[rkward-devel] advertising

Stefan Roediger stefan_roediger at gmx.de
Tue May 29 18:02:49 UTC 2007

Hi list,

I had a chat with some people from KDE (troy & aseigo mainly) about 
advertising. They came up with the following suggestions.
1) Blog about RKWard (done in my blog I think, though not updated lately)
2) join marketing efforts with other apps like Kalculus 
3) form something like KDE-EDU / University Level
4) blog about it on "planetkde.org" (which means a very large number of 

Later this summer I'll have more time (hopefully) to do some marketing and 
plug-in works on RKWard.

did I mention RSVGTipsDevice 
(http://cran.r-project.org/doc/packages/RSVGTipsDevice.pdf). It seems to be 
the successor of RSVGDevice which is orphaned. Since the plan to implement 
SVG support in RKWard is still there I think it's one possible way to go.

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