[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward rkward.cpp,1.96,1.97 rkward.h,1.45,1.46

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Sep 17 17:00:07 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11202/rkward

Modified Files:
	rkward.cpp rkward.h 
Log Message:
Some more code cleanups, small bugfixes, more API-documentation

Index: rkward.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/rkward.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.96
retrieving revision 1.97
diff -C2 -d -r1.96 -r1.97
*** rkward.cpp	17 Sep 2005 15:55:30 -0000	1.96
--- rkward.cpp	17 Sep 2005 17:00:04 -0000	1.97
*** 113,127 ****
  	RKGlobals::manager = new RKEditorManager ();
- /*	KMdiChildView * editorManagerView = createWrapper(RKGlobals::editorManager (), i18n( "Data editor"), i18n( "Data editor"));
- 	editorManagerView->setIcon(SmallIcon("spreadsheet"));
- 	editorManagerView->setName("dataeditor");
- 	addWindow( editorManagerView ); */
  	connect (this, SIGNAL (childWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView *)), this, SLOT (slotChildWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView *)));
- //	connect (this, SIGNAL (viewActivated (KMdiChildView *)), this, SLOT (slotViewActivated (KMdiChildView *)));
  	RKGlobals::mtracker = new RKModificationTracker (this);
--- 113,118 ----
*** 129,133 ****
  	initial_url = load_url;
  	startup_timer = new QTimer (this);
  	startup_timer->start (50);
--- 120,124 ----
  	initial_url = load_url;
  	startup_timer = new QTimer (this);
  	startup_timer->start (50);
*** 138,142 ****
  	// When the manager says the active part changes,
  	// the builder updates (recreates) the GUI
! 	connect( m_manager, SIGNAL( activePartChanged( KParts::Part * ) ), this, SLOT( createGUI( KParts::Part * ) ) );
  	if (!kapp->dcopClient ()->isRegistered ()) {
--- 129,133 ----
  	// When the manager says the active part changes,
  	// the builder updates (recreates) the GUI
! 	connect (m_manager, SIGNAL (activePartChanged (KParts::Part *)), this, SLOT (createGUI (KParts::Part *)));
  	if (!kapp->dcopClient ()->isRegistered ()) {
*** 289,293 ****
  	fileOpen = KStdAction::open(this, SLOT(slotOpenCommandEditor()), actionCollection(), "file_openy");
  	fileOpen->setText (i18n ("Open Command File"));
! 	fileOpenRecent = KStdAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotOpenRecentCommandEditor(const KURL&)), actionCollection(), "file_open_recenty");
  	fileOpenWorkspace = KStdAction::open(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenWorkspace()), actionCollection(), "file_openx");
--- 280,284 ----
  	fileOpen = KStdAction::open(this, SLOT(slotOpenCommandEditor()), actionCollection(), "file_openy");
  	fileOpen->setText (i18n ("Open Command File"));
! 	fileOpenRecent = KStdAction::openRecent(this, SLOT(slotOpenCommandEditor (const KURL&)), actionCollection(), "file_open_recenty");
  	fileOpenWorkspace = KStdAction::open(this, SLOT(slotFileOpenWorkspace()), actionCollection(), "file_openx");
*** 298,302 ****
  	fileSaveWorkspaceAs = KStdAction::saveAs(this, SLOT(slotFileSaveWorkspaceAs()), actionCollection(), "file_save_asx");
  	fileSaveWorkspaceAs->setText (i18n ("Save Workspace As"));
- 	//file_load_libs = new KAction (i18n ("Libraries"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotFileLoadLibs ()), actionCollection (), "file_load_libs");
  	filePrint = KStdAction::print(this, SLOT(slotFilePrint()), actionCollection(), "file_printx");
--- 289,292 ----
*** 306,311 ****
! 	viewToolBar = KStdAction::showToolbar(this, SLOT(slotViewToolBar()), actionCollection());
