[rkward-cvs] SF.net SVN: rkward: [801] trunk/rkward/rkward

tfry at users.sourceforge.net tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Oct 4 10:00:28 UTC 2006

Revision: 801
Author:   tfry
Date:     2006-10-04 03:00:22 -0700 (Wed, 04 Oct 2006)

Log Message:
backwards compatibility with R < 2.4.0

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/core/renvironmentobject.cpp
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/core/renvironmentobject.cpp	2006-10-04 08:31:55 UTC (rev 800)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/core/renvironmentobject.cpp	2006-10-04 10:00:22 UTC (rev 801)
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 	if (type & GlobalEnv) return (short_child_name);
 	if (type & ToplevelEnv) {
 /* Some items are placed outside of their native namespace. E.g. in package:boot item "motor". It can be retrieved using as.environment ("package:boot")$motor. This is extremly ugly. We need to give them (and only them) this special treatment. */
+// TODO: hopefully one day operator "::" will work even in those cases. So check back later, and remove after a sufficient amount of backwards compatibility time
 		if (misplaced) return (getFullName () + "$" + RObject::rQuote (short_child_name));
 		return (namespace_name + "::" + RObject::rQuote (short_child_name));
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
 void REnvironmentObject::updateFromR () {
 	QString options;
-	if (type & GlobalEnv) options = ", envleve=-1";	// in the .GlobalEnv recurse one more level
+	if (type & GlobalEnv) options = ", envlevel=-1";	// in the .GlobalEnv recurse one more level
 	if (type & ToplevelEnv) options.append (", namespacename=" + rQuote (namespace_name));
 	RCommand *command = new RCommand (".rk.get.structure (" + getFullName () + ", " + rQuote (getShortName ()) + options + ")", RCommand::App | RCommand::Sync | RCommand::GetStructuredData, QString::null, this, ROBJECT_UDPATE_STRUCTURE_COMMAND);

Modified: trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R
--- trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R	2006-10-04 08:31:55 UTC (rev 800)
+++ trunk/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rpackages/rkward/R/internal.R	2006-10-04 10:00:22 UTC (rev 801)
@@ -350,11 +350,23 @@
 				ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (get (childname, envir=x), childname, envlevel)
 		} else {
-			ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
-			for (childname in lst) {
-				misplaced <- FALSE
-				if ((!is.null (ns)) && (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
-				ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (get (childname, envir=x), childname, envlevel, misplaced=misplaced)
+			# before R 2.4.0, operator "::" would only work on true namespaces, not on package names (operator "::" work, if there is a namespace, and that namespace has the symbol in it)
+			# TODO remove once we depend on R >= 2.4.0
+			if (compareVersion (paste (R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep="."), "2.4.0") < 0) {
+				ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
+				for (childname in lst) {
+					misplaced <- FALSE
+					if (is.null (ns) || (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
+					ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (get (childname, envir=x), childname, envlevel, misplaced=misplaced)
+				}
+			} else {
+			# for R 2.4.0 or greater: operator "::" works if package has no namespace at all, or has a namespace with the symbol in it
+				ns <- tryCatch (asNamespace (namespacename), error = function(e) NULL)
+				for (childname in lst) {
+					misplaced <- FALSE
+					if ((!is.null (ns)) && (!exists (childname, envir=ns, inherits=FALSE))) misplaced <- TRUE
+					ret[[childname]] <- .rk.get.structure (get (childname, envir=x), childname, envlevel, misplaced=misplaced)
+				}

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