[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [1417] trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins

kapatp at users.sourceforge.net kapatp at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Feb 20 05:27:14 UTC 2007

Revision: 1417
Author:   kapatp
Date:     2007-02-19 21:27:14 -0800 (Mon, 19 Feb 2007)

Log Message:
Beta and Binomial CLT plugins

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.php	2007-02-20 05:27:14 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+	function preprocess () {
+	}
+	function calculate () {
+	}
+	function printout () {
+	doPrintout (true);
+  }
+  function cleanup () {
+  }
+function preview () {
+	preprocess ();
+	calculate ();
+	doPrintout (false);
+	cleanup ();
+function doPrintout ($final) {
+	$fun = getRK_val ("function");
+	$a = getRK_val ("a");
+	$b = getRK_val ("b");
+	$ncp = getRK_val ("ncp");
+	$nAvg = getRK_val ("nAvg");
+	$nDist = getRK_val ("nDist");
+	$scalenorm = getRK_val ("scalenorm");
+	$drawnorm = getRK_val ("drawnorm");
+	$distExp = $a/($a+$b);
+	$distVar = $a*$b;
+	$distVar /= (($a+$b)^2)*($a+$b+1);
+	$distVar /= $nAvg;
+	if ($scalenorm) {
+	 $normMu = 0;
+	 $normSigma = 1;
+	} else {
+	 $normMu = $distExp;
+	 $normSigma = sqrt($distVar);
+	}
+  if ($fun == "hist") {
+    $histoptions = ", breaks=";
+    $histbreaks = getRK_val ("histbreaksFunction");
+    if ($histbreaks == "cells") $histoptions .= getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells");
+    else $histoptions .= "\"" . $histbreaks . "\"";
+    $histlty = getRK_val ("histlinetype");
+    $histoptions .= ", lty=" . "\"" . $histlty . "\"";
+    if ($histlty != "blank") {
+      $density = getRK_val ("density");
+      $histoptions .= ", density=" . $density;
+      if ($density > 0) $histoptions .= ", angle=" . getRK_val ("angle");
+      $histbordercol = getRK_val ("histbordercol");
+      if (($histbordercol != "FALSE") & ($histbordercol != "TRUE")) $histbordercol = "\"" . $histbordercol . "\"";
+      $histfillcol = getRK_val ("histfillcol");
+      if ($histfillcol != "NULL") $histfillcol = "\"" . $histfillcol . "\"";
+      $histoptions .= ", border=" . $histbordercol . ", col=" . $histfillcol;
+    }
+    $histoptions .= getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+  }
+rk.temp.cltdistrib <- list()
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$data <- matrix(rbeta(n=<? echo ($nAvg*$nDist); ?>, shape1 = <? echo ($a); ?>, shape2=<? echo ($b); ?>, ncp=<? echo ($ncp); ?>), nrow=<? echo ($nAvg); ?>);
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg <- colMeans(rk.temp.cltdistrib$data);
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$mean <- c(<? echo ($distExp); ?>)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$var <- c(<? echo ($distVar); ?>)
+if (<? echo ($scalenorm); ?>) rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg <- (rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg - rk.temp.cltdistrib$mean)/sqrt(rk.temp.cltdistrib$var)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX <- seq(from=min(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg), to=max(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg), length=<? echo ($nDist); ?>)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY <- dnorm (rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX, mean = <? echo ($normMu); ?>, sd = <? echo ($normSigma); ?>)
+	if ($final) { ?>
+rk.graph.on ()
+<? }
+  if ($fun == "hist") {
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist <- hist(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg, plot=FALSE)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim <- c(0,max(c(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist$density, rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY)))
+try( plot(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist, freq=FALSE, ylim=rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim<? echo ($histoptions); ?>) )
+  }
+if (<? echo ($drawnorm); ?>) {
+  try (lines (x=rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX, y=rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY, type="<? getRK ("normpointtype"); ?>", col="<? getRK ("normlinecol"); ?>"))
+<?	if ($final) { ?>
+rk.graph.off ()
+<? }

