[rkward-devel] bug in daily build?

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Feb 2 08:53:33 UTC 2011


On Tuesday 01 February 2011, meik michalke wrote:
> <error>
> Fehler in system(sprintf("%s > %s 2> %s", command, outfile, errfile), input
> = input) :
>   Objekt 'ignore.stdout' nicht gefunden
> Calls: local ... create.pdf -> texi2dvi -> .shell_with_capture -> system
> </error>

I have overloaded the system() and system2() functions in the development 
sources. With this, output from system commands is finally shown in the 
console, properly.

But well, obviously I did not get it quite right. What's your version of R? 
What's the output of
   formals (system)
   formals (system2)

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