) $options .= ", horizontal=FALSE";
+		$family = getRK_val ("family");
+		if (!empty($family)) $options .= ", family=" . "\"" . $family . "\"";
+		$enc = getRK_val ("encoding");
+		if (!empty($enc)) $options .= ", encoding=" . "\"" . $enc . "\"";
+		if (!getRK_val("autotitle")) $options .= ", title=" . "\"" . getRK_val("title") . "\"";
+	}
 dev.set (<? getRK ("devnum"); ?>)
 dev.print (device=<? echo ($type); ?>, file="<? echo ($file); ?>"<? echo ($options); ?>)

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.rkh
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.rkh	2007-02-21 14:27:20 UTC (rev 1421)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.rkh	2007-02-22 10:18:13 UTC (rev 1422)
@@ -1,31 +1,35 @@
 <!DOCTYPE rkhelp>
-		Export the current contents of a graphics device to a postscript/pdf/png/jpeg file. [postscript and pdf exports are yet to be implemented]
+		Export the current contents of a graphics device to a postscript/pdf/png/jpeg file.
-		Chose a filename and filetype to save to. Additional options for size and resolution etc. are also available. Exporting is done using dev.print. Most of the exporting parameters are directly sent to the exporting function (postscript or pdf of png or jpeg) by dev.print.
+		Chose a filename and filetype to save to. Additional options for size and resolution etc. are also available. Exporting is done using dev.print. Most of the exporting parameters are directly sent to the exporting function (postscript or pdf of png or jpeg) by <b>dev.print</b>. Note that there are no 'color' options (like background or foreground color) in this plugin. This is because dev.print simply prints the current graphics (mostly on X11) to the spedified file in the chosen format. To set background (or foreground) colors, these will need to be provided when calling the plotting function, mostly using <b>par</b>().
 		This plugin is only available in the context of a graphics device.
-		<caption id="file_and_type"/>
-		<setting id="file">The filename to save to. After checking for file extension, this is the <i>file</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-    <setting id="autoextension">Check this box to let RKWard detect the file extension automatically. If the filename specified in the filename box already has the relevant extension, then nothing is done, that is, the entire filename is used. Otherwise the relevant extension is appended to the filename above to construct the full filename.</setting>
+		<caption id="tab_file_and_type"/>
+		<setting id="file">The filename to save to. After checking for a proper file extension, this is the <i>file</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
+    <setting id="autoextension">Check this box to let RKWard detect the file extension automatically. If the filename specified in the filename box already has a relevant extension, then nothing is done, that is, the specified filename is used. Otherwise a relevant extension is appended to the filename above to construct the full filename.</setting>
 		<setting id="format">Choose whether to use postscript or pdf or png or jpeg for exporting the file. This is the <i>device</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<caption id="pngjpeg_options"/>
-		<setting id="autowidth">Should the width be determined automatically? If yes, R will decide the appropriate width from the graphics device.</setting>
-		<setting id="width">Width in pixels. Uncheck the option above to use this.  This is the <i>width</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<setting id="autoheight">See width options above.</setting>
-		<setting id="height">See width options above. This is the <i>height</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<setting id="autobg">Should the default background color be used? If yes, this is "white".</setting>
-		<setting id="bg">Background color for exporting the device. The "transparent" choice works only for exporting to png. Unceck the above option to use this. This is the <i>bg</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
+		<setting id="autowidth">Check this box to let the export function determine the width from the graphcis device. Uncheck this box to provide a width parameter to the exporting function. For JPEG/PNG formatting, the width is to be provided in pixels and at least one of width or height parameters has to be provided. For Postscript/PDF formatting, the width is provided in inches.
