[rkward-devel] Release candidate of RKWard 0.4.9b and 0.5.0d

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed May 6 21:00:00 UTC 2009


As announced, in last week's mail, I'm closing the first round of testing for 
the coming releases of RKWard. Testing has turned up a hand full of issues, 
some of which have been addressed meanwhile. Other issues remain, and 
probably will not be fixed for the releases, but at this point I think we are 
in pretty good shape for a release, and I am not aware of any showstopper 

Based on that, I think we can proceed with the release process swiftly. I've 
created "release candidate" versions of both releases. Release candidate 
means, I expect to turn these into official versions without further changes. 
Naturally, important issues will be addressed as needed, but minor quirks 
will have to wait for the next releases.

Of course we still need all the testing we can get, and all issues you report 
will be addressed, eventually. Therefore, if you can find some time, please 
give these new versions another round of testing:

For KDE 3:

For KDE 4:

--- Timeline ---
If all goes well, the official release will be made Sunday, May 10 or Monday, 
May 11, depending on when exactly I will find the time.

--- Developers / Contributors ---
Please don't make changes to SVN until the official release is out. Instead, 
if you have some time and motivation to work on the project in the coming few 
days, consider working on our new wiki 
(http://apps.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/rkward/index.php?title=Main_Page) a 
bit, to get things into presentable shape.

--- Packagers ---
I will write a separate mail to rkward-devel shortly.

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