building smaller mac-bundles

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Thu Jun 23 19:33:55 UTC 2016


On Mon, 20 Jun 2016 20:18:52 +0200
meik michalke <meik.michalke at> wrote:
> well, i'm partly successful here. i managed to store all directly
> linked libraries into an app with the rkward executable and fix the
> links -- the size of it all is just 77MB so far. if you're
> interested, here's the script:
> (run it
> without options to get usage info)

sounds great!
> but it doesn't cover the katepart yet, so when the app is starting
> (with /opt/rkward renamed or removed), it immediately crashes because
> katepart won't be loaded. how exactly is katepart invoked/embedded
> into RKWard? are there any hard-coded paths in rkward,
> rkward.frontend or rkward.rbackend, e.g., from configure or compile
> time?

No, not with respect to katepart. It is loaded at runtime, as a KPart.
As I have learned on Windows, loading of parts is affected by path
settings, and also the QT_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable. Before
playing with that, though, I suggest to check:
- Can you get kwrite / kate to work?
- Can you locate anywhere? Does the place look right?

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