[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/dialogs rkloadlibsdialog.cpp, 1.23, 1.24 rkloadlibsdialog.h, 1.10, 1.11

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 10 20:13:19 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs9.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv20835/dialogs

Modified Files:
	rkloadlibsdialog.cpp rkloadlibsdialog.h 
Log Message:
Make package installation dialog use RKProgressControl.

Index: rkloadlibsdialog.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs/rkloadlibsdialog.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -C2 -d -r1.23 -r1.24
*** rkloadlibsdialog.cpp	8 Sep 2006 16:59:16 -0000	1.23
--- rkloadlibsdialog.cpp	10 Sep 2006 20:13:17 -0000	1.24
*** 34,45 ****
  #include "../settings/rksettingsmodulegeneral.h"
  #include "../settings/rksettings.h"
! #include "../misc/rkerrordialog.h"
! #include "../misc/rkcanceldialog.h"
  #include "../debug.h"
  RKLoadLibsDialog::RKLoadLibsDialog (QWidget *parent, RCommandChain *chain, bool modal) : KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Tabbed, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder, parent, 0, modal, i18n ("Configure Packages"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::User1) {
--- 34,42 ----
  #include "../settings/rksettingsmodulegeneral.h"
  #include "../settings/rksettings.h"
! #include "../misc/rkprogresscontrol.h"
  #include "../debug.h"
  RKLoadLibsDialog::RKLoadLibsDialog (QWidget *parent, RCommandChain *chain, bool modal) : KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Tabbed, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder, parent, 0, modal, i18n ("Configure Packages"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::User1) {
*** 59,65 ****
  	layout->addWidget (new InstallPackagesWidget (this, page));
- 	error_dialog = new RKErrorDialog (i18n ("The R-backend has reported errors handling packages.\nA transcript of the errors is shown below."), i18n ("Error handling packages"), false);
- 	installation_error_dialog = new RKErrorDialog (i18n ("There was an error or warning while installing the packages.\nPlease check the output below for more information."), i18n ("Error installing packages"), false);
  	setButtonText (KDialogBase::User1, i18n ("Configure Repositories"));
--- 56,59 ----
*** 72,77 ****
  RKLoadLibsDialog::~RKLoadLibsDialog () {
- 	delete error_dialog;
- 	delete installation_error_dialog;
  	if (accepted) accept ();
--- 66,69 ----
*** 139,149 ****
  void RKLoadLibsDialog::rCommandDone (RCommand *command) {
! 	if (command->getFlags () == DOWNLOAD_PACKAGES_COMMAND) {
! 		if (command->failed ()) error_dialog->newError (command->error ());
! 		emit (downloadComplete ());
! 	} else if (command->getFlags () == INSTALL_PACKAGES_COMMAND) {
! 		if (command->failed ()) error_dialog->newError (command->error ());
! 		emit (installationComplete ());
! 	} else if (command->getFlags () == GET_CURRENT_LIBLOCS_COMMAND) {
  		RK_ASSERT (command->stringVectorLength () > 0);
  		QStringList current_library_locations;
--- 131,135 ----
  void RKLoadLibsDialog::rCommandDone (RCommand *command) {
! 	if (command->getFlags () == GET_CURRENT_LIBLOCS_COMMAND) {
  		RK_ASSERT (command->stringVectorLength () > 0);
  		QStringList current_library_locations;
*** 184,218 ****
  	connect (proc, SIGNAL (processExited (KProcess *)), this, SLOT (processExited (KProcess *)));
  	connect (proc, SIGNAL (receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT (installationProcessOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
! 	connect (proc, SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT (installationProcessOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
! 	installation_error_dialog->newError ("test");
  	proc->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput);
- /*//	if (as_root) {
- 		RK_ASSERT (!repos_string.isEmpty ());
- 		command_string = "options (repos=" + repos_string + ")\n" + command_string;
- //	}
- 	proc->writeStdin (command_string, command_string.length ()); */
! 	if (RKCancelDialog::showCancelDialog (i18n ("Installing packages..."), i18n ("Please, stand by while installing packages."), this, this, SIGNAL (installationComplete ())) == QDialog::Rejected) {
! 		proc->kill ();
! 	};
! 	if ((!proc->normalExit ()) || (proc->exitStatus ())) {
! 		installation_error_dialog->newError (QString::null);		// to make sure it is shown
! 	}
! //	installation_error_dialog->resetOutput ();
  	file.remove ();
  	delete proc;
  	return true;
- /*	RCommand *command = new RCommand (command_string, RCommand::App, QString::null, this, INSTALL_PACKAGES_COMMAND);
- 	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, chain);
- 	if (RKCancelDialog::showCancelDialog (i18n ("Downloading / Installing"), i18n ("Please, stand by while downloading/installing selected packages."), this, this, SIGNAL (installationComplete ()), command) == QDialog::Rejected) return false;
- 	return true; */
  void RKLoadLibsDialog::installationProcessOutput (KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen) {
! 	installation_error_dialog->newOutput (QCString (buffer, buflen));
--- 170,197 ----
  	connect (proc, SIGNAL (processExited (KProcess *)), this, SLOT (processExited (KProcess *)));
  	connect (proc, SIGNAL (receivedStdout (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT (installationProcessOutput (KProcess *, char *, int)));
! 	connect (proc, SIGNAL (receivedStderr (KProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT (installationProcessError (KProcess *, char *, int)));
! 	RKProgressControl *installation_progress = new RKProgressControl (this, i18n ("Please stand by while installing selected packages"), i18n ("Installing packages"), RKProgressControl::CancellableProgress);
! 	connect (this, SIGNAL (installationComplete ()), installation_progress, SLOT (done ()));
! 	connect (this, SIGNAL (installationOutput (const QString &)), installation_progress, SLOT (newOutput (const QString &)));
! 	connect (this, SIGNAL (installationError (const QString &)), installation_progress, SLOT (newError (const QString &)));
  	proc->start (KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput);
! 	if (!installation_progress->doModal (true)) proc->kill ();
  	file.remove ();
  	delete proc;
  	return true;
