KDE Frameworks 5.93.0

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sat Apr 2 15:33:56 BST 2022

Dear packagers,

KDE Frameworks 5.93.0 has been uploaded to the usual place.

New frameworks: none this time.

Public release next Saturday.

Thanks for the packaging work!

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5
-------------- next part --------------
attica v5.93.0-rc1
81c18009911beb07d1868de78dd7fc1c4b1e8312bd95d916f4d4a80a800592e1  sources/attica-5.93.0.tar.xz
baloo v5.93.0-rc1
25d11569fddb8ad0dddbaa91cedd3d96f0ad58a2cc23de920950db6ba3aed5cd  sources/baloo-5.93.0.tar.xz
bluez-qt v5.93.0-rc1
ab5d84eaa37791b57c8379282a3c3afd7ef0b2ebbef83c3f12f6b3bfd9123624  sources/bluez-qt-5.93.0.tar.xz
breeze-icons v5.93.0-rc1
4367dfa6b48aa645a3680489be96e03a9a6fc20f57277b3ca5e37ce8df4d03e6  sources/breeze-icons-5.93.0.tar.xz
extra-cmake-modules v5.93.0-rc1
093dea7b11647bc5f74e6971d47ef15b5c410cba2b4620acae00f008d5480b21  sources/extra-cmake-modules-5.93.0.tar.xz
frameworkintegration v5.93.0-rc1
156e54c9ee679bda943a279c28c6a834ca02e991b3f53a1b92f8c3931388a2a6  sources/frameworkintegration-5.93.0.tar.xz
kactivities v5.93.0-rc1
eb6b204382d3bba1b32b5752a3e8382a5a7bbd8be4b95b774c68c501a2f16843  sources/kactivities-5.93.0.tar.xz
kactivities-stats v5.93.0-rc1
f1069872228e05aea349a0d3f7961da27d1aad3e4c28d0a408fceb98edef03a8  sources/kactivities-stats-5.93.0.tar.xz
kapidox v5.93.0-rc1
4228326a35342de8f0a301ed8afa379ef2102d99588a79808e7e86f2a4f81d5b  sources/kapidox-5.93.0.tar.xz
karchive v5.93.0-rc1
61e326a840860270b7f8b9e8966462085b4f309be5c3a84c3b265eb95694c7fb  sources/karchive-5.93.0.tar.xz
kauth v5.93.0-rc1
34580078bfdf631835f3ac52955f2149209908b935a7cfec6fe5b4956c3ada6c  sources/kauth-5.93.0.tar.xz
kbookmarks v5.93.0-rc1
3eeff795ff99be90b0d59c6e5fbef02022e9fb48c9b4dab098a3c27e10fd863f  sources/kbookmarks-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcalendarcore v5.93.0-rc1
1609bc141739fce0abed59a353a0e356f4fa7a1b3659d3bc77737010875c1d3f  sources/kcalendarcore-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcmutils v5.93.0-rc1
1445f978b7ffd69fd7c25d965812755679c4fdba23eb9837da37a8b5b2d30d6d  sources/kcmutils-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcodecs v5.93.0-rc1
0efc5c8baab3142f8a0ab9369b255061772a57a80fb616b7305bf98235b2288b  sources/kcodecs-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcompletion v5.93.0-rc1
7f8c9355e8875b619ca852741e972f41c252aa2e95b439161acc7b32d9e8fb9c  sources/kcompletion-5.93.0.tar.xz
kconfig v5.93.0-rc1
71857c20d4829017c22dd6d46ae5a642c86344960e21bc1520458fb76d02c06e  sources/kconfig-5.93.0.tar.xz
kconfigwidgets v5.93.0-rc1
db18e0f2217ead6dd6f5877551902d5da86aa026686e3c564f5f96be279f24bb  sources/kconfigwidgets-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcontacts v5.93.0-rc1
5d7c8c6c6ccfa99188d9e4d7ab6165ec5b2bceea59a01edc6b309910fd604c75  sources/kcontacts-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcoreaddons v5.93.0-rc1
920a278af97dea3add06770a6f3604744c20d667973cb71cf477145785dbf043  sources/kcoreaddons-5.93.0.tar.xz
kcrash v5.93.0-rc1
2ff8d6c6924b2b752ef4a929390606bb55ce2aa55c582927269bd65556992dd6  sources/kcrash-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdav v5.93.0-rc1
a7d3d40120f0a1b20f8492ea1635507a95e041582f5496a133de24720934ad68  sources/kdav-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdbusaddons v5.93.0-rc1
cc2c74501e65b97af1849ff454e51393f3a07755c155854bdee741a006822ad9  sources/kdbusaddons-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdeclarative v5.93.0-rc1
08a945c793aa8d89d87c42d29c9c11e7c28c47916ae728369ab478892d325067  sources/kdeclarative-5.93.0.tar.xz
kded v5.93.0-rc1
