[rkward-cvs] rkward component-draft,1.1,1.2

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Nov 14 17:39:50 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv14545

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Continued work on component-draft

Index: component-draft
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/component-draft,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** component-draft	13 Nov 2005 20:21:47 -0000	1.1
--- component-draft	14 Nov 2005 17:39:48 -0000	1.2
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! something used as input, and output. Several types of this may exist, each offering different values. The more interesting application is using them as input-suppliers for components. Mockups:
  class RKComponentSlotBase : public QObject {
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! something used as input, and output. Several types of this may exist, each offering different values. The more interesting application is using them as input-suppliers for components. RKComponentSlot should probably also do input verification. Basically, an RKComponentSlot is the GUI-independent portion of a GUI-settable value. Mockups:
  class RKComponentSlotBase : public QObject {
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  /** supplies the current value. Since more than one value may be supplied, modifier can be used to select a value. Default implementation only has  a single string, however. */
! 	QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
! /** set the value in string form */
! 	void setValue (const QString &string);
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  /** supplies the current value. Since more than one value may be supplied, modifier can be used to select a value. Default implementation only has  a single string, however. */
! 	virtual QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
! /** set the value in string form.
! @returns false if the value is illegal (in the base class, all strings are legal) */
! 	virtual bool setValue (const QString &string);
! /** do not set the value, only check, whether it is legal */
! 	virtual bool isValid (const QString &string);
! /** current setting valid? */
! 	bool isValid ();
! /** set to required: will only be satisfied if it holds a valid value. Else: satisfied if valid *or empty* */
! 	void setRequired ();
! /** see setRequired () */
! 	bool isSatisfied ();
! private:
! 	bool valid;
! 	bool required;
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  class RKComponentSlotBool : public RKComponentSlotBase {
+ /** param value_true string value if true/on
+ param value_false string value if false/off
+ param default value to use, if invalid string value was set */
+ 	RKComponentSlotBool (const QString &value_true, const QString &value_false, bool default);
  /** sets the bool value. Also takes care of notifying dependent components */
  	void setValue (bool value);
*** 26,33 ****
  /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase. Modifier "true" returns value if true. Modifier "false" returns value if false. Modifier QString::null returns current value. */
  	QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
! class RKComponentSlotInt;
! class RKComponentSlotDouble;
  /** special type of RKComponentSlot, that prepresents an RObject
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  /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase. Modifier "true" returns value if true. Modifier "false" returns value if false. Modifier QString::null returns current value. */
  	QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
+ /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase to convert to bool value according to current settings */
+ 	bool setValue (const QString &value);
+ /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase to test whether conversion to bool value is possible according to current settings */
+ 	bool isValid (const QString &value);
! class RKComponentSlotInt;		// min, max
! class RKComponentSlotDouble;		// min, max
  /** special type of RKComponentSlot, that prepresents an RObject
*** 35,42 ****
  class RKComponentSlotRObject : public RKComponentSlotBase {
! 	void setValue (RObject *object);
  	RObject *objectValue ();
  /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase. Modifier "label" returns label. Modifier "shortname" returns short name. Modifier QString::null returns full name. */
  	QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
--- 55,70 ----
  class RKComponentSlotRObject : public RKComponentSlotBase {
! 	void setClassFilter (const QString &classes);
! 	void setTypeFilter (const QString &types);
! 	void setDimensionFilter (int dimensionality, int min_length=-1, int max_length=-1);
! 	bool setValue (RObject *object);
! 	bool isValid (RObject *object);
  	RObject *objectValue ();
  /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase. Modifier "label" returns label. Modifier "shortname" returns short name. Modifier QString::null returns full name. */
  	QString value (const QString &modifier=QString::null);
+ /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase to convert to RObject, if possible with current constraints */
+ 	bool setValue (const QString &value);
+ /** reimplemented from RKComponentSlotBase to test whether conversion to RObject, is possible with current constraints */
+ 	bool isValid (const QString &value);

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