[rkward-cvs] rkward/rkward/rbackend rcommand.h,1.12,1.13 rinterface.h,1.11,1.12

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Apr 24 16:03:50 UTC 2005

Update of /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/rbackend
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12187/rkward/rbackend

Modified Files:
	rcommand.h rinterface.h 
Log Message:
API documentation updates

Index: rcommand.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rcommand.h,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -C2 -d -r1.12 -r1.13
*** rcommand.h	21 Apr 2005 19:57:12 -0000	1.12
--- rcommand.h	24 Apr 2005 16:03:33 -0000	1.13
*** 75,79 ****
! /** This class is used to encapsulate an R-command, so it can be easily identified
  	in a chain of commands. It is needed, since communication with R is asynchronous
  	and it is therefore not possible to get the result of an R-call right away.
--- 75,81 ----
! /** For introductory information on using RCommand, see \ref UsingTheInterfaceToR 
! 	This class is used to encapsulate an R-command, so it can be easily identified
  	in a chain of commands. It is needed, since communication with R is asynchronous
  	and it is therefore not possible to get the result of an R-call right away.
*** 107,110 ****
--- 109,113 ----
  	RCommand(const QString &command, int type = 0, const QString &rk_equiv = "", RCommandReceiver *receiver=0, int flags=0);
+ /** destructor. Note: you should not delete RCommands manually. This is done in RInterface. TODO: make protected */
  /** @returns the type as specified in RCommand::RCommand */
*** 117,151 ****
  	@returns the unique id of this command */
  	int id () { return _id; };
! /** TODO: Adjust these two functions to allow re-getting of output and error-messages from logs */
  	QString output () { return _output; };
  	QString error () { return _error; };
  /** Types of commands (potentially more to come), bitwise or-able,
! 	although partially exclusive. TODO: find out, why Canceled is in here, and document that fact. */
! 	enum CommandTypes {User=1, Plugin=2, PluginCom=4, App=8, Sync=16, EmptyCommand=32, GetIntVector=512, GetStringVector=1024, GetRealVector=2048, DirectToOutput=4096, Canceled=8192 };
! 	enum CommandStatus {WasTried=1, Failed=2, HasOutput=4, HasError=8, ErrorIncomplete=512, ErrorSyntax=1024, ErrorOther=2048};
  	bool wasTried () { return (status & WasTried); };
  	bool failed () { return (status & Failed); };
  	bool succeeded () { return ((status & WasTried) && !(status & Failed)); };
  	bool hasOutput () { return (status & HasOutput); };
  	bool hasError () { return (status & HasError); };
  	bool errorIncomplete () { return (status & ErrorIncomplete); };
  	bool errorSyntax () { return (status & ErrorSyntax); };
  	int stringVectorLength () { return (string_count); };
  	int realVectorLength () { return (real_count); };
  	int intVectorLength () { return (integer_count); };
  	char **getStringVector () { return (string_data); };
  	double *getRealVector () { return (real_data); };
  	int *getIntVector () { return (integer_data); };
! /// if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading it), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand
  	void detachStringVector () { string_data = 0; string_count = 0; };
! /// if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading it), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand
  	void detachRealVector () { real_data = 0; real_count = 0; };
! /// if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading it), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand
  	void detachIntVector () { integer_data = 0; integer_count = 0; };
  	int getFlags () { return (_flags); };
  friend class REmbed;
  friend class RInterface;
! /// internal function will be called by the backend, as the command gets passed through. Takes care of sending this command (back) to its receiver
  	void finished ();
  	QString _output;
--- 120,190 ----
  	@returns the unique id of this command */
  	int id () { return _id; };
! /* TODO: Adjust these two functions to allow re-getting of output and error-messages from logs */
! /** @returns the output of the command, if any (e.g. "[1] 1" for "print (1)"). @see RCommand::succeeded @see RCommand::hasOutput */
  	QString output () { return _output; };
+ /** @returns the error message given by R, if any. @see RCommand::failed @see RCommand::hasError */
  	QString error () { return _error; };
  /** Types of commands (potentially more to come), bitwise or-able,
! 	although partially exclusive. See \ref UsingTheInterfaceToR for a overview of what these are used for. TODO: find out, why Canceled is in here, and document that fact. */
! 	enum CommandTypes {
! 		User=1,		/**< Command was created directly by the user (e.g. in the console or in a command editor window) */
! 		Plugin=2,		/**< Command comes from a plugin */
! 		PluginCom=4,	/**< Command comes from a plugin, and is used by the plugin to communicate directly with R (no real use so far) */
! 		App=8,			/**< Command comes from the application (e.g. loading / saving the workspace */
! 		Sync=16,		/**< Command is used to sync data to or from R-space. Typically used in the editor classes */
