[RkWard-devel] Second 0.4.6 preview release, testing, translations

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 05:09:20 UTC 2007

Ok, here are my comments on X11 export...

> - (open an X11 window, then) Device->Export...
> Haven't heard anything on this plugin, yet. Even if the feedback is "seems
> to work fine", I'd like to hear about it, so I know it has been tested by
> somebody else.

[] In export.php, the options variable is not assigned correctly:

$options = "";
if (!getRK_val ("autowidth")) $options .= ", width=" . getRK_val ("width");
if (!getRK_val ("autoheight")) $options .= ", height=" . getRK_val ("height");
--- $options = ", res=" . getRK_val ("resolution");
--- if (!getRK_val ("autopointsize")) $options = ", pointsize=" . getRK_val 

Instead the lines should read:
+++ $options .= ", res=" . getRK_val ("resolution");
+++ if (!getRK_val ("autopointsize")) $options .= ", pointsize=" . getRK_val 

Basically, a typo: "$options =" was used instead of "$options .=", as a 
consequence width  and height options were not used at all. I have fixed 
(ie "svn commit"ted to revision 1379) it. 

[] pdf export (pdfwrite) seems to work fine.

[] postscript export (using pswrite) produces low quality images as compared 
to dev.print(postscript,...), especially the texts on the plot.

[] png/jpeg exports are low quality too (as compared to using 
dev.print(png,...) or dev.print(jpeg,...))

[] For standard graphics devices like, pdf, postscript, png, jpeg etc, why not 
use dev.print(device="...",...)? This may call for separate export plugins, 
since the set of parameters are different for different devices. I personally 
have never used dev2bitmap; either postscript() or pdf() or png()!

[] Haven't tested any other ghostscript formats.


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