[rkward-devel] Workspace Window, now with mockup.

jan d_jan at ymail.com
Tue Sep 29 19:13:55 UTC 2015

> AFAIR, another "large" item was the "Workspace" tool window. We
> discussed that back and forth some, and IIRC you offered to provide a
> more detailed mockup. Would you need any more feedback to proceed with
> that?
I picked it up again, and added the mockup to the wiki. (Brief review:
We discussed how one can make the workspace more usable for
advanced/programming oriented as well as for
SPSS-like-functions-on-imported-data uses)

My suggestion allows keeping one dialog, transitioning between advanced
and just-data uses and stays close to the underlying structure of
data/objects.(see https://community.kde.org/RKWard#Workspace for two
possible concepts of how to realize it)

/It organizes the workspace in two groups, the "My Data" or "My
Workspace" which groups all user created objects and data (globalEnv)
and the "other Environments". They are collapsible like the tree view is
already, but appear visually in a headline or
[accordion|http://jqueryui.com/accordion/] like style./

This change would possibly render "Show all Environments" and
"Functions/NonFunctions/All" unnecessary and maintains one view/concept
without putting your data suddenly in a .globalEnv when showing all

The feasibility of realizing the suggestion naturally depends a bit on
the question if/how "styleable" the current table/treeview widget is
(luckily it does not seem to be much more than that, though)

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