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_beta_clt.xml	2007-02-20 05:27:14 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
+  <code file="plot_beta_clt.php" />
+  <help file="plot_beta_clt.rkh" />
+  <logic>
+    <set id="plotoptions.allow_log" to="false"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.allow_type" to="false"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.main.text" to="Histogram for Beta"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.xlab.text" to="Samples"/>
+    <convert id="isbreaks_cells" sources="histbreaksFunction.string" mode="equals" standard="cells"/>
+    <connect client="histbreaks_ncells.enabled" governor="isbreaks_cells"/>
+    <convert id="isdensityGT0" mode="range" sources="density.int" min="1" />
+    <connect client="angle.enabled" governor="isdensityGT0"/>
+    <convert id="ishistlty_notblank" sources="histlinetype.string" mode="notequals" standard="blank" />
+    <connect client="density.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <connect client="histbordercol.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <connect client="histfillcol.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <convert id="isdensityGT0ishistlty_notblank" mode="and" sources="isdensityGT0;ishistlty_notblank" />
+    <connect client="angle.enabled" governor="isdensityGT0ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <convert id="isHistogram" sources="function.string" mode="equals" standard="hist"/>
+    <connect client="moreohistptions.enabled" governor="isHistogram"/>
+    <convert id="show_NormalCurveOptions" mode="and" sources="isHistogram;drawnorm.state"/>
+    <connect client="lineoptionsFrame.enabled" governor="show_NormalCurveOptions"/>
+  </logic>
+  <dialog label="Central Limit Theorem: Beta to Normal" >
+    <tabbook>
+      <tab id="plot_binom_clt" label="Parameters" >
+        <row>
+          <column>
+            <frame label="CLT Samples" >
+              <spinbox type="integer" min = "1" id="nAvg" initial="10" label="Samples for Average" />
+              <spinbox type="integer" min = "10" id="nDist" initial="1000" label="Samples for distribution" />
+            </frame>
+            <frame label="Beta Parameters">
+              <spinbox id="a" initial="2" min="0.01" label="Shape1 (a)" />
+              <spinbox id="b" initial="2" min="0.01" label="Shape2 (b)" />
+              <spinbox id="ncp" initial="0" min="0" label="Non-centrality parameter (ncp)" />
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+          <column>
+            <radio id="function" label="Choose type of function plot" >
+              <option value="hist" label="Plot Histogram" />
+              <option value="dist" label="Plot distribution" />
+              <option value="qq" label="Plot QQ-plot" />
+            </radio>
+            <checkbox id="scalenorm" label="Use normalised random variable" value="1" value_unchecked="0"/>
+            <checkbox id="drawnorm" label="Draw normal curve" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true"/>
+            <stretch/>
+            <preview id="preview" label="Preview"/>
+            <embed id="plotoptions" component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Plot Options" />
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="moreohistptions" label="More Histogram Options">
+        <row>
+          <column>
+            <radio id="histbreaksFunction" label="Method of setting breakpoints" >
+              <option value="Sturges" label="Sturges"  checked="true" />
+              <option value="Scott" label="Scott" />
+              <option value="FD" label="Friedman-Diaconis" />
+              <option value="cells" label="Equally spaced cells" />
+            </radio>
+            <spinbox id="histbreaks_ncells" label="Suggested number of cells" type="integer" min="1" initial="10"/>
+            <frame id="lineoptionsFrame" label="Nomral Curve Options">
+              <dropdown id="normpointtype" label="Type of points/lines" >
+                <option value="p" label="Plot individual points " />
+                <option value="l" label="Plot lines" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="b" label="Plot points connected by lines (both)" />
+                <option value="o" label="Plot points overlaid by lines " />
+                <option value="h" label="Plot vertical lines (high-density)" />
+                <option value="s" label="Step-function plots: left edge" />
+                <option value="S" label="Step-function plots: right edge" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <dropdown id="normlinecol" label="Normal curve color">
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" checked="true"/>
+              </dropdown>
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+          <column>
+            <frame id="histoptions" label="Histogram plot options">
+              <dropdown id="histlinetype" label="Line type for histogram" >
+                <option value="blank" label="Blank (No lines)" />
+                <option value="solid" label="Solid" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="dashed" label="Dashed" />
+                <option value="dotted" label="Dotted" />
+                <option value="dotdash" label="Dot-Dash" />
+                <option value="longdash" label="Long-dash" />
+                <option value="twodash" label="Two-dash" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <spinbox id="density" label="Density of shading lines" type="integer" min="-1" initial="-1" default_precision="1"/>
+              <spinbox id="angle" label="Angle of shading lines" min="0" max = "360" initial="45" default_precision="0"/>
+              <dropdown id="histbordercol" label="Histogram border color">
+                <option value="FALSE" label="Supress borders" />
+                <option value="TRUE" label="Use fill color" checked="true" />
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <dropdown id="histfillcol" label="Histogram fill color">
+                <option value="NULL" label="Do not fill" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" />
+              </dropdown>
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+    </tabbook>
+  </dialog>