+			This determines the <i>width</i> parameter to the exporting function.</setting>
+		<setting id="autoheight">This is similar to 'autowidth' but for height.  This determines the <i>height</i> parameter to the exporting function.</setting>
 		<setting id="pointsize">This is the <i>pointsize</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<setting id="resolution">This is the <i>res</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<setting id="quality">Set the quality for exporting to JPEG. This options is disabled for exporting to PNG. This is the <i>quality</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
-		<caption id="pdf_options"/>
-		<caption id="ps_options"/>
-		<caption id="x11_options"/>
+		<caption id="tab_pspdf_options"/>
+		<setting id="paper">Use this to set the papersize for export. Choose 'None' to not specify any paper option. Other options are explained in R reference for <b>postscript</b>. This is available only for Postscript/PDF exports. This is the <i>paper</i> option to the exporting function.</setting>
+		<setting id="pagecentre">Uncheck this for NOT centering the image on the page. This is the <i>pagecentre</i> parameter.</setting>
+		<setting id="ps_horiz">Available only for Postscript exporting, this is the <i>horizontal</i> parameter.</setting>
+		<setting id="family">This is the <i>family</i> parameter to <b>postscript</b>. Be sure to chooe a family that is available on the machine. When in doubt leave this as 'None', the default family (Helvectica) will be used. See the R reference on postscript for more details.</setting>
+		<setting id="encoding">This is the <i>encoding</i> parameter to <b>postscript</b>. Be sure to chooe an encoding compatible with the chosen font family. When in doubt leave this 'as None', the default encoding (ISOLAtin1) will be used. See the R reference on postscript for more details.</setting>
+		<setting id="autotitle">Uncheck this box, to specify a custom title to the graphics file. Note that this is not displayed on the plot, but rather it is embeded inside the grpahics file. This is the <i>title</i> parameter to <b>postscript</b>.</setting>
+		<caption id="tab_pngjpeg_options"/>
+		<setting id="resolution">Available only for PNG/JPEG, this is the <i>res</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>
+		<setting id="quality">Available only for JPEG. Set the quality for exporting to JPEG. This options is disabled for exporting to PNG. This is the <i>quality</i> parameter to dev.print.</setting>

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.xml	2007-02-21 14:27:20 UTC (rev 1421)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/x11device/export_new.xml	2007-02-22 10:18:13 UTC (rev 1422)
@@ -1,197 +1,213 @@
 <!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
-  <code file="export_new.php" />
-  <help file="export_new.rkh" />
-  <logic>
-    <external id="devnum"/>
+	<code file="export_new.php" />
+	<help file="export_new.rkh" />
+	<logic>
+		<external id="devnum"/>
-    <convert id="isPS" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="postscript" />
-    <convert id="isPDF" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="pdf" />
-    <convert id="isJPEG" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="jpeg" />
-    <convert id="isPNG" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="png" />
-    <convert id="isJPEGPNG" mode="or" sources="isPNG;isJPEG" />
+		<convert id="isPS" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="postscript" />
+		<convert id="isPDF" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="pdf" />
+		<convert id="isPSPDF" mode="or" sources="isPS;isPDF" />
+		<convert id="isJPEG" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="jpeg" />
+		<convert id="isPNG" mode="equals" sources="format.string" standard="png" />
+		<convert id="isJPEGPNG" mode="or" sources="isPNG;isJPEG" />
-    <connect client="pngjpeg_options.enabled" governor="isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="pdf_options.enabled" governor="isPDF" />
+		<connect client="tab_pngjpeg_options.enabled" governor="isJPEGPNG" />
+		<connect client="tab_pspdf_options.enabled" governor="isPSPDF" />
+		<connect client="quality.enabled" governor="isJPEG" />
+		<connect client="autoquality.enabled" governor="isJPEG" />
-    <connect client="quality.enabled" governor="isJPEG" />
-    <connect client="autoquality.enabled" governor="isJPEG" />