  void RKLoadLibsDialog::installationProcessOutput (KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen) {
! 	emit (installationOutput (QCString (buffer, buflen)));
! }
! void RKLoadLibsDialog::installationProcessError (KProcess *, char *buffer, int buflen) {
! 	emit (installationError (QCString (buffer, buflen)));
*** 298,304 ****
  		updateCurrentList ();
  	} else if (command->getFlags () == LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND) {
! 		if (command->failed ()) {
! 			parent->error_dialog->newError (command->error ());
! 		}
  	} else {
  		RK_ASSERT (false);
--- 277,281 ----
  		updateCurrentList ();
  	} else if (command->getFlags () == LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND) {
! 		emit (loadUnloadDone ());
  	} else {
  		RK_ASSERT (false);
*** 363,371 ****
  void LoadUnloadWidget::doLoadUnload () {
  	// load packages previously not loaded
  	QListViewItem *loaded = loaded_view->firstChild ();
  	while (loaded) {
  		if (!prev_packages.contains (loaded->text (0))) {
! 			RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("library (\"" + loaded->text (0) + "\")", RCommand::App, QString::null, this, LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND, parent->chain);
  		loaded = loaded->nextSibling ();
--- 340,354 ----
  void LoadUnloadWidget::doLoadUnload () {
+ 	RKProgressControl *control = new RKProgressControl (this, i18n ("There has been an error while trying to load / unload packages. See transcript below for details"), i18n ("Error while handling packages"), RKProgressControl::DetailedError);
+ 	connect (this, SIGNAL (loadUnloadDone ()), control, SLOT (done ()));
  	// load packages previously not loaded
  	QListViewItem *loaded = loaded_view->firstChild ();
  	while (loaded) {
  		if (!prev_packages.contains (loaded->text (0))) {
! 			RCommand *command = new RCommand ("library (\"" + loaded->text (0) + "\")", RCommand::App, QString::null, this, LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND);
! 			control->addRCommand (command);
! 			RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
  		loaded = loaded->nextSibling ();
*** 385,391 ****
  		if (!found) {
! 			RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("detach (package:" + (*it) + ")", RCommand::App, QString::null, this, LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND, parent->chain);
--- 368,378 ----
  		if (!found) {
! 			RCommand *command = new RCommand ("detach (package:" + (*it) + ")", RCommand::App, QString::null, this, LOAD_PACKAGE_COMMAND);
! 			control->addRCommand (command);
! 			RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
+ 	control->doNonModal (true);
*** 462,466 ****
  	if (command->getFlags () == FIND_OLD_PACKAGES_COMMAND) {
- 		emit (actionDone ());
  		if (!command->failed ()) {
  			delete placeholder;
--- 449,452 ----
*** 485,489 ****
  		} else {
  			get_list_button->setEnabled (true);
- 			parent->error_dialog->newError (command->error ());
  	} else {
--- 471,474 ----
*** 522,531 ****
  void UpdatePackagesWidget::getListButtonClicked () {
  	RCommand *command = new RCommand ("rk.temp.old <- old.packages (); as.vector (c (rk.temp.old[,\"Package\"], rk.temp.old[,\"LibPath\"], rk.temp.old[,\"Installed\"], rk.temp.old[,\"ReposVer\"], rk.make.repos.string ()))", RCommand::App | RCommand::GetStringVector, QString::null, this, FIND_OLD_PACKAGES_COMMAND);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("rm (rk.temp.old)", RCommand::App, QString::null, 0, 0, parent->chain);
- 	get_list_button->setEnabled (false);
- 	RKCancelDialog::showCancelDialog (i18n ("Fetch list"), i18n ("Please, stand by while downloading the list of packages."), this, this, SIGNAL (actionDone ()), command);
--- 507,520 ----
  void UpdatePackagesWidget::getListButtonClicked () {
+ 	get_list_button->setEnabled (false);
  	RCommand *command = new RCommand ("rk.temp.old <- old.packages (); as.vector (c (rk.temp.old[,\"Package\"], rk.temp.old[,\"LibPath\"], rk.temp.old[,\"Installed\"], rk.temp.old[,\"ReposVer\"], rk.make.repos.string ()))", RCommand::App | RCommand::GetStringVector, QString::null, this, FIND_OLD_PACKAGES_COMMAND);
+ 	RKProgressControl *control = new RKProgressControl (this, i18n ("Please, stand by while downloading the list packages with updates available."), i18n ("Fetching list"), RKProgressControl::CancellableProgress | RKProgressControl::AutoCancelCommands);
+ 	control->addRCommand (command, true);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
+ 	control->doModal (true);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand ("rm (rk.temp.old)", RCommand::App, QString::null, 0, 0, parent->chain);
*** 593,597 ****
  	if (command->getFlags () == FIND_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_COMMAND) {
- 		emit (actionDone ());
  		if (!command->failed ()) {
  			delete placeholder;
--- 582,585 ----
*** 614,618 ****
  		} else {
  			get_list_button->setEnabled (true);
- 			parent->error_dialog->newError (command->error ());
  	} else {
--- 602,605 ----
*** 642,650 ****
  void InstallPackagesWidget::getListButtonClicked () {
  	RCommand *command = new RCommand ("c (.rk.get.available.packages (), rk.make.repos.string ())", RCommand::App | RCommand::GetStringVector, QString::null, this, FIND_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_COMMAND);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
! 	get_list_button->setEnabled (false);
! 	RKCancelDialog::showCancelDialog (i18n ("Fetch list"), i18n ("Please stand by while downloading the list of packages."), this, this, SIGNAL (actionDone ()), command);
--- 629,640 ----
  void InstallPackagesWidget::getListButtonClicked () {
+ 	get_list_button->setEnabled (false);
  	RCommand *command = new RCommand ("c (.rk.get.available.packages (), rk.make.repos.string ())", RCommand::App | RCommand::GetStringVector, QString::null, this, FIND_AVAILABLE_PACKAGES_COMMAND);
+ 	RKProgressControl *control = new RKProgressControl (this, i18n ("Please, stand by while downloading the list available packages."), i18n ("Fetching list"), RKProgressControl::CancellableProgress | RKProgressControl::AutoCancelCommands);
+ 	control->addRCommand (command, true);
  	RKGlobals::rInterface ()->issueCommand (command, parent->chain);
! 	control->doModal (true);