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.php	2007-02-20 05:27:14 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+	function preprocess () {
+	}
+	function calculate () {
+	}
+	function printout () {
+	doPrintout (true);
+  }
+  function cleanup () {
+  }
+function preview () {
+	preprocess ();
+	calculate ();
+	doPrintout (false);
+	cleanup ();
+function doPrintout ($final) {
+	$fun = getRK_val ("function");
+	$size = getRK_val ("size");
+	$prob = getRK_val ("prob");
+	$nAvg = getRK_val ("nAvg");
+	$nDist = getRK_val ("nDist");
+	$scalenorm = getRK_val ("scalenorm");
+	$drawnorm = getRK_val ("drawnorm");
+	$distExp = $size*$prob;
+	$distVar = $size*$prob*(1-$prob)/$nAvg;
+	if ($scalenorm) {
+	 $normMu = 0;
+	 $normSigma = 1;
+	} else {
+	 $normMu = $distExp;
+	 $normSigma = sqrt($distVar);
+	}
+  if ($fun == "hist") {
+    $histoptions = ", breaks=";
+    $histbreaks = getRK_val ("histbreaksFunction");
+    if ($histbreaks == "cells") $histoptions .= getRK_val ("histbreaks_ncells");
+    else $histoptions .= "\"" . $histbreaks . "\"";
+    $histlty = getRK_val ("histlinetype");
+    $histoptions .= ", lty=" . "\"" . $histlty . "\"";
+    if ($histlty != "blank") {
+      $density = getRK_val ("density");
+      $histoptions .= ", density=" . $density;
+      if ($density > 0) $histoptions .= ", angle=" . getRK_val ("angle");
+      $histbordercol = getRK_val ("histbordercol");
+      if (($histbordercol != "FALSE") & ($histbordercol != "TRUE")) $histbordercol = "\"" . $histbordercol . "\"";
+      $histfillcol = getRK_val ("histfillcol");
+      if ($histfillcol != "NULL") $histfillcol = "\"" . $histfillcol . "\"";
+      $histoptions .= ", border=" . $histbordercol . ", col=" . $histfillcol;
+    }
+    $histoptions .= getRK_val("plotoptions.code.printout");
+  }
+rk.temp.cltdistrib <- list()
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$data <- matrix(rbinom(n=<? echo ($nAvg*$nDist); ?>, size = <? echo ($size); ?>, prob=<? echo ($prob); ?>), nrow=<? echo ($nAvg); ?>);
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg <- colMeans(rk.temp.cltdistrib$data);
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$mean <- c(<? echo ($distExp); ?>)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$var <- c(<? echo ($distVar); ?>)
+if (<? echo ($scalenorm); ?>) rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg <- (rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg - rk.temp.cltdistrib$mean)/sqrt(rk.temp.cltdistrib$var)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX <- seq(from=min(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg), to=max(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg), length=<? echo ($nDist); ?>)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY <- dnorm (rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX, mean = <? echo ($normMu); ?>, sd = <? echo ($normSigma); ?>)
+	if ($final) { ?>
+rk.graph.on ()
+<? }
+  if ($fun == "hist") {
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist <- hist(rk.temp.cltdistrib$avg, plot=FALSE)
+rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim <- c(0,max(c(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist$density, rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY)))
+try( plot(rk.temp.cltdistrib$hist, freq=FALSE, ylim=rk.temp.cltdistrib$ylim<? echo ($histoptions); ?>) )
+  }
+if (<? echo ($drawnorm); ?>) {
+  try (lines (x=rk.temp.cltdistrib$normX, y=rk.temp.cltdistrib$normY, type="<? getRK ("normpointtype"); ?>", col="<? getRK ("normlinecol"); ?>"))
+<?	if ($final) { ?>
+rk.graph.off ()
+<? }

