[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/scriptbackends phpbackend.cpp,1.12,1.13

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Mar 20 19:34:03 UTC 2006

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/scriptbackends
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10768/rkward/scriptbackends

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Basic embedding or RKComponents works

Index: phpbackend.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/scriptbackends/phpbackend.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** phpbackend.cpp	20 Mar 2006 14:03:44 -0000	1.12
--- phpbackend.cpp	20 Mar 2006 19:33:58 -0000	1.13
*** 80,89 ****
- 	disconnect ();
  	if (php_process) {
- 		php_process->suspend ();
  		php_process->detach ();
! 	delete php_process;
  	php_process = 0;
--- 80,87 ----
  	if (php_process) {
  		php_process->detach ();
! 	php_process->deleteLater ();
  	php_process = 0;
*** 223,229 ****
  	if (have_data) {
  		if (!startup_done) {
! 				destroy ();
! 				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("There has been an error\n(\"%1\")\nwhile starting up the PHP backend. Most likely this is due to either a bug in RKward or an invalid setting for the location of the PHP support files. Check the settings (Settings->Configure Settings->PHP backend) and try again.").arg (data.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
  				emit (haveError ());
--- 221,228 ----
  	if (have_data) {
  		if (!startup_done) {
! 				php_process->detach ();
! 				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("There has been an error\n(\"%1\")\nwhile starting up the PHP backend. Most likely this is due to either a bug in RKWard or an invalid setting for the location of the PHP support files. Check the settings (Settings->Configure Settings->PHP backend) and try again.").arg (data.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
  				emit (haveError ());
+ 				destroy ();
*** 284,290 ****
  		} else if (request.startsWith ("PHP-Error")) {
  				QString error = request.remove ("PHP-Error");
  				emit (haveError ());
  				destroy ();
- 				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("The PHP-backend has reported an error\n(\"%1\")\nand has been shut down. This is most likely due to a bug in the plugin. But of course you may want to try to close and restart the plugin to see whether it works with different settings.").arg (error.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
--- 283,290 ----
  		} else if (request.startsWith ("PHP-Error")) {
  				QString error = request.remove ("PHP-Error");
+ 				php_process->detach ();
+ 				KMessageBox::error (0, i18n ("The PHP-backend has reported an error\n(\"%1\")\nand has been shut down. This is most likely due to a bug in the plugin. But of course you may want to try to close and restart the plugin to see whether it works with different settings.").arg (error.stripWhiteSpace ()), i18n ("PHP-Error"));
  				emit (haveError ());
  				destroy ();

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