Index: rkloadlibsdialog.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs/rkloadlibsdialog.h,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** rkloadlibsdialog.h	8 Sep 2006 16:59:16 -0000	1.10
--- rkloadlibsdialog.h	10 Sep 2006 20:13:17 -0000	1.11
*** 28,32 ****
  class QComboBox;
  class QPushButton;
! class RKErrorDialog;
  class QWidget;
  class QCloseEvent;
--- 28,32 ----
  class QComboBox;
  class QPushButton;
! class RKProgressControl;
  class QWidget;
  class QCloseEvent;
*** 59,62 ****
--- 59,64 ----
  	void installationComplete ();
  	void libraryLocationsChanged (const QStringList &);
+ 	void installationOutput (const QString &output);
+ 	void installationError (const QString &error);
  	void rCommandDone (RCommand *command);
*** 71,74 ****
--- 73,77 ----
  	void processExited (KProcess *);
  	void installationProcessOutput (KProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
+ 	void installationProcessError (KProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
  	void tryDestruct ();
*** 76,81 ****
  friend class UpdatePackagesWidget;
  friend class InstallPackagesWidget;
- 	RKErrorDialog *error_dialog;
- 	RKErrorDialog *installation_error_dialog;
  	RCommandChain *chain;
  	int num_child_widgets;
--- 79,82 ----
*** 96,99 ****
--- 97,102 ----
  	~LoadUnloadWidget ();
+ signals:
+ 	void loadUnloadDone ();
  public slots:
  	void loadButtonClicked ();
*** 131,136 ****
  	~UpdatePackagesWidget ();
- signals:
- 	void actionDone ();
  public slots:
  	void updateSelectedButtonClicked ();
--- 134,137 ----
*** 166,171 ****
  	~InstallPackagesWidget ();
- signals:
- 	void actionDone ();
  public slots:
  	void installSelectedButtonClicked ();
--- 167,170 ----

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