releases driven through invent?

Antonio Rojas arojas at
Fri Oct 21 09:52:30 BST 2022


> - new releaseme program; run with `--version 1.0.0 --ref master
> plasma-workspace`
> - tells invent to make a release with tag v1.0.0.0 (the terminal zero
> is managed by the program? through inspecting existing tags)
> - downloads tarball
> - GPG signs it
> - uploads all artifacts to (with chown?) to $scope/1.0.0/

> - distros package stuff. find issues
> - program is run again with `--version 1.0.0 --ref master
> plasma-workspace` to respin
> - same publishing dance as before but now with v1.0.0.1

 It is not clear to me from the message what the version in the uploaded tarball names will be. Having each project tarball have a different version number at release time would make it a packaging hell.

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