issue with completion for S4 objects

meik michalke meik.michalke at
Tue Jan 22 14:32:05 GMT 2019


Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2019, 12:38:33 CET schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> Ok, this one should be fixed, now.

indeed, thanks!

> I also worked on some further details of the completion. Importantly:
> - Object matches and "Auto Word Completion" matches are now grouped,
>   visibly.

very cool.

> - You can configure some aspects of the object name completion, e.g.
>   using "$" as list access operator.

nice. IMO the old behavior should remain the default, because it's much more 
secure; the "$" operator does automatching of shortened element names (like 
with shortened function arguments), which can produce unexpected results. for 

 x <- list(yz=2)

returns NULL, whereas


still returns 2.

i ran into this issue in one of my packages once and it was hell to find out 
what went wrong and why...

>   For the moment this is in the
>   script editor, only, but I do plan to do the same for the console,
>   after your feedback. Any other settings that would make sense to you?

personally, i'd generally prefer

 slot(x, "y")


 x at y

in my code.

> Should the completion in the console be changed to use the same pop-up
> as in the script editor? In addition to / as a replacement for the
> text-based tab-completion behavior?

you mean for object names, not for tab completion in general, right?

i'd find that helpful, because the current tab completion of object names has 
it's limits when there are several objects with similar names. i'm often 
unable	 to get it to complete to the next unambiguous character, it then simply 
repeats all available options, and it spoils the console history.

what i'd find even more exciting is if tab completion would become possible 
for function arguments as well. there's currently only code hinting, but you 
still have to type all yourself, which for long options like 
"stringsAsFactors" is kind of annoying. if formals(data.frame) would be 
triggered by a tab inside data.frame(), couldn't autocompletion be offered 
here as well?

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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