[rkward-devel] [JSS-Announce] Special issue on GUI's for R
meik michalke
Meik.Michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Jul 5 13:10:30 UTC 2010
hi stefan,
Am Montag, 5. Juli 2010, 13:51:35 schrieb Stefan Rödiger:
> > for instance, we could reduce RKWards former dependency on PHP to
> > a footnote, restrict all mentioning of future ideas (and problems) to
> > the discussion section and focus mainly the things RKWard does as of now.
> The only trouble I have with the "future" is that nobody can predict what
> it will be like.
i agree. actually i came up with this because you had some future statements
in your paper draft already (e.g., dealing with performance issues, lines
89/90; inclusion of odfWeave, lines 233ff.) ;-)
> Thus there is still a lot "we want to do this and that". Such claims need
> support by data or another foundation. Everything else is vaporware.
you're right of course. although it wouldn't hurt to mention some planned
features that are likely to be implemented in the near future. say, if we
think back a little to when RKWard still relied on PHP, but the shortcomings
of it were already obvious, revealing the plans to probably replace it by
javascript wouldn't have been too deep a stare into the crystal ball. anyway,
my main point was that *if* future features are included, they should be
consequently moved/limited to the discussion section (for the ease of reading
and all the reasons you mentioned).
that is, i didn't want to nominate a new list of plans to be included, but
suggest just a time dimension to apply to what we already have in the draft
for like a "defragmentation", if you will :-)
viele grüße :: m.eik
dipl. psych. meik michalke
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at d"usseldorf
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