[RkWard-devel] Distribution plots done

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 21:18:32 UTC 2007

> Looks good to me. You might consider removing the
>         The default values should produce a plot of the "standard" distribution.

Yeah, it is confusing, I agree. I guess it will easier for you to
remove this one line from plot_options.rkh rather than me sending a
diff file, so feel free to delete it.

> > 1. plot_options.xml: xlim/ylim not restricted to be real.
> True. The alternative would a spinbox with an additional checkbox for "use
> default". However, that would make changing the limits quite a hazzle. Of
> course a nice side-effect is that you could also use R symbol names (like
> e.g. "pi").

Hmm. thats nice, didn't think of it. Lets keep it as it is and assume
some amount of common sense from the user end!

> > 4. plot_options.php: Interpret as R expression is not quite transparent. It
> > would be better to use, expression() in the php code itself. As of now,
> > expression(..) needs to be literally typed into the input box.
> The current meaning is this: unchecked -> quote the given string; checked ->
> do not quote (and hence let R parse this). Maybe the label "expression" is a
> bit misleading. Do you have a suggestion?

I already sent a reply in different mail. Just another thought here.
May be a checkbox saying "Quoted string" which is checked by default ?

> Two changes I have done to your changes:
> - Added an external property "default_pointtype" to plot_options, and move
> the "$type_tag" logic into the plot_options plugin. Adjusted the discrete
> plots accordingly.

That looks better.

> - Remove all "max_precision"-attributes from the spinboxes. This parameter
> used to limit the maximum value selectable (and the real number had to be
> mapped to an integer divided by a constant), but it's mostly obsolete in the
> upcoming version. It should no longer be used, unless there is a good reason
> to limit the maximum precision the user can enter.

Didn't know that it wsa going to be obsolete. Anyway it doesn't matter.


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