Added: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml	2007-02-20 05:27:14 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+<!DOCTYPE rkplugin>
+  <code file="plot_binomial_clt.php" />
+  <help file="plot_binomial_clt.rkh" />
+  <logic>
+    <set id="plotoptions.allow_log" to="false"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.allow_type" to="false"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.main.text" to="Histogram for Binomial"/>
+    <set id="plotoptions.xlab.text" to="Samples"/>
+    <convert id="isbreaks_cells" sources="histbreaksFunction.string" mode="equals" standard="cells"/>
+    <connect client="histbreaks_ncells.enabled" governor="isbreaks_cells"/>
+    <convert id="isdensityGT0" mode="range" sources="density.int" min="1" />
+    <connect client="angle.enabled" governor="isdensityGT0"/>
+    <convert id="ishistlty_notblank" sources="histlinetype.string" mode="notequals" standard="blank" />
+    <connect client="density.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <connect client="histbordercol.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <connect client="histfillcol.enabled" governor="ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <convert id="isdensityGT0ishistlty_notblank" mode="and" sources="isdensityGT0;ishistlty_notblank" />
+    <connect client="angle.enabled" governor="isdensityGT0ishistlty_notblank"/>
+    <convert id="isHistogram" sources="function.string" mode="equals" standard="hist"/>
+    <connect client="moreohistptions.enabled" governor="isHistogram"/>
+    <convert id="show_NormalCurveOptions" mode="and" sources="isHistogram;drawnorm.state"/>
+    <connect client="lineoptionsFrame.enabled" governor="show_NormalCurveOptions"/>
+  </logic>
+  <dialog label="Central Limit Theorem: Binomial to Normal" >
+    <tabbook>
+      <tab id="plot_binom_clt" label="Parameters" >
+        <row>
+          <column>
+            <frame label="CLT Samples" >
+              <spinbox type="integer" min = "1" id="nAvg" initial="10" label="Samples for Average" />
+              <spinbox type="integer" min = "10" id="nDist" initial="1000" label="Samples for distribution" />
+            </frame>
+            <frame label="Binomial Parameters">
+              <spinbox type="integer" id="size" min="1" initial="12" label="Number of trials" />
+              <spinbox default_precision="2" type="real" id="prob" initial="0.5" min="0" max="1" label="Probability of success on each trial" />
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+          <column>
+            <radio id="function" label="Choose type of function plot" >
+              <option value="hist" label="Plot Histogram" />
+              <option value="dist" label="Plot distribution" />
+              <option value="qq" label="Plot QQ-plot" />
+            </radio>
+            <checkbox id="scalenorm" label="Use normalised random variable" value="1" value_unchecked="0"/>
+            <checkbox id="drawnorm" label="Draw normal curve" value="1" value_unchecked="0" checked="true"/>
+            <stretch/>
+            <preview id="preview" label="Preview"/>
+            <embed id="plotoptions" component="rkward::plot_options" as_button="true" label="Plot Options" />
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+      <tab id="moreohistptions" label="More Histogram Options">
+        <row>
+          <column>
+            <radio id="histbreaksFunction" label="Method of setting breakpoints" >
+              <option value="Sturges" label="Sturges"  checked="true" />
+              <option value="Scott" label="Scott" />
+              <option value="FD" label="Friedman-Diaconis" />
+              <option value="cells" label="Equally spaced cells" />
+            </radio>
+            <spinbox id="histbreaks_ncells" label="Suggested number of cells" type="integer" min="1" initial="10"/>
+            <frame id="lineoptionsFrame" label="Nomral Curve Options">
+              <dropdown id="normpointtype" label="Type of points/lines" >
+                <option value="p" label="Plot individual points " />
+                <option value="l" label="Plot lines" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="b" label="Plot points connected by lines (both)" />
+                <option value="o" label="Plot points overlaid by lines " />
+                <option value="h" label="Plot vertical lines (high-density)" />
+                <option value="s" label="Step-function plots: left edge" />
+                <option value="S" label="Step-function plots: right edge" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <dropdown id="normlinecol" label="Normal curve color">
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" checked="true"/>
+              </dropdown>
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+          <column>
+            <frame id="histoptions" label="Histogram plot options">
+              <dropdown id="histlinetype" label="Line type for histogram" >
+                <option value="blank" label="Blank (No lines)" />
+                <option value="solid" label="Solid" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="dashed" label="Dashed" />
+                <option value="dotted" label="Dotted" />
+                <option value="dotdash" label="Dot-Dash" />
+                <option value="longdash" label="Long-dash" />
+                <option value="twodash" label="Two-dash" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <spinbox id="density" label="Density of shading lines" type="integer" min="-1" initial="-1" default_precision="1"/>
+              <spinbox id="angle" label="Angle of shading lines" min="0" max = "360" initial="45" default_precision="0"/>
+              <dropdown id="histbordercol" label="Histogram border color">
+                <option value="FALSE" label="Supress borders" />
+                <option value="TRUE" label="Use fill color" checked="true" />
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" />
+              </dropdown>
+              <dropdown id="histfillcol" label="Histogram fill color">
+                <option value="NULL" label="Do not fill" checked="true"/>
+                <option value="azure" label="Azure" />
+                <option value="black" label="Black" />
+                <option value="blue" label="Blue" />
+                <option value="red" label="Red" />
+              </dropdown>
+            </frame>
+          </column>
+        </row>
+      </tab>
+    </tabbook>
+  </dialog>