! 	viewStatusBar = KStdAction::showStatusbar(this, SLOT(slotViewStatusBar()), actionCollection());
  	interruptCommand = new KAction (i18n ("Interrupt running command"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotInterruptCommand ()), actionCollection (), "interrupt");
--- 296,301 ----
! 	viewToolBar = KStdAction::showToolbar(this, SLOT (slotViewToolBar()), actionCollection());
! 	viewStatusBar = KStdAction::showStatusbar(this, SLOT (slotViewStatusBar()), actionCollection());
  	interruptCommand = new KAction (i18n ("Interrupt running command"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotInterruptCommand ()), actionCollection (), "interrupt");
*** 313,317 ****
  	close_all_editors = new KAction (i18n ("Close All Data"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotCloseAllEditors ()), actionCollection (), "close_all_editors");
! 	window_close_all = new KAction (i18n ("Close All Windows"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotCloseAllWindows ()), actionCollection (), "window_close_all");
  	window_detach = new KAction (i18n ("Detach"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotDetachWindow ()), actionCollection (), "window_detach");
  	outputShow= new KAction (i18n ("Show &Output"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotOutputShow ()), actionCollection (), "output_show");
--- 303,308 ----
  	close_all_editors = new KAction (i18n ("Close All Data"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotCloseAllEditors ()), actionCollection (), "close_all_editors");
! 	window_close = new KAction (i18n ("Close"), 0, KShortcut ("Ctrl+W"), this, SLOT (slotCloseWindow ()), actionCollection (), "window_close");
! 	window_close_all = new KAction (i18n ("Close All"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotCloseAllWindows ()), actionCollection (), "window_close_all");
  	window_detach = new KAction (i18n ("Detach"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotDetachWindow ()), actionCollection (), "window_detach");
  	outputShow= new KAction (i18n ("Show &Output"), 0, 0, this, SLOT (slotOutputShow ()), actionCollection (), "output_show");
*** 462,467 ****
  bool RKwardApp::queryClose () {
- 	bool quit = true;
  	if (!RKGlobals::rObjectList ()->isEmpty ()) {
--- 453,456 ----
*** 471,496 ****
  			new RKSaveAgent (RKGlobals::rObjectList ()->getWorkspaceURL (), false, RKSaveAgent::Quit);
  		} else if (res != KMessageBox::No) {
! 			quit = false;
! 	if (quit) {
! 		QValueList<KMdiChildView *> children;
! 		for(KMdiChildView *w = m_pDocumentViews->first();w;w= m_pDocumentViews->next()){
! 			children.append(w);
! 		}
! 		QValueListIterator<KMdiChildView *> childIt;
! 		for (childIt = children.begin(); childIt != children.end(); ++childIt) {
! 			if ((*childIt)->inherits("RKCommandEditorWindow") ) {
! 				if (! (*childIt)->close()) {
! 					//If a child refuses to close, we return false.
! 					return false;
! 				}
! 			}
- 		return true;
! 	return false;
--- 460,480 ----
  			new RKSaveAgent (RKGlobals::rObjectList ()->getWorkspaceURL (), false, RKSaveAgent::Quit);
  		} else if (res != KMessageBox::No) {
! 			return false;
! 	QValueList<KMdiChildView *> child_copy;
! 	for(KMdiChildView *w = m_pDocumentViews->first ();w;w= m_pDocumentViews->next ()){
! 		child_copy.append (w);
! 	}
! 	QValueListIterator<KMdiChildView *> childIt;
! 	for (childIt = child_copy.begin (); childIt != child_copy.end (); ++childIt) {
! 		if (!(*childIt)->close ()) {
! 			// If a child refuses to close, we return false.
