[RkWard-devel] RKWard 0.2.6a

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Aug 31 11:22:32 UTC 2004


> About HTML output: could be usefull a CSS stylesheet?

I principle: yes. Output is an area that I simply haven't really dealt with, 
yet. Probably something has to be changed about the output-format anyway, 
however. Maybe the way to go will be to use some XML format (basically HTML 
plus a few special tags) and generate HTML or office-formats from that.
For instance, one thing that's not really nice about the output as it is, is 
that it shows you something like a dozen digits for a "t"-value. Obviously 
this is generally not what you want. However, truncating the decimal places 
at an early stage in output-generation would mean, that there is no way for 
the user to get the lost digits back. That's why I think we will need some 
simple intermediate stage, from which real output can be generated according 
to user preferences and in different formats.
Well, I don't really know what to do and how, but some change is probably 
needed. That's why I haven't started working on making the output pretty.


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