[rkward-devel] Moving to KDE: Where exactly are we heading?

meik michalke Meik.Michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon May 4 12:48:36 UTC 2015


Am Montag, 4. Mai 2015, 11:34:08 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> I had hoped to write this mail, much earlier, but I was too busy...

same here... see what it's this time:

> - Releasing with the crowd could get us more attention (as we'd be part
>   of a large event getting much user and media attention).


> - Releasing with the crowd could get us less attention (as we'll just
>   be one out of many apps in the crowd, and in many cases the changes
>   we have realized will not stand out too much).

not so sure here. in relation what's usually highlighted about other apps our 
changes might still be interesting enough to raise some interest. i don't know 
the numbers, but i can imagine even marginal interest coming from all of the 
KDE userbase would mean much more in total than all of our highly specialised 
community. so it might feel like lett attention, allthough its actually more.

i'd assume that we'd still keep our communications as is, so dedicated RKWard 
users would still be notified directly.

> - Releasing with the crowd could be a problem, in case we need to make
>   an emergency fix for a new version of R. OTOH, the KDE release
>   schedule already has monthly patch releases, so we could still
>   address problems in a fairly timely manner.

judging from the past i'd say that a month should be enough to fix things. it 
should be possible to fix grave bugs exceptionally, though.

> - I am not sure, whether releasing with the crowd could make it harder
>   for users to update RKWard _without_ updating all (or most) of KDE. I
>   guess this is mostly a question of the details of packaging. It could
>   be a problem on some distributions, however.

i experience this the other way round: there's no backports of KDE for kubuntu 
14.04 (trusty) since january, stuck at 4.14.2 :-/ if RKWard was only released 
with KDE, how would trusty users receive updates?

> - As far as release testing is concerned, I tend to think that our
>   current approach fits better, as it allows us to do a more direct
>   package-feedback-fix-cycle, and I _believe_ our user-base is rather
>   unlikely to participate in KDE/Applications release testing at large.

can that be combined? keeping our own repository structure with backports to 
earlier KDE versions and internal feedback loops, but still release with the 
crowd anyway?

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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