[RkWard-devel] Modified and new distribution plots

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Jan 29 14:22:22 UTC 2007


On Monday 29 January 2007 14:34, Prasenjit Kapat wrote:
> As promised, attached is the svn diff  patch for the modifications done on
> distribution plots. Here is a quick summary of the changes: (they refer
> only to  the plots under the "Distribution" menu item; NO other
> plot/function has been tampered)

I've already sent you some feedback in private mail, but we seem to have 
Am I correct in assuming, that the diff you attached is exactly the same as 
what you sent to me as files? If so, the changes are already added (except 
for the menu change). If not, could you provide a new diff against an updated 
SVN tree (probably by first moving your files to a safe location, then 
running svn up, then copying them back, then running svn diff)?

> ToDo?
> --------
> 1. For every distribution, instead of keep three menu entries (like Beta
> probs, Beta quantiles, Plot Beta distbn.) would it be better to merge them
> to one window but three different <tab>s under <tabbook>?

We'd need to be careful not to make the plugins overly complex. I guess it may 
make sense to combine the probabilities/quantiles plugins into one, each, 
since they really do mostly the same thing. Stefan, since you wrote those, 
what's your opinion on this?
I guess plotting should probably remain separate, as it does need quite a bit 
of different code. Also, for the plots we may want to add further parameters, 
and the preview feature in the future, which I imagine would make 
a "combined" dialog rather complex (both to maintain, and to the user).

> 2. Would it be better to rename the menu entries as just the name of the
> distribution (like "Beta" instead of "Beta Distribution")? Or does it look
> better as it is?

Opinions anyone? I'm mostly indifferent on this, personally.

> Now a few issues:
> --------------------------
> 1. The integer data type variables increments by 10s or 100s instead of 1s
> on the <spinbox> widget of the plot dialog. Is there any
> "default_increment" attribute to "spinbox"?

No, it's supposed to pick a reasonable default automatically, but indeed the 
algorithm seems to be pretty broken. Will have to look into this.

> 2. Is it possible for the "Lower tail" checkbox to be "enabled" only when
> the "distribution function" radio is selected and "disabled" when "density"
> function radio is selected?

Yes. Add the following section to the .xml (example):

                <convert id="dodist" mode="equals" sources="function.string" 
standard="dbinom" />

                <connect client="lower.enabled" governor="dodist" />

More on this:

Thanks for your nice work!
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