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/under_development.pluginmap
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/under_development.pluginmap	2007-02-20 05:23:08 UTC (rev 1416)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/plugins/under_development.pluginmap	2007-02-20 05:27:14 UTC (rev 1417)
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 		<component type="standard" id="export_x11_device_new" file="x11device/export_new.xml" label="Export (new)" />
 		<component type="standard" id="setworkdir" file="00saveload/setworkdir.xml" label="Set Working Directory" />
+    <component type="standard" id="plot_binomial_clt" file="distributions/plot_binomial_clt.xml" label="Binomial CLT" />
+    <component type="standard" id="plot_beta_clt" file="distributions/plot_beta_clt.xml" label="Beta CLT" />
@@ -23,6 +25,16 @@
 		<menu id="distributions" label="Distributions" index="7">
+			<menu id="univariate_continuous_distributions" label="Univariate continuous distributions" index="2">
+				<menu id="beta_distribution" label="Beta" index="0">
+					<entry component="plot_beta_clt" label="Beta CLT" index="2"/>
+				</menu>
+      </menu>
+			<menu id="univariate_discrete_distributions" label="Univariate discrete distributions" index="2">
+				<menu id="binomial_distribution" label="Binomial" index="0">
+					<entry component="plot_binomial_clt" label="Binomial CLT" index="2"/>
+				</menu>
+      </menu>

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