+		<convert id="userwidth0" mode="equals" sources="autowidth.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userwidth0" mode="equals" sources="autowidth.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userwidth" mode="and" sources="userwidth0;isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="width.enabled" governor="userwidth"/>
+		<convert id="userwidth_isJPEGPNG" mode="and" sources="userwidth0;isJPEGPNG" />
+		<connect client="width_px.enabled" governor="userwidth_isJPEGPNG"/>
+		<connect client="width_px.visible" governor="isJPEGPNG"/>
-    <convert id="userheight0" mode="equals" sources="autoheight.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userheight" mode="and" sources="userheight0;isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="height.enabled" governor="userheight"/>
+		<convert id="userwidth_isPSPDF" mode="and" sources="userwidth0;isPSPDF" />
+		<connect client="width_in.enabled" governor="userwidth_isPSPDF"/>
+		<connect client="width_in.visible" governor="isPSPDF"/>
-    <convert id="userpointsize0" mode="equals" sources="autopointsize.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userpointsize" mode="and" sources="userpointsize0;isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="pointsize.enabled" governor="userpointsize"/>
+		<convert id="userheight0" mode="equals" sources="autoheight.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userres0" mode="equals" sources="autores.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userres" mode="and" sources="userres0;isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="resolution.enabled" governor="userres"/>
+		<convert id="userheight_isJPEGPNG" mode="and" sources="userheight0;isJPEGPNG" />
+		<connect client="height_px.enabled" governor="userheight_isJPEGPNG"/>
+		<connect client="height_px.visible" governor="isJPEGPNG"/>
-    <convert id="userbg0" mode="equals" sources="autobg.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userbg" mode="and" sources="userbg0;isJPEGPNG" />
-    <connect client="bg.enabled" governor="userbg"/>
+		<convert id="userheight_isPSPDF" mode="and" sources="userheight0;isPSPDF" />
+		<connect client="height_in.enabled" governor="userheight_isPSPDF"/>
+		<connect client="height_in.visible" governor="isPSPDF"/>
-    <convert id="userquality0" mode="equals" sources="autoquality.state" standard="0" />
-    <convert id="userquality" mode="and" sources="userquality0;autoquality.enabled" />
-    <connect client="quality.enabled" governor="userquality"/>
-  </logic>
-  <dialog label="Export contents of graphics device to png/jpeg format">
-    <tabbook>
-      <tab id="file_and_type" label="Filename/Type">
-        <row>
-          <column>
+		<convert id="userwidth0ORheight0" mode="or" sources="userheight0;userwidth0"/>
+		<convert id="userwidth0ORheight0_isJPEGPNG" mode="and" sources="userwidth0ORheight0;isJPEGPNG"/>
+		<convert id="truestate" mode="or" sources="userwidth0ORheight0_isJPEGPNG;isPS;isPDF" require_true="true"/>
+		<convert id="wh_both1" mode="and" sources="autoheight.state;autowidth.state;isJPEGPNG" />
+		<convert id="wh_both_not1" sources="wh_both1" mode="notequals" standard="true"/>
+<!--		<connect client="wh_txt_2.visible" governor="userwidth0ORheight0"/>-->
+		<connect client="wh_txt_1.visible" governor="wh_both1"/>
+		<connect client="wh_txt_2.visible" governor="wh_both_not1"/>
+		<convert id="userpointsize0" mode="equals" sources="autopointsize.state" standard="0" />
+		<connect client="pointsize.enabled" governor="userpointsize0"/>
+		<convert id="userres0" mode="equals" sources="autores.state" standard="0" />
+		<convert id="userres" mode="and" sources="userres0;isJPEGPNG" />
+		<connect client="resolution.enabled" governor="userres"/>
+<!-- 		<convert id="userbg0" mode="equals" sources="autobg.state" standard="0" /> -->
+<!-- 		<convert id="usertransparent0" mode="equals" sources="color_transparent.state" standard="0" /> -->
+<!--		<convert id="userbg" mode="and" sources="userbg0;isJPEGPNG" />
+		<connect client="color_transparent.enabled" governor="userbg"/>
+		<convert id="userbgtransparent" mode="and" sources="userbg;usertransparent0" />-->
+<!-- 		<connect client="bg.color_enabled" governor="usertransparent0"/> -->
+<!-- 		<set id="bg.argument" to=", bg="/> -->
+<!-- 		<set id="bg.default_color" to="white"/> -->
+		<convert id="userquality0" mode="equals" sources="autoquality.state" standard="0" />
+		<convert id="userquality" mode="and" sources="userquality0;autoquality.enabled" />
+		<connect client="quality.enabled" governor="userquality"/>
+		<convert id="usertitle0" mode="equals" sources="autotitle.state" standard="0" />
+		<connect client="title.enabled" governor="usertitle0"/>
