[RkWard-devel] RKWard 0.4.5pre2

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sun Jan 14 18:54:55 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I have just uploaded a second preview release of 0.4.5:

Of course this is fairly similar to the 0.4.5pre1 release, but contains the 
latest fixes, mostly discussed on this list. If you can find the time, please 
do a final round of testing, and report all issues you may come across.

@Prasenjit: Could you please test, whether this fixes your issue about the 
console not accepting input. I have found (and hopefully fixed) some code 
that might interfere badly with some configurations of the katepart.

@Translators: Remember, your translations are due no later than January, 20, 
as detailed in the announcement of the pre1 release. If you can find the time 
to update the translation for your language, that would be very much 

The targeted release date remains January, 21, but may by slip one or two 
days, in case I don't find the time to prepare the release on that day.

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