[rkward-devel] Trouble loading packages on the Mac

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Mar 13 15:00:26 UTC 2013


On Wednesday 13 March 2013, Frederik Aust wrote:
> When trying to install the lme4 package into /opt/rkward he is being
> prompted to become root or choose a different directory. When trying to
> become root (pressing the button) the following error is returned:

ok. So kdesu is broken. Meik, do you remember wether this used to work? I 
believe so, but I'm not sure any more.

> Next, we tried to switch to the suggested user specific directory
> '/Users/*username*/.rkward/library'. The installation of the package
> reported no errors, but loading the package fails.

Ok, I can replicate the problem (your variant of the error message), if (and 
only if) installing the package as a binary. I.e. checking RKWard-
>Preferences->R packages->Build packages from source, then re-installing lme4 
fixes the problem. The binary package also fails when trying to load it in a 
plain R console.

You may recall that we had to add support for installing binary packages, 

Now it seems that the version of R shipped by Macports (and thus inside of our 
installation bundle) does not support the binaries from CRAN.

> Any ideas what's going on here? So far I have not had any trouble
> installing packages on my Macs. I'm suspecting it might have something
> to do with the OS X version. We are having trouble on Macs running
> Mountain Lion (10.8.2) while I'm running Lion (10.7.5) on my other
> computers that didn't give me any trouble.

I don't think the OSX version is the problem. I did my testing on 10.6.8. The 
likely difference is the R installation. Could you check for differences in 
the output of "R.version" on the machines where it works, and where it does 
not work?

Were the computers where this works installed by the same method (installation 
bundle, I assume)?

Meik, do you already have an installation based on port:R-framework, instead 
of port:R? Could you test that? In essence, on the R console, do

   install.packages ("lme4", type="mac.binary.leopard")
   library (lme4)

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