[rkward-devel] X11 device window in R

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Sun Apr 12 17:41:58 UTC 2009

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 6:33 AM, Rishi Sharma <naturerishi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using rkward in Mandriva 2009 KDE. The graphics window is not getting integrated with rkward and hence there is no option to save the graphic window. I also get the following error
> " You have created a new x11 device window in R. Usually RKWard tries to detect such windows, to take control of them, and add a menu bar to them. This time however RKWard failed to detect, which window was created, and so cannot embed it. If you created a window on a different screen or X11 display, that is to be expected. You might want to consider changing options ("display"), then.
> Thought I should report the probelm. If there is a immediate fix, please let me know. I do not want to go back to windows, just because I could not save a graphic window in linux.

Three things: (1) which version of RKWard, (2) which version of KDE,
and (3) which version of R?

I am not familiar with Mandriva 2009, but based on which version of
KDE it has, ie 3.5.x or 4.x.x, you'll have to use the either the 0.4.9
release branch of rkward from SVN or the recently released 0.5.0c
version respectively. If you need more information/help on either of
these, feel to write here.

> And thanks for the great work that you have put togather in the from of RKward.

Credits to the core developers....


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