[RkWard-devel] Window navigation

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 06:46:28 UTC 2007


Firstly, a great job with the window shortcuts. But are the Alt+<> working? It 
does not seem to work here.. Clicking on the icon works but not the 

On Tuesday 06 March 2007 08:00:18 am Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> On Friday 02 March 2007 09:44, Prasenjit Kapat wrote:
> > 1. Use  Ctl + [ and Ctl + ] keys (like konqueror) to cycle thru the
> > script/help file tabs on the top. Alt instead of Ctl, <> instead of []?
> I went with Alt+<>. No strong opinion on this though. Did not use the
> Ctrl+[], as in konqueror navigation really works left/right between the
> tabs, not next/previous, so I thought it best to pick a different shortcut
> for a different type of navigation.

Good enough. Is the left/right style of konqueror more intuitive than the 
cycling? What do others feel? 

Is Alt + ,. better than <>? The second one needs a shift modifier. How about 
multiple ones? That is Alt+< works the same as Alt+, and Alt+> works as Alt+. 
We can keep <> for the intuition of the cycle, but ,. could also work!

> > 2a) For the tool windows, I prefer a kate like approach. Use F4, F5,F6
> > and F7 to "activate (and pull up) / deactivate (and hide down)" the four
> > tool windows like a toggle switch.
> I went with Alt+12345 and Alt+0 for the document window (the latter can not
> be shown/hidden in a meaningful way, only given the focus). We already use
> F8 and F9 for a rather different purpose, so I figured it was best to pick
> something distinct.

Wonderful works nicely. Few suggestions here:

1. When the workspace bowser is shown is it possible to set the focus 
on ".GlobalEnv" as if it was clicked? This makes the workspace browsing 
2. When the Help tool window is shown (using Alt+5/clicking) is it possible to 
set the focus to the Find input box? So that the query can be typed right 

> I set those aside for the moment. I think, if we go along those lines, then
> we'd really only include the document windows in the "Next/Previous Window"
> actions. Probably there is not too much use for cycling between the tool
> windows, anyway, as they can be activated directly. What I like about the
> current solution is that you can use the combination Alt+< and Alt+> to
> switch back and forth between any two windows.
> What does everybody else think? Should the "Next / Previous Window" actions
> include the tool windows, or better just the document windows (i.e.
> scripts, data, help, anything else shown in the main window area)?

Yes, I have been using the cycling for a while. With a few files and help 
searches open the cycling seems to be overwhelming! May be we can just cycle 
(or may be just left/right borwsing) thru the document windows. And leave the 
tool windows to just toggle. What do others feel?


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