+		<connect client="ps_horiz.enabled" governor="isPS"/>
+	</logic>
+	<dialog label="Export contents of graphics device to png/jpeg format">
+		<tabbook>
+			<tab id="tab_file_and_type" label="Filename/Type">
+				<row>
+					<column>
 <!--             <frame> -->
-              <browser size="medium" id="file" label="File name" initial="Rplot" />
-              <checkbox id="autoextension" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Automatic File extension"/>
+							<browser size="medium" id="file" label="File name" initial="Rplot" />
+							<checkbox id="autoextension" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Automatic File extension"/>
 <!--             </frame> -->
-          </column>
-          <column>
-            <radio id="format" label="Output format" >
-              <option value="postscript" label="Postscript" />
-              <option value="pdf" label="PDF" />
-              <option value="png" label="PNG" />
-              <option value="jpeg" label="JPEG" />
-            </radio>
-          </column>
-          <stretch/>
-        </row>
-      <stretch/>
-      </tab>
-      <tab id="pngjpeg_options" label="PNG/JPEG">
-        <row>
-          <frame>
-            <row>
-              <column>
-                <checkbox id="autowidth" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Automatic Width"/>
-                <spinbox id="width" label="Width in pixels" min="20" initial="480" default_precision="1"/>
-                <!--             </frame> -->
-            </column>
-            <column>
-              <!--             <frame> -->
-                <checkbox id="autoheight" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Automatic Height"/>
-                <spinbox id="height" label="Height in pixels" min="20" initial="480" default_precision="1" />
-              </column>
-            </row>
-          </frame>
-          <column>
-            <frame>
-              <checkbox id="autobg" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Background"/>
-              <dropdown id="bg" label="Background">
-                <option value="transparent" label="Transparent" />
-                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
-                <option value="black" label="Black" />
-                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
-                <option value="blue1" label="Blue1" />
-                <option value="blue2" label="Blue2" />
-                <option value="blue3" label="Blue3" />
-                <option value="blue4" label="Blue4" />
-                <option value="brown" label="Brown" />
-                <option value="cyan" label="Cyan" />
-                <option value="darkviolet" label="Darkviolet" />
-                <option value="gold" label="Gold" />
-                <option value="gray" label="Gray" />
-                <option value="gray1" label="Gray1" />
-                <option value="gray2" label="Gray2" />
-                <option value="gray3" label="Gray3" />
-                <option value="gray4" label="Gray4" />
-                <option value="green" label="Green" />
-                <option value="green1" label="Green1" />
-                <option value="green2" label="Green2" />
-                <option value="green3" label="Green3" />
-                <option value="green4" label="Green4" />
-                <option value="grey" label="Grey" />
-                <option value="grey1" label="Grey1" />
-                <option value="grey2" label="Grey2" />
-                <option value="grey3" label="Grey3" />
-                <option value="grey4" label="Grey4" />
-                <option value="lawngreen" label="Lawngreen" />
-                <option value="limegreen" label="Limegreen" />
-                <option value="linen" label="Linen" />
-                <option value="magenta" label="Magenta" />
-                <option value="magenta1" label="Magenta1" />
-                <option value="magenta2" label="Magenta2" />
-                <option value="magenta3" label="Magenta3" />
-                <option value="magenta4" label="Magenta4" />
-                <option value="mintcream" label="Mintcream" />
-                <option value="mistyrose" label="Mistyrose" />
-                <option value="navajowhite" label="Navajowhite" />
-                <option value="orange" label="Orange" />
-                <option value="orchid" label="Orchid" />
-                <option value="palegreen" label="Palegreen" />
-                <option value="papayawhip" label="Papayawhip" />
