[rkward-devel] RKWard crash on close

Germán Márquez Mejía manchito at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 21:40:37 UTC 2009

I've managed to make RKWard svn rev. 2450 (KDE4) crash :-(

The steps are as follows (NOT ALWAYS WORKS!):

1. Start with an empty worspace.
2. Create a new empty dataset with default name.
3. Try to edit the "Type" row of any variable (double-click, then click 
again to diselect the text NOT THE CELL).
4. Hit the window "Close" button.
5. Crash... (at least for me).

This happened on Slamd64-current with R-2.7.2, KDE-4.2.2, Qt-r948357 (I 
know: not a stable system at all!) Please confirm if you can reproduce 
it. It took me several tries to find out how, and it usually doesn't 
crash at first time.

I'm attaching some debug information (the part I considered relevant).

BTW, the icons and toolbars look OK now, except that I see no "Run 
block" icon (Should such an icon be there?).



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