[rkward-devel] splitting repos?

meik michalke Meik.Michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Oct 12 12:54:05 UTC 2015


Am Montag, 12. Oktober 2015, 14:05:53 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> not sure, if splitting might make it a bit harder for handing out
> permissions (I'm not up to speed with github), but probably not much.

depending on what you have in mind it can be even better that it is now, 
because you can manage permissions of contributors on a repo basis. now giving 
someone permissions affects everything, after the split it can be made on a 
per-plugin-basis, which i think is more flexible. especially if contributors 
are interested in working on a particular plugin, not generally on plugins per 

> I'm not sure, whether it makes a lot of sense for the smaller packages.
> Depends on how likely you'd be to want to check out only one of them.

it's mostly an administrative thing. i'd like to work more with branching and 
tagging on those plugins, and this wouldn't work with the way they are 
orgnised at the moment.

> One thing that a split does make harder is applying "the same" change
> to all plugins at once. Suppose we'd get a new but not quite compatible
> version of the <varselector> for instance (just an example, I have no
> plans on this), we'd want to adjust essentially all plugins. After a
> split that would be one commit and one push for each repo.

right, that would mean a couple more commits and pushes than it is now. 
allthough in practice that would be the least of my worries. changes similar 
to this have happened before, which generally meant i adjusted the output of 
rkwarddev accordingly, increased the version number of all plugins in the 
individual generator scripts, let each script write new plugin files, inspect 
each outcome, probably adjust each ChangeLog and make new packages of all 
affected plugins. i wouldn't mind so much also running a for loop after that 
to do push everything ;-)

> > if not, i would like to try to split the external plugins repository
> > on github into one for each plugin[1].
> All that said, I'm not opposed to a split, and for rkTeaching it
> definitely makes sense.

ok, great.

> > this might also be a good idea for the XiMpLe and rkwarddev packages,
> > which are currently part of the RKWard sources and cannot be
> > tagged/cloned individually.
> Yes, probably. Though I tend to think that we'd want to keep these on
> git.kde.org, rather than github.

yes, ok.

> Not sure, if it helps any, but you might also be interested in
> scripts/import_external_plugin.sh inside the RKWard repo.

nice, looks like this will do the trick :-)

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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