! 			return false;
! 	return true;
*** 506,516 ****
- // TODO: remove
- void RKwardApp::slotEditorsChanged () {
- //	close_editor->setEnabled (RKGlobals::editorManager ()->numEditors ());
- //	close_all_editors->setEnabled (RKGlobals::editorManager ()->numEditors ());
- }
  void RKwardApp::slotNewDataFrame () {
--- 490,493 ----
*** 530,533 ****
--- 507,513 ----
  void RKwardApp::fileOpenNoSave (const KURL &url) {
+ 	slotCloseAllEditors ();
  	slotStatusMsg(i18n("Opening workspace..."));
  	KURL lurl = url;
*** 662,665 ****
--- 642,651 ----
+ void RKwardApp::slotCloseWindow () {
+ 	closeActiveView ();
+ }
  void RKwardApp::slotCloseAllWindows () {
*** 699,797 ****
! void RKwardApp::slotNewCommandEditor(){
  	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow;
! 	editor->setIcon(SmallIcon("source"));
! 	editor->name("RCEditor");
! 	addWindow(editor);
! void RKwardApp::slotOpenURL(const KURL &url){
  	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor;
! 	if (!url.isLocalFile())
! 	{
! 		KMessageBox::messageBox(this,KMessageBox::Information,
! 				i18n ("You specified a file that is not on local system"), i18n ("Cannot open file"));
! 		return;
! 	}
  	editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow;
! 	if (!editor->openURL(url))
! 	{
! 		QString errstr = i18n ("Unable to open ");
! 		errstr += url.prettyURL();
! 		KMessageBox::messageBox(this,KMessageBox::Error,
! 				errstr, i18n ("Error!"));
  		delete editor;
- 	fileOpenRecent->addURL (url);
- 	editor->setIcon(SmallIcon("source"));
- 	editor->name("RCEditor");
- 	addWindow(editor);
! void RKwardApp::slotOpenCommandEditor(){
  	KURL::List urls;
  	KURL::List::const_iterator it;
! 	KFileDialog dlg(QString("."),QString("*.R *.r"),this,i18n("Open file"),true);
! 	dlg.setOperationMode(KFileDialog::Opening);
! 	dlg.setMode(KFile::Files);
! 	if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Rejected)
! 		return;
! 	urls = dlg.selectedURLs();
  	for (it = urls.begin() ; it != urls.end() ; ++it){
! 		slotOpenURL(*it);
- bool RKwardApp::getFilenameAndPath(const KURL &url,QString *fname)
- {
- 	QString fullpath = url.path();
- 	int i,length,fnamepos;
- 	bool done;
- 	if ((length = (int)fullpath.length()) == 0)
- 		return false;
- 	fnamepos = 0;
- 	for (i = length-1,done = false ; i >= 0 && !done ; i--)
- 	{
- 		if (fullpath[i] == '/')
- 		{
- 			done = true;
- 			fnamepos = i+1;
- 		}
- 	}
- 	if (!done)
- 		return false;
- 	if (fnamepos >= length)
- 		return false;
- 	if (fname)
- 		*fname = fullpath.right(length-fnamepos);
- 	return true;
- }
  void RKwardApp::slotChildWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView * window) {
  	//If it's an unsaved command editor window, there is a warning.
  	// TODO: it's sort of ugly, having to handle this here. Can't we somehow handle it in RKCommandEditorWindow instead?
--- 685,730 ----
! void RKwardApp::slotNewCommandEditor () {
  	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow;
! 	editor->setIcon (SmallIcon("source"));
! 	addWindow (editor);
! 	editor->activate ();
! void RKwardApp::slotOpenCommandEditor (const KURL &url) {
  	RKCommandEditorWindow *editor;
  	editor = new RKCommandEditorWindow;
! 	if (!editor->openURL (url)) {
! 		QString errstr = i18n ("Unable to open \"%1\"").arg (url.prettyURL ());
! 		KMessageBox::messageBox (this, KMessageBox::Error, errstr, i18n ("Could not open command file"));
  		delete editor;
+ 	fileOpenRecent->addURL (url);
+ 	editor->setIcon (SmallIcon("source"));
+ 	addWindow (editor);
+ 	editor->activate ();
! void RKwardApp::slotOpenCommandEditor (){
  	KURL::List urls;
  	KURL::List::const_iterator it;
! 	urls = KFileDialog::getOpenURLs (QString("."), QString("*.R *.r"), this, i18n ("Open command file(s)"));
  	for (it = urls.begin() ; it != urls.end() ; ++it){
! 		slotOpenCommandEditor (*it);
  void RKwardApp::slotChildWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView * window) {
  	//If it's an unsaved command editor window, there is a warning.