! 		EmptyCommand=32,		/**< Command is empty and will not be processed (an empty command may be used as a "marker") */
! 		GetIntVector=512,			/**< Try to fetch result as an array of integers */
! 		GetStringVector=1024,	/**< Try to fetch result as an array of chars */
! 		GetRealVector=2048,		/**< Try to fetch result as an array of doubles */
! 		DirectToOutput=4096,		/**< Append command output to the HTML-output file */
! 		Canceled=8192				/**< Command was cancelled. Do not use in RCommand::RCommand */
! 	};
! 	enum CommandStatus {
! 		WasTried=1,						/**< the command has been passed to the backend. */
! 		Failed=2,							/**< the command failed */
! 		HasOutput=4,					/**< command has a string output retrievable via RCommand::output () */
! 		HasError=8,						/**< command has an error-message retrievable via RCommand::error () */
! 		ErrorIncomplete=512,		/**< backend rejected command as being incomplete */
! 		ErrorSyntax=1024,			/**< backend rejected command as having a syntax error */
! 		ErrorOther=2048				/**< another error (not incomplete, not syntax error) has occured while trying to execute the command */
! 	};
! /** the command has been passed to the backend. */
  	bool wasTried () { return (status & WasTried); };
+ /** the command failed */
  	bool failed () { return (status & Failed); };
+ /** the command succeeded (wasTried () && (!failed ()) */
  	bool succeeded () { return ((status & WasTried) && !(status & Failed)); };
+ /** command has a string output retrievable via RCommand::output () */
  	bool hasOutput () { return (status & HasOutput); };
+ /** command has an error-message retrievable via RCommand::error () */
  	bool hasError () { return (status & HasError); };
+ /** backend rejected command as being incomplete */
  	bool errorIncomplete () { return (status & ErrorIncomplete); };
+ /** backend rejected command as having a syntax error */
  	bool errorSyntax () { return (status & ErrorSyntax); };
+ /** returns the length (size) of the char * array. @see RCommand::GetStringVector @see RCommand::getStringVector @see RCommand::detachStringVector */
  	int stringVectorLength () { return (string_count); };
+ /** returns the length (size) of the double array. @see RCommand::GetRealVector @see RCommand::getRealVector @see RCommand::detachRealVector */
  	int realVectorLength () { return (real_count); };
+ /** returns the length (size) of the int array. @see RCommand::GetIntVector @see RCommand::getIntVector @see RCommand::detachIntVector */
  	int intVectorLength () { return (integer_count); };
+ /** returns a pointer to the char * array. The char* array is owned by the RCommand! @see RCommand::GetStringVector @see RCommand::getStringVector @see RCommand::detachStringVector */
  	char **getStringVector () { return (string_data); };
+ /** returns a pointer to the double array. The double array is owned by the RCommand! @see RCommand::GetRealVector @see RCommand::getRealVector @see RCommand::detachRealVector */
  	double *getRealVector () { return (real_data); };
+ /** returns a pointer to the int array. The int array is owned by the RCommand! @see RCommand::GetIntVector @see RCommand::getIntVector @see RCommand::detachIntVector */
  	int *getIntVector () { return (integer_data); };
! /** if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading the pointer with RCommand::getStringVector), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand */
  	void detachStringVector () { string_data = 0; string_count = 0; };
! /** if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading the pointer with RCommand::getRealVector), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand */
  	void detachRealVector () { real_data = 0; real_count = 0; };
! /** if you want to keep the data, use this function to detach it from the RCommand (after reading the pointer with RCommand::getIntVector), so it won't be deleted with the RCommand */
  	void detachIntVector () { integer_data = 0; integer_count = 0; };
+ /** return the flags associated with the command. Those are the same that you specified in the constructor, RKWard does not touch them. @see RCommand::RCommand */
  	int getFlags () { return (_flags); };
  friend class REmbed;
  friend class RInterface;
! /** internal function will be called by the backend, as the command gets passed through. Takes care of sending this command (back) to its receiver */
  	void finished ();
  	QString _output;

Index: rinterface.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/rkward/rkward/rkward/rbackend/rinterface.h,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -d -r1.11 -r1.12
*** rinterface.h	24 Apr 2005 15:22:09 -0000	1.11
--- rinterface.h	24 Apr 2005 16:03:48 -0000	1.12
*** 316,320 ****
  \section UsingTheInterfaceToRFurtherReading Where to find more detailed information on these topics
! The following classes contain (or should) contain further important documentation:
  - \ref RInterface
--- 316,320 ----
  \section UsingTheInterfaceToRFurtherReading Where to find more detailed information on these topics
! The following classes contain (or should contain) further important documentation:
  - \ref RInterface

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