[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/dialogs rkloadlibsdialog.cpp,1.11,1.12 rkloadlibsdialog.h,1.4,1.5
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Sep 18 15:17:55 UTC 2005
Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv29681/rkward/dialogs
Modified Files:
rkloadlibsdialog.cpp rkloadlibsdialog.h
Log Message:
downloaded packages are now archived or deleted according to user setting. Ability to specify additional package repositories
Index: rkloadlibsdialog.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs/rkloadlibsdialog.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** rkloadlibsdialog.cpp 28 Apr 2005 22:27:59 -0000 1.11
--- rkloadlibsdialog.cpp 18 Sep 2005 15:17:52 -0000 1.12
*** 32,35 ****
--- 32,36 ----
#include "../rbackend/rinterface.h"
#include "../settings/rksettingsmodulelogfiles.h"
+ #include "../settings/rksettings.h"
#include "../misc/rkerrordialog.h"
#include "../misc/rkcanceldialog.h"
*** 39,43 ****
! RKLoadLibsDialog::RKLoadLibsDialog (QWidget *parent, RCommandChain *chain, bool modal) : KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Tabbed, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder, parent, 0, modal, i18n ("Configure Packages")) {
RKLoadLibsDialog::chain = chain;
--- 40,44 ----
! RKLoadLibsDialog::RKLoadLibsDialog (QWidget *parent, RCommandChain *chain, bool modal) : KDialogBase (KDialogBase::Tabbed, Qt::WStyle_DialogBorder, parent, 0, modal, i18n ("Configure Packages"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Apply | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::User1) {
RKLoadLibsDialog::chain = chain;
*** 57,60 ****
--- 58,63 ----
error_dialog = new RKErrorDialog (i18n ("The R-backend has reported errors handling packages.\nA transcript of the errors are shown below."), i18n ("Error handling packages"), false);
+ setButtonText (KDialogBase::User1, i18n ("Configure Repositories"));
num_child_widgets = 3;
accepted = false;
*** 115,118 ****
--- 118,127 ----
+ void RKLoadLibsDialog::slotUser1 () {
+ RKSettings::configureSettings (RKSettings::R, this, chain);
+ }
void RKLoadLibsDialog::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e) {
*** 131,139 ****
! bool RKLoadLibsDialog::downloadPackages (const QStringList &packages, QString to_dir) {
! if (to_dir == "") {
! to_dir = QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).filePath (".packagetemp");
! }
if (packages.isEmpty ()) return false;
--- 140,148 ----
! bool RKLoadLibsDialog::downloadPackages (const QStringList &packages) {
! QString to_dir = QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).filePath (".packagetemp");
if (packages.isEmpty ()) return false;
*** 146,157 ****
! void RKLoadLibsDialog::installDownloadedPackages (bool become_root, QString dir) {
! QDir tempdir;
! if (dir == "") {
! tempdir = QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).filePath (".packagetemp");
! } else {
! tempdir = dir;
! }
tempdir.setFilter (QDir::Files);
--- 155,162 ----
! void RKLoadLibsDialog::installDownloadedPackages (bool become_root) {
! QDir tempdir = QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).filePath (".packagetemp");
tempdir.setFilter (QDir::Files);
*** 174,177 ****
--- 179,207 ----
delete proc;
+ // archive / delete packages
+ bool ok = true;
+ if (RKSettingsModuleR::archivePackages ()) {
+ // step 1: create archive-dir, if neccessary
+ QDir archivedir = QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).filePath ("package_archive");
+ if (!archivedir.exists ()) {
+ QDir (RKSettingsModuleLogfiles::filesPath ()).mkdir ("package_archive");
+ } if (!archivedir.isReadable ()) {
+ RK_DO (qDebug ("Directory '%s' could not be created or is not readable", archivedir.absPath ().latin1 ()), DIALOGS, DL_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < tempdir.count (); ++i) {
+ if (!tempdir.rename (tempdir[i].latin1 (), archivedir.absFilePath (tempdir[i].latin1 ()))) ok = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < tempdir.count (); ++i) {
+ if (!QFile (tempdir.filePath (tempdir[i]).latin1 ()).remove ()) ok = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ RK_DO (qDebug ("One or more package files could not be moved/delted"), DIALOGS, DL_ERROR);
+ }
*** 370,374 ****
QVBoxLayout *mvbox = new QVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint ());
! QLabel *label = new QLabel (i18n ("Local packages could be updated with their latest versions from CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network). This feature require a working network connection to Internet."), this);
label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::ExpandTabs | Qt::WordBreak);
mvbox->addWidget (label);
--- 400,404 ----
QVBoxLayout *mvbox = new QVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint ());
! QLabel *label = new QLabel (i18n ("In order to find out, which of your installed packaged have an update available, click \"Fetch List\". This feature requires a working internet connection."), this);
label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::ExpandTabs | Qt::WordBreak);
mvbox->addWidget (label);
*** 499,503 ****
QVBoxLayout *mvbox = new QVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint ());
! QLabel *label = new QLabel (i18n ("Many packages are available on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) and you could fetch the list with a working network connection to Internet."), this);
label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::ExpandTabs | Qt::WordBreak);
mvbox->addWidget (label);
--- 529,533 ----
QVBoxLayout *mvbox = new QVBoxLayout (this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint ());
! QLabel *label = new QLabel (i18n ("Many packages are available on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), and other repositories (click \"Configure Repositories\" to add more sources). Click \"Fetch List\" to find out, which packages are available. This feature requires a working internet connection."), this);
label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignAuto | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::ExpandTabs | Qt::WordBreak);
mvbox->addWidget (label);
Index: rkloadlibsdialog.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/dialogs/rkloadlibsdialog.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** rkloadlibsdialog.h 9 Sep 2004 15:15:00 -0000 1.4
--- rkloadlibsdialog.h 18 Sep 2005 15:17:52 -0000 1.5
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,26 ----
#include <qstringlist.h>
+ #include "../settings/rksettingsmoduler.h"
#include "../rbackend/rcommandreceiver.h"
*** 48,53 ****
~RKLoadLibsDialog ();
! bool downloadPackages (const QStringList &packages, QString to_dir = QString::null);
! void installDownloadedPackages (bool become_root, QString dir = QString::null);
/** opens a modal RKLoadLibsDialog with the "Install new Packages" tab on front (To be used when a require () fails in the R backend */
--- 49,54 ----
~RKLoadLibsDialog ();
! bool downloadPackages (const QStringList &packages);
! void installDownloadedPackages (bool become_root);
/** opens a modal RKLoadLibsDialog with the "Install new Packages" tab on front (To be used when a require () fails in the R backend */
*** 63,66 ****
--- 64,69 ----
void slotApply ();
void slotCancel ();
+ /** User1-button was clicked, i.e.: "Configure Repositories" */
+ void slotUser1 ();
void childDeleted ();
void processExited (KProcess *);
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