[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/plugin rkcomponentproperties.cpp,1.21,1.22 rkcomponentproperties.h,1.18,1.19 rkstandardcomponent.cpp,1.24,1.25 rkvarslot.cpp,1.23,1.24

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 23 15:09:53 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugin
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv19569/rkward/plugin

Modified Files:
	rkcomponentproperties.cpp rkcomponentproperties.h 
	rkstandardcomponent.cpp rkvarslot.cpp 
Log Message:
Some adjustments that came to mind while writing documentation

Index: rkvarslot.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkvarslot.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.23
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -C2 -d -r1.23 -r1.24
*** rkvarslot.cpp	20 Mar 2006 22:13:24 -0000	1.23
--- rkvarslot.cpp	23 Mar 2006 15:09:51 -0000	1.24
*** 66,70 ****
  	// find out about options
  	if (multi = xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "multi", false, DL_INFO)) {
! 		available->setListLength (xml->getIntAttribute (element, "min_vars", 1, DL_INFO), xml->getIntAttribute (element, "min_vars_if_any", 0, DL_INFO), xml->getIntAttribute (element, "max_vars", 0, DL_INFO));
  		connect (list, SIGNAL (selectionChanged ()), this, SLOT (listSelectionChanged ()));
  	} else {
--- 66,70 ----
  	// find out about options
  	if (multi = xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "multi", false, DL_INFO)) {
! 		available->setListLength (xml->getIntAttribute (element, "min_vars", 1, DL_INFO), xml->getIntAttribute (element, "min_vars_if_any", 1, DL_INFO), xml->getIntAttribute (element, "max_vars", 0, DL_INFO));
  		connect (list, SIGNAL (selectionChanged ()), this, SLOT (listSelectionChanged ()));
  	} else {
*** 83,87 ****
  	// initialize filters
  	available->setClassFilter (QStringList::split (" ", xml->getStringAttribute (element, "classes", QString::null, DL_INFO)));
! 	available->setRequired (xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "required", true, DL_INFO));
  	available->setTypeFilter (QStringList::split (" ", xml->getStringAttribute (element, "types", QString::null, DL_INFO)));
--- 83,87 ----
  	// initialize filters
  	available->setClassFilter (QStringList::split (" ", xml->getStringAttribute (element, "classes", QString::null, DL_INFO)));
! 	available->setRequired (xml->getBoolAttribute (element, "required", false, DL_INFO));
  	available->setTypeFilter (QStringList::split (" ", xml->getStringAttribute (element, "types", QString::null, DL_INFO)));
*** 151,155 ****
  	if (isEnabled ()) {
! 		if (!isSatisfied ()) {
  			list->setPaletteBackgroundColor (QColor (255, 0, 0));
  		} else {
--- 151,155 ----
  	if (isEnabled ()) {
! 		if (!isValid ()) {
  			list->setPaletteBackgroundColor (QColor (255, 0, 0));
  		} else {
*** 157,161 ****
  	} else {
! 		if (!isSatisfied ()) {
  			list->setPaletteBackgroundColor (QColor (200, 0, 0));
  		} else {
--- 157,161 ----
  	} else {
! 		if (!isValid ()) {
  			list->setPaletteBackgroundColor (QColor (200, 0, 0));
  		} else {

Index: rkstandardcomponent.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkstandardcomponent.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -C2 -d -r1.24 -r1.25
*** rkstandardcomponent.cpp	21 Mar 2006 16:03:41 -0000	1.24
--- rkstandardcomponent.cpp	23 Mar 2006 15:09:51 -0000	1.25
*** 524,528 ****
  	// find outside elements
! 	children = xml->getChildElements (element, "outside", DL_INFO);
  	for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
  		RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), xml->getBoolAttribute (*it, "required", false, DL_INFO));
--- 524,528 ----
  	// find outside elements
! 	children = xml->getChildElements (element, "external", DL_INFO);
  	for (it = children.constBegin (); it != children.constEnd (); ++it) {
  		RKComponentPropertyBase *prop = new RKComponentPropertyBase (component (), xml->getBoolAttribute (*it, "required", false, DL_INFO));
*** 544,548 ****
  			convert->setStandard (xml->getStringAttribute (*it, "standard", QString::null, DL_WARNING));
  		} else if (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Range) {
! 			convert->setRange (xml->getDoubleAttribute (*it, "min", FLT_MIN, DL_INFO), xml->getDoubleAttribute (*it, "max", FLT_MAX, DL_INFO));
  		convert->setRequireTrue (xml->getStringAttribute (*it, "require_true", false, DL_INFO));
--- 544,548 ----
  			convert->setStandard (xml->getStringAttribute (*it, "standard", QString::null, DL_WARNING));
  		} else if (mode == RKComponentPropertyConvert::Range) {
! 			convert->setRange (xml->getDoubleAttribute (*it, "min", -FLT_MAX, DL_INFO), xml->getDoubleAttribute (*it, "max", FLT_MAX, DL_INFO));
  		convert->setRequireTrue (xml->getStringAttribute (*it, "require_true", false, DL_INFO));

Index: rkcomponentproperties.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkcomponentproperties.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -C2 -d -r1.21 -r1.22
*** rkcomponentproperties.cpp	21 Mar 2006 16:35:46 -0000	1.21
--- rkcomponentproperties.cpp	23 Mar 2006 15:09:51 -0000	1.22
*** 46,50 ****
  \subsection RKComponentPropertyBool RKComponentPropertyBool
  - "true" : return the string that would be returned if this property was true (regardless of its state)
! - "true" : return the string that would be returned if this property was false (regardless of its state)
  - "not" : return the opposite of the current state
  - "numeric" : return "1" if the property is true, or "0" if it is false
--- 46,50 ----
  \subsection RKComponentPropertyBool RKComponentPropertyBool
  - "true" : return the string that would be returned if this property was true (regardless of its state)
! - "false" : return the string that would be returned if this property was false (regardless of its state)
  - "not" : return the opposite of the current state
  - "numeric" : return "1" if the property is true, or "0" if it is false
*** 603,607 ****
  // no initial requirements
  	dims = min_length = max_length = min_num_objects = min_num_objects_if_any = max_num_objects = -1;
! 	separator = ";";
  // get notifications about changed/removed objects
--- 603,607 ----
  // no initial requirements
  	dims = min_length = max_length = min_num_objects = min_num_objects_if_any = max_num_objects = -1;
! 	separator = "\n";
  // get notifications about changed/removed objects

Index: rkcomponentproperties.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugin/rkcomponentproperties.h,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -C2 -d -r1.18 -r1.19
*** rkcomponentproperties.h	20 Mar 2006 19:33:55 -0000	1.18
--- rkcomponentproperties.h	23 Mar 2006 15:09:51 -0000	1.19
*** 370,374 ****
  /** string represenation of the options in ConvertMode. For use in XMLHelper::getMultiChoiceAttribute */
! 	static QString convertModeOptionString () { return ("equals;notequals;range;and;or;require"); };
  public slots:
  /** unfortuntely, as the parent component likely does not know about us, we have to notify it manually of any changes. That's done from this slot */
--- 370,374 ----
  /** string represenation of the options in ConvertMode. For use in XMLHelper::getMultiChoiceAttribute */
! 	static QString convertModeOptionString () { return ("equals;notequals;range;and;or"); };
  public slots:
  /** unfortuntely, as the parent component likely does not know about us, we have to notify it manually of any changes. That's done from this slot */

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