-                <option value="peachpuff" label="Peachpuff" />
-                <option value="pink" label="Pink" />
-                <option value="red" label="Red" />
-                <option value="red1" label="Red1" />
-                <option value="red2" label="Red1" />
-                <option value="red3" label="Red3" />
-                <option value="red4" label="Red4" />
-                <option value="royalblue" label="Royalblue" />
-                <option value="salmon" label="Salmon" />
-                <option value="sandybrown" label="Sandybrown" />
-                <option value="seagreen" label="Seagreen" />
-                <option value="sienna" label="Sienna" />
-                <option value="skyblue" label="Skyblue" />
-                <option value="slategrey" label="Slategrey" />
-                <option value="snow" label="Snow" />
-                <option value="springgreen" label="Springgreen" />
-                <option value="steelblue" label="Steelblue" />
-                <option value="tan" label="Tan" />
-                <option value="thistle" label="Thistle" />
-                <option value="tomato" label="Tomato" />
-                <option value="violet" label="Violet" />
-                <option value="violetred1" label="Violetred1" />
-                <option value="violetred2" label="Violetred2" />
-                <option value="violetred3" label="Violetred3" />
-                <option value="violetred4" label="Violetred4" />
-                <option value="wheat" label="Wheat" />
-                <option value="white" label="White" checked="true" />
-                <option value="yellow" label="Yellow" />
-                <option value="yellow1" label="Yellow1" />
-                <option value="yellow2" label="Yellow2" />
-                <option value="yellow3" label="Yellow3" />
-                <option value="yellow4" label="Yellow4" />
-                <option value="yellowgreen" label="Yellowgreen" />
-              </dropdown>
-              <!--               <input id="bg" label="Background" size="medium" initial="'white'"/> -->
-            </frame>
-          </column>
-        </row>
-<!--         <row> -->
-            <frame><row>
-          <column>
-              <checkbox id="autopointsize" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Font size"/>
-              <spinbox id="pointsize" label="Point size" min="0" initial="12"  default_precision="1"/>
-          </column>
-          <column>
-              <checkbox id="autores" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Resolution"/>
-              <spinbox id="resolution" label="Resolution (dpi)" min="0" initial="72" default_precision="1"/>
-          </column>
-          <column>
-              <checkbox id="autoquality" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Quality"/>
-              <spinbox label="JPEG Quality" id="quality" min="0" max="100" initial="75" default_precision="1"/>
-          </column>
-            </row></frame>
-<!--         </row> -->
-      </tab>
+					</column>
+					<column>
+						<radio id="format" label="Output format" >
+							<option value="postscript" label="Postscript" checked="true"/>
+							<option value="pdf" label="PDF" />
+							<option value="png" label="PNG" />
+							<option value="jpeg" label="JPEG" />
+						</radio>
+					</column>
+				</row>
+				<row>
+					<frame id="generic_options" label="Generic Export Options">
+						<text id="wh_txt_1">Either Width or Height has to be provided for PNG/JPEG export!!</text>
+						<text id="wh_txt_2">                                                               </text>
+						<row>
+							<column>
+								<checkbox id="autowidth" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="false" label="Automatic Width"/>
+								<spinbox id="width_px" label="Width in pixels" min="20" initial="480" default_precision="1"/>
+								<spinbox id="width_in" label="Width in inches" min="0" initial="6" default_precision="1"/>
+							</column>
+							<column>
+								<checkbox id="autoheight" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="false" label="Automatic Height"/>
+								<spinbox id="height_px" label="Height in pixels" min="20" initial="480" default_precision="1" />
+								<spinbox id="height_in" label="Height in inches" min="0" initial="6" default_precision="1" />
+							</column>
+							<column>
+								<checkbox id="autopointsize" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default pointsize"/>
+								<spinbox id="pointsize" label="Point size" min="0" initial="12"  default_precision="1"/>
