rkward-devel Digest, Vol 86, Issue 12

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at kdemail.net
Tue Aug 2 21:16:49 BST 2022

On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 16:06:10 +0000
Anders Fridberger <anders.fridberger at liu.se> wrote:
> Sorry, I tried #46 but no luck. The GUI comes up nicely, no warnings
> or anything, and then I waited a couple of minutes before trying to
> run some commands. But no luck. So I tried restarting the backend but
> then I was thrown back to the command line. Logs attached (was
> running at debug level 5) Best Anders


I really had high hopes this time. But in hindsight, my theory about
ill-patched version of Qt was flawed from the start: The AppImage
includes a known to work version, after all.

Anyway, the result hardens the evidence that something is going wrong
at a rather low level. Trace shows the same thing, essentially: The
thread trying to read the token from stdin somehow locks up, despite the

I wonder what it's doing...

Could you run (I suggest using your own build, not the AppImage; that
will have the best debugging info):

  gdb build/rkward/rkward

(replacing path as required).

Then at the prompt enter

After a few seconds hit Ctrl+C. Then
  thread apply all bt

In the output (probably several pages), find the thread that contains
RKFrontendTransmitter::run(), and copy and paste that section. Perhaps
this will at least give us some better keywords to search for the
problem on the net.

I can't help thinking that it's a config/permissions issue, somehow. If
it isn't SELinux, perhaps its fapolicyd, or something?

I don't think it's a good idea as a "solution", but I intend to add a
"--quirkmode" option to allow to skip the handshake check. Essentially
to make sure, that the current problem is the "only" obstacle. Not sure,
whether I'll make that in time for the next AppImage build, but I'll
keep you posted.

Once more thanks for your continued patience!

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