[RkWard-devel] RKWard and other encondings
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Feb 14 21:51:06 UTC 2007
On Wednesday 14 February 2007 21:05, I. Soumpasis wrote:
> Problem is with plugins where the par(family="kerkis") must be set.
Wouldn't it be easier to set the default fonts, instead? I.e.
getOption("X11fonts")? Then you would not have to specify the family for each
separate plot. For postscript and pdf, apparently the default is to use
postscript/pdfFonts("Helvetica"), so this could probably be changed globally
as well, if needed.
For example, the following example works here (I don't have a "complicated"
encoding to play with, so instead I chose a different font family):
fnts <- getOption("X11fonts")
fnts[1] <- "-adobe-palatino-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
options (X11fonts=fnts)
Then call plot without any family argument:
plot (1, 1, main="test", xlab="test2")
> By default R can plot with three types of fonts, sans (Helvetica), serif
> (Times) and mono (Courier), according to Paul Murrell and Brian Ripley.
> Non-standard fonts in PostScript and PDF graphics. R News, 6(2):41-47, May
> 2006.
> <http://cran.r-project.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews_2006-2.pdf><http://cran.r-projec
>t.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews_2006-2.pdf>Should we give the user a plot option for
> all plots to choose with what fonts to plot?
Can't do any harm to add this to plot_options. However, we'd probably need a
whole dedicated tool to facilitate font selection, in order to make this
> Another problem I found is that output window is set to (utf8) enconding
> and cannot display the iso88597 results right. If I open rk_out.html with
> firefox and set enconding to iso88597 it is displayed properly (see the
> attached rk_out.html). Is there a way to give a choice to the user to
> select the enconding view?
Yes. View->Set Encoding (and in theory, it should auto-detect the encoding).
On the other hand, what was the reason again, not to use a UTF-8 locale in
the first place? Are there no matching fonts available for that?
> Does the output window uses konqueror to show
> the output?
It uses khtmlpart, so in essence, yes.
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