  	// TODO: it's sort of ugly, having to handle this here. Can't we somehow handle it in RKCommandEditorWindow instead?
*** 810,822 ****
- void RKwardApp::slotViewActivated (KMdiChildView * window) {
- 	setCaption(window->caption());
- }
- void RKwardApp::slotOpenRecentCommandEditor(const KURL& url)
- {
- 	slotOpenURL(url);
- }
  void RKwardApp::slotInterruptCommand () {
  // TODO!
--- 743,746 ----
*** 824,839 ****
  void RKwardApp::openHTML(const KURL &url) {
  	RKHTMLWindowPart::openHTML (url, false);
  void RKwardApp::openHTMLHelp (const QString & url) {
  	openHTML (url);
- /*!
-     \fn RKwardApp::slotOutputShow()
- 	Show html output.
-  */
  void RKwardApp::slotOutputShow () {
  	RKHTMLWindowPart::refreshOutput (true, true);
--- 748,762 ----
  void RKwardApp::openHTML(const KURL &url) {
  	RKHTMLWindowPart::openHTML (url, false);
  void RKwardApp::openHTMLHelp (const QString & url) {
  	openHTML (url);
  void RKwardApp::slotOutputShow () {
  	RKHTMLWindowPart::refreshOutput (true, true);

Index: rkward.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/rkward.h,v
retrieving revision 1.45
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -C2 -d -r1.45 -r1.46
*** rkward.h	17 Sep 2005 15:55:30 -0000	1.45
--- rkward.h	17 Sep 2005 17:00:05 -0000	1.46
*** 84,99 ****
! 	/** construtor of RKwardApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
! 	*/
  	RKwardApp(KURL *load_url=0);
  	void startR ();
  	void newOutput ();
  	void fileOpenNoSave (const KURL &url);
  	void fileOpenAskSave (const KURL &url);
  	void openHTMLHelp (const QString &url);
  	void openHTML (const KURL &url);
--- 84,108 ----
! /** construtor
! @param load_url The workspace file to load on startup. If 0, show a dialog asking what to do. */
  	RKwardApp(KURL *load_url=0);
+ /** destructor */
+ /** initialize the backend */
  	void startR ();
! /** signal there was new output, show/raise/refresh the output window as appropriate.
! TODO: rename to something sensible, and check whether it is redundant. */
  	void newOutput ();
! /** open a workspace. Do not ask whether to save the old one. The old workspace is deleted! */
  	void fileOpenNoSave (const KURL &url);
+ /** open a workspace. If the current workspace is not empty, ask wether to save first. */
  	void fileOpenAskSave (const KURL &url);
+ /** opens the given url, assuming it is an HTML-help page. Like openHTML (), but with a QString parameter instead for DCOP. Generally you should use openHTML () instead. */
  	void openHTMLHelp (const QString &url);
+ /** opens the given url, assuming it is an HTML-help page. */
  	void openHTML (const KURL &url);
*** 107,116 ****
  	void openWorkspace (const KURL &url);
! 	/** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list to the configuration
! 	* file
! 	*/ 	
  	void saveOptions();
! 	/** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list
! 	*/
  	void readOptions();
  	/** initializes the KActions of the application */
--- 116,122 ----
  	void openWorkspace (const KURL &url);
! 	/** save Options/Settings. Includes general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the geometry and the recent file list */
  	void saveOptions();
! /** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list */
  	void readOptions();
  	/** initializes the KActions of the application */
*** 136,139 ****
--- 142,147 ----
  	* opened file by a temporary filename provided by KApplication.
