[rkward:bugs] #134 FIXED in git: Focus follows mouse keeps switching between new script tabs (0.6.1, opensuse)

Thomas Friedrichsmeier tfry at users.sf.net
Fri Jan 1 12:41:28 UTC 2016

- **summary**: Focus follows mouse keeps switching between new script tabs (0.6.1, opensuse) --> FIXED in git: Focus follows mouse keeps switching between new script tabs (0.6.1, opensuse)
- **status**: open --> open-fixed
- **Comment**:

Many thanks for reporting, and very sorry about the long silence.

This issue should now be fixed in our development version (also the issue of pushing back plot windows). See https://rkward.kde.org/RKWard_Source_Repository for instructions on testing the development version, if you like.



** [bugs:#134] FIXED in git: Focus follows mouse keeps switching between new script tabs (0.6.1, opensuse)**

**Status:** open-fixed
**Group:** ------
**Created:** Fri Oct 25, 2013 08:41 AM UTC by inverse523
**Last Updated:** Fri Oct 25, 2013 08:41 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

The focus follows mouse function, alternates at high speed between an old and a newly created script tab.

Rkward 0.6.1 (from download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/R:/Supplement)
Opensuse 12.3
KDE 4.10.5 R1

1. set MDI window focus behavior to "focus follows mouse" (settings > General MDI window focus behavior).
2a. Create a new script file tab, using CTRL-N or the menu icon "Create"
2b. When the cursor is in the textwindow , the two tabs alternate at high speed. 
3. When moving out of the text-area, or clicking in it, the switching stops. Opening a new doesn't help.

2b may also explain the issue when using the "create" icon, as this places the cursor effectively within the text area.

Deactive and use KDE's focus follow option,
(configure desktop > windows behavior > tab focus > Policy)

BTW, at times the rwkard mouse focus option isn't practical, e.g. when creating a new graphic output window, it gets pushed back. A delay could help, but wouldn't solve everything. 



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