issue with completion for S4 objects

meik michalke meik.michalke at
Sun Jan 27 15:55:56 GMT 2019


Am Freitag, 25. Januar 2019, 13:09:38 CET schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> > personally, i'd generally prefer
> > 
> >  slot(x, "y")
> > 
> > over
> > 
> >  x at y
> > 
> > in my code.
> Ok, should be no problem to add.


> > > Should the completion in the console be changed to use the same
> > > pop-up as in the script editor? In addition to / as a replacement
> > > for the text-based tab-completion behavior?
> > 
> > you mean for object names, not for tab completion in general, right?
> Actually, both. But yes, it should retain the ability to complete file
> names _and_ that should be added to the script editor as well.

i wouldn't welcome disabling tab completion as an improvement in usability. i 
use it a lot, and in fact, i'd rather also have it in the script editor, where 
the tab currently, well, prints a tab, obviously ;-) but having a combination 
like <shift>+<tab> or similar to be able to use tab completion as in the 
console would be great (i hope this isn't something that's already there but 
that i've simply missed all the time...).

> So, if I understand you right, you vote is for the pop-up solution,
> replacing the "inline" solution. But you'd also like to get partial
> completions when pressing Tab (*). Does that sum it up?

yes -- and full completion if the typed portion is unambiguous already.

> > what i'd find even more exciting is if tab completion would become
> > possible for function arguments as well. there's currently only code
> > hinting, but you still have to type all yourself, which for long
> > options like "stringsAsFactors" is kind of annoying. if
> > formals(data.frame) would be triggered by a tab inside data.frame(),
> > couldn't autocompletion be offered here as well?
> I'm currently trying to understand how that could be implemented.

looking forward to testing this!

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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