[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/load/readtable code.php,1.1,1.2 description.xml,1.3,1.4
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Apr 14 13:36:12 UTC 2006
Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/load/readtable
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10617
Modified Files:
code.php description.xml
Log Message:
Clean up load data plugin some
Index: description.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/load/readtable/description.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -d -r1.3 -r1.4
*** description.xml 20 Mar 2006 14:03:43 -0000 1.3
--- description.xml 14 Apr 2006 13:36:10 -0000 1.4
*** 21,24 ****
--- 21,25 ----
<connect client="varnames.enabled" governor="customizecolclass" />
+ <code file="code.php"/>
<dialog label="Load data" >
Index: code.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/plugins/00saveload/load/readtable/code.php,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** code.php 5 Apr 2005 09:24:51 -0000 1.1
--- code.php 14 Apr 2006 13:36:10 -0000 1.2
*** 6,14 ****
<? getRK("name") ; ?> <- read.table(file = "<? getRK("file") ; ?>", header = <? getRK("header") ?>, sep = <? getRK("sep") ?> , dec = <? getRK("dec") ?>, <? # doing row names (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("isrow")=="true") echo( "row.names = " ) ; if (getRK_val("isrow")=="true" && getRK_val("rowname")=="NULL") echo (getRK_val("rowname") . ",") ; else if (getRK_val("isrow")=="true" && getRK_val("rowname")=="rowcol") echo (getRK("nomrow") . ",") ; else if (getRK_val("isrow")=="true" && getRK_val("rowname")=="custoRow") echo (getRK_val("rownames") . ",") ;
# doing col names (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("colname") == "custoCol") echo( "col.names = ") ; if (getRK_val("colname") == "custoCol") echo( getRK("colnames") ."," );
# doing col class (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("colclass") == "custoClass") echo( "colClasses = ") ; if (getRK_val("colclass") == "custoClass") echo( getRK("custoClasses") ."," );?> <?#doing what is left?> , na.strings = "<? getRK("na") ?>" , nrows = <? getRK("nrows") ; ?> , skip = <? getRK("skip") ; ?> , check.names = <? getRK("checkname") ; ?> , fill = <? getRK("fill") ; ?> , strip.white = <? getRK("stripwhite") ; ?>, blank.lines.skip = <? getRK("blanklinesskip") ; ?> ,comment.char = "<? getRK("commentchar") ; ?>" )
--- 6,20 ----
<? getRK("name") ; ?> <- read.table(file = "<? getRK("file") ; ?>", header = <? getRK("header") ?>, sep = <? getRK("sep") ?> , dec = <? getRK("dec") ?>, <? # doing row names (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("isrow")=="true") {
! echo( "row.names = ");
! if (getRK_val("rowname")=="NULL") echo (getRK_val("rowname") . ",");
! else if (getRK_val("rowname")=="rowcol") echo (getRK("nomrow") . ",");
! else if (getRK_val("rowname")=="custoRow") echo (getRK_val("rownames") . ",");
! }
# doing col names (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("colname") == "custoCol") echo ( "col.names = " . getRK_val ("colnames") . ",");
# doing col class (what a pity...)
! if (getRK_val("colclass") == "custoClass") echo( "colClasses = " . getRK_val ("custoClasses") . ",");
! #doing what is left?> na.strings = "<? getRK("na") ?>" , nrows = <? getRK("nrows") ; ?> , skip = <? getRK("skip") ; ?> , check.names = <? getRK("checkname") ; ?> , fill = <? getRK("fill") ; ?> , strip.white = <? getRK("stripwhite") ; ?>, blank.lines.skip = <? getRK("blanklinesskip") ; ?> ,comment.char = "<? getRK("commentchar") ; ?>" )
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