+							</column>
+						</row>
+					</frame>
+				</row>
+				<stretch/>
+			</tab>
-      <tab id="pdf_options" label="PDF">
-        <text>Not yet implemented!</text>
-      </tab>
-      <tab id="ps_options" label="Postscript">
-        <text>Not yet implemented!</text>
-      </tab>
-      <tab id="x11_options" label="X11">
-        <text>Not yet implemented!</text>
-      </tab>
+			<tab id="tab_pspdf_options" label="Postscript/PDF">
+<!-- 				<frame id="page_properties" label="Page properties"> -->
+					<row>
+						<column>
+				<dropdown id="paper" label="Paper Size">
+					<option value="" label="None" checked="true"/>
+					<option value="a4" label="A4"/>
+					<option value="letter" label="Letter"/>
+					<option value="legal" label="Legal"/>
+					<option value="executive" label="Executive"/>
+					<option value="special" label="Special"/>
+					<option value="default" label="Use 'papersize' definition"/>
+				</dropdown>
+						</column>
+						<column>
+							<frame>
+					<checkbox id="pagecentre" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Pagecentre"/>
+					<checkbox id="ps_horiz" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Horizontal (postscript only)"/>
+							</frame>
+						</column>
+					</row>
+<!-- 				</frame> -->
+					<frame id="font_properties" label="Font properties">
+						<row>
+				<dropdown id="family" label="Font family">
+					<option value="" label="None" checked="true"/>
+					<option value="AvantGarde" label="AvantGarde"/>
+					<option value="Bookman" label="Bookman"/>
+					<option value="Courier" label="Courier"/>
+					<option value="Helvectica" label="Helvectica"/>
+					<option value="Helvectica-Narrow" label="Helvectica Narrow"/>
+					<option value="mono" label="Mono"/>
+					<option value="NewCenturySchoolbook" label="New Century Schoolbook"/>
+					<option value="Palatino" label="Palatino"/>
+					<option value="sans" label="Sans"/>
+					<option value="serif" label="Serif"/>
+					<option value="symbol" label="Symbol"/>
+					<option value="Times" label="Times"/>
+					<option value="CenturySch" label="CenturySch (URW)"/>
+					<option value="NimbusMon" label="NimbusMon (URW)"/>
+					<option value="NimbusSanCond" label="NimbusSanCond (URW)"/>
+					<option value="URWBookman" label="URWBookman"/>
+					<option value="URWHelvectica" label="URWHelvectica"/>
+					<option value="URWGothic" label="URWGothic"/>
+					<option value="URWPalladio" label="URWPalladio"/>
+					<option value="URWTimes" label="URWTimes"/>
+				</dropdown>
+				<dropdown id="encoding" label="Font Encoding">
+					<option value="" label="None" checked="true"/>
+					<option value="ISOLatin1.enc" label="ISOLatin1"/>
+					<option value="ISOLatin2.enc" label="ISOLatin2"/>
+					<option value="CP1250.enc" label="CP1250"/>
+					<option value="ISOLatin7.enc" label="ISOLatin7"/>
+					<option value="CP1257.enc" label="CP1257"/>
+					<option value="ISOLatin9.enc" label="ISOLatin9"/>
+					<option value="PDFDoc.enc" label="PDFDoc"/>
+				</dropdown>
+			</row>
+			</frame>
+			<frame id="title_properties" label="Title embeded in file">
+				<row>
+					<column>
+					<checkbox id="autotitle" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Title"/>
+				</column>
+					<column>
+					<input id="title" size="small" initial="R Graphics Output"/>
+				</column>
+				</row>
+			</frame>
+			</tab>
-    </tabbook>
-  </dialog>
+			<tab id="tab_pngjpeg_options" label="PNG/JPEG">
+<!-- 					<column> -->
+<!-- 						<frame> -->
+<!-- 							<checkbox id="autobg" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Background"/> -->
+<!-- 							<checkbox id="color_transparent" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="false" label="Transparent Background"/> -->
+<!-- 							<embed id="bg" component="rkward::color_chooser" label="Background"/> -->
+<!-- 						</frame> -->
+<!-- 					</column> -->
+					<frame>
+						<row>
+							<column>
+								<checkbox id="autores" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Resolution"/>
+								<spinbox id="resolution" label="Resolution (dpi)" min="0" initial="72" default_precision="1"/>
+							</column>
+							<column>
+								<checkbox id="autoquality" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true" label="Default Quality"/>
+								<spinbox label="JPEG Quality" id="quality" min="0" max="100" initial="75" default_precision="1"/>
+							</column>
+						</row>
+					</frame>
+			</tab>
+		</tabbook>
+	</dialog>

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