  	* @see KTMainWindow#saveProperties
+ 	// TODO: defunct!! Find out what this is really for.
  	virtual void saveProperties(KConfig *_cfg);
*** 141,144 ****
--- 149,154 ----
  	* temporary files saved by saveProperties()
  	* @see KTMainWindow#readProperties
+ 	// TODO: defunct!! Find out what this is really for.
  	virtual void readProperties(KConfig *_cfg);
*** 157,161 ****
  	/** shows the dialog to install/load/unload packages */
  	void slotFileLoadLibs ();
! 	/** close all editors */
  	void slotCloseAllEditors ();
  	/** print the actual file */
--- 167,171 ----
  	/** shows the dialog to install/load/unload packages */
  	void slotFileLoadLibs ();
! 	/** close all editor windows */
  	void slotCloseAllEditors ();
  	/** print the actual file */
*** 175,200 ****
  	void slotStatusMsg(const QString &text);
  	void slotStatusReady ();
! 	/** configures RKward-settings */
  	void slotConfigure ();
  	/** Init-procedures to be done after the exec-loop was started */
  	void doPostInit ();
! 	void slotEditorsChanged ();
  	void slotNewCommandEditor();
! 	void slotOpenCommandEditor();
! 	void slotOpenURL(const KURL &url);
  	void slotChildWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView * window);
  	void slotInterruptCommand();
- 	void slotViewActivated (KMdiChildView *window);
- 	void slotOpenRecentCommandEditor(const KURL&);
  /** close all windows (Windows->Close All) */
  	void slotCloseAllWindows ();
  /** detach current window (Windows->Detach) */
  	void slotDetachWindow ();
  	/** the configuration object of the application */
--- 185,219 ----
  	void slotStatusMsg(const QString &text);
+ /** changes the status-message to "Ready". See \ref slotStatusMsg (). */
  	void slotStatusReady ();
! /** configures RKward-settings */
  	void slotConfigure ();
  	/** Init-procedures to be done after the exec-loop was started */
  	void doPostInit ();
! /** open a new command editor (blank file) */
  	void slotNewCommandEditor();
! /** open a new command editor (ask for file to open) */
! 	void slotOpenCommandEditor ();
! /** open a new command editor (load given url) */
! 	void slotOpenCommandEditor (const KURL &url);
! /** a child window has received a close event. Check, whether data needs to be saved. Ask if necessary. Close only if safe. */
  	void slotChildWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView * window);
+ /** interrupt current command. TODO: defunct!!! */
  	void slotInterruptCommand();
+ /** close current window (Windows->Close). Note: the only reason we need to implement this, is so we can set a default shortcut (Ctrl+W). Usually, KMdiMainFrm would provide an action like this by itselt */
+ 	void slotCloseWindow ();
  /** close all windows (Windows->Close All) */
  	void slotCloseAllWindows ();
  /** detach current window (Windows->Detach) */
  	void slotDetachWindow ();
+ /** ensure output window is shown. */
+ 	void slotOutputShow ();
  	/** the configuration object of the application */
*** 230,233 ****
--- 249,253 ----
  	KToggleAction* viewStatusBar;
+ 	KAction* window_close;
  	KAction* window_close_all;
  	KAction* window_detach;
*** 248,252 ****
  	RObjectBrowser *object_browser;
  	KHelpDlg *helpDlg;
- 	RKKonsole * konsole ;
  	RKConsole * console;
--- 268,271 ----
*** 256,264 ****
  	friend class RInterface;
  	void setRStatus (bool busy);
- 	bool getFilenameAndPath(const KURL &url,QString *fname);
  	void saveAsProcedure(RKCommandEditorWindow *editor);
- 	KMdiChildView* outputView();
  	/** refreshes the output.
--- 275,282 ----
  	friend class RInterface;
+ /** set the R status message ("R engine idel/busy") to idle or busy */
  	void setRStatus (bool busy);
  	void saveAsProcedure(RKCommandEditorWindow *editor);
  	/** refreshes the output.
*** 267,273 ****
  	void refreshOutput (bool show, bool raise);
! 	void childWindowCloseRequest(KMdiChildView * window);
! private slots:
! 	void slotOutputShow();
--- 285,290 ----
  	void refreshOutput (bool show, bool raise);
! /** no idea, why we have to declare this explicitly, to somehow we do. */
! 	void childWindowCloseRequest (KMdiChildView *);

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