[rkward-devel] JSS FINAL

Stefan Rödiger stefan_roediger at gmx.de
Sun Dec 26 17:47:29 UTC 2010

0) Check for any missing authors guideline. From what I can see we are conform 
the the requirements.
1) I would like to ask everybody which final paragraph of the background.tex 
and which of section "Help system" you prefer (look for the %)?
you prefer.
2) Please give me feedback which figure are not good readable for you.
3) Check that we use consistent term etc. (for example it's always "section" 
"Section", "Figure" not "Fig." or "figure"). Other  examples are "help page" 
vs. "help-page" or "``Submit button''" vs.  "Submit button". 
4) If I get it right \proglang{} is only for languages (XML, HTML, R, C++, Qt, 
ECMAScript, ...) not for programs like Red-R or RKWard (see 5)).
5) Do you wish to emphasise words  like RKWard, TDI?
6) Does anybody see a need to add something to Conclusion and Outlook? If so 
when do you plan to finish it?

* 31.12 is the official deadline. I would like to sent it earlier (29. or 30. 
in case the editors need something else).


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