RKWardCoreTest::initTestCase() failed on riscv64

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at kdemail.net
Fri May 31 06:15:38 BST 2024


some first quick notes:

This happens during running automated testing, and particularly while
starting the backend process. The crash is probably not immediately to
worry about, that used to be a bug when handling an already fatal

Looking at the tail of the log, where some debug output from the
backend process is listed, things to seem to be going ok, but at a
glacial speed (those numbers are timestamps in ms). The log terminates
in the middle of the backend installing of one (the less important) of
the two R support packages, without showing any error message.

I'd have to check on the details of the test (core_test.cpp), but my
first suspicion is that this is simply a timeout.


On Thu, 30 May 2024 17:34:23 +0800
Bo YU <tsu.yubo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> (Please ccing me.:)
> I am looking at one ftbfs issue on riscv64:
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=rkward&arch=riscv64&ver=0.7.5-3&stamp=1716877944&raw=0
> the error log:
> ```
> 41960: Transmitting request type 15 of length 12
> 44594: Backend startup failed
> 44594: Listing contents of /tmp/rkward.rbackend
> === Received signal at function time: 44596ms, total time: 44597ms,
> dumping stack ===
> === End of stack trace ===
> 44594: QFATAL : RKWardCoreTest::initTestCase() Received signal 11
>          Function time: 44596ms Total time: 44596ms
> FAIL!  : RKWardCoreTest::initTestCase() Received a fatal error.
>    Loc: [Unknown file(0)]
> Totals: 0 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 44602ms
> ********* Finished testing of RKWardCoreTest *********
> <end of output>
> Test time =  45.54 sec
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Test Failed.
> "rkward-core_test" end time: May 29 10:28 UTC
> "rkward-core_test" time elapsed: 00:00:45
> ```
> But I failed  how to debug the issue, could you give one idea how to
> debug this?
> Thanks.
> BR,
> Bo

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