1992310921cccaf8fa2ca1abc8328aec5bc2e60a3d9f562f25b30885378159df  sources/kded-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdelibs4support v5.93.0-rc1
6a3e1d80cc6babc12930f24f9afd1ed10b46ae58ea71d44a466178212b07377c  sources/portingAids/kdelibs4support-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdesignerplugin v5.93.0-rc1
f19ab4fc1ed58b89642d8f9f75a5da2f2ef0093c97183f336ffeb7208e628aaf  sources/portingAids/kdesignerplugin-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdesu v5.93.0-rc1
7f029d9a8959f0e2ca516ab3fb6b4ebd49ca0f0d19c72369451b6894d8138dbf  sources/kdesu-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdewebkit v5.93.0-rc1
a2fe9b5660763d4dd74244c00bf7b1a407438279a81f2a3ef3813ea250fd2f55  sources/portingAids/kdewebkit-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdnssd v5.93.0-rc1
dc97364f14b5867ea5bb2986f6ad3c84ab1acc952f50d460b3e9aed03f2f903b  sources/kdnssd-5.93.0.tar.xz
kdoctools v5.93.0-rc1
25e83ff151c53667b94e25a5c41993796164683a43913820a5651f3610b65d5c  sources/kdoctools-5.93.0.tar.xz
kemoticons v5.93.0-rc1
83ca3df374935cf103a8fdaa85900d0acadbffc9d3aa8bfed073e804cd5ae410  sources/kemoticons-5.93.0.tar.xz
kfilemetadata v5.93.0-rc1
3015c071a5f068f6e45d36238aa0243d3788a95ec84362ba79ed0369e676a816  sources/kfilemetadata-5.93.0.tar.xz
kglobalaccel v5.93.0-rc1
c806b8f2b029c7632d99c55cb711f9f4c1697555fde53ad4f67167efee97b712  sources/kglobalaccel-5.93.0.tar.xz
kguiaddons v5.93.0-rc1
27f26392140bd1abcb86c154fd6fd87e50b2493787827b2b1cacaf76544af40a  sources/kguiaddons-5.93.0.tar.xz
kholidays v5.93.0-rc1
0d4a1fb823501ee73b2c4d80468777adedf93c80f36b3a680cad91cc6704b841  sources/kholidays-5.93.0.tar.xz
khtml v5.93.0-rc1
31bfb6752ed7248b98e2bdc723e8e10c11b5fc9f7bf7edd8dedad1162f86614b  sources/portingAids/khtml-5.93.0.tar.xz
ki18n v5.93.0-rc1
840a44bdd562d94dcb4b7af1e924fbfe29377b8675f77d9c39468dfc26efcf3c  sources/ki18n-5.93.0.tar.xz
kiconthemes v5.93.0-rc1
75f7c5b34f4f1a228b4cbd81a284dbfdc0c0810ddd3a39e69f9363ab3598e2b4  sources/kiconthemes-5.93.0.tar.xz
kidletime v5.93.0-rc1
4d9315dfe1faaeb62eae5ba60f683483de56317826d9b8da2bd58feebcb7b7d9  sources/kidletime-5.93.0.tar.xz
kimageformats v5.93.0-rc1
15b0ed9de57af95979e0e40496b980f243cd81e2a400d5f64d12478e1dddc7d0  sources/kimageformats-5.93.0.tar.xz
kinit v5.93.0-rc1
db36a3bd5b30163b7a4ed8c7a907bec585acab841306755b0d8d32ef3d1ce498  sources/kinit-5.93.0.tar.xz
kio v5.93.0-rc1
d290a4bcfb5ec9eb9047c84a7c420df831131b92ab6c9d28a3aa0eef9f5d4c44  sources/kio-5.93.0.tar.xz
kirigami v5.93.0-rc1
a7c2a824eb776011ae9dc94698588e8c6988ac399669723631fab26edd47ab8f  sources/kirigami2-5.93.0.tar.xz
kitemmodels v5.93.0-rc1
5bb9918b92ac37f1bc52c5abe04e8dbea54f31fa0101edad6d9e92c3a9f0485b  sources/kitemmodels-5.93.0.tar.xz
kitemviews v5.93.0-rc1
93f01dec3b795b28cc6f6859873ebb941a9504eaafd13ff9f72b987d71e55abf  sources/kitemviews-5.93.0.tar.xz
kjobwidgets v5.93.0-rc1
62449b747d6fa5b32a1cb317b2b614172e42be3b85f39b02d6a07adc267c39fb  sources/kjobwidgets-5.93.0.tar.xz
kjs v5.93.0-rc1
85aa01de9c2775564c895d3efbcfb8cc68da9a84f511176fef16742cbbf90942  sources/portingAids/kjs-5.93.0.tar.xz
kjsembed v5.93.0-rc1
fa55d3bf0b3f9026eb573cc909b1fbe53bea7090f3da465e9bb293dc0f81d424  sources/portingAids/kjsembed-5.93.0.tar.xz
kmediaplayer v5.93.0-rc1
ada8afb5b0fea3af2112812792eff062d3830dfde4d8784b7e1fc3711e74830a  sources/portingAids/kmediaplayer-5.93.0.tar.xz
knewstuff v5.93.0-rc1
2adc48e26c04c05f61f6ff1007f77ea43036b76d769535617e88d3f35ebb5759  sources/knewstuff-5.93.0.tar.xz
knotifications v5.93.0-rc1
fe191b1fe55881d7e212a3b70fe08d53e47c32793d38f5d5a4d82b796796da4b  sources/knotifications-5.93.0.tar.xz
knotifyconfig v5.93.0-rc1
cc9de166631555451965cd007b82f0ab529d6b909bc259e26e59feee586619cd  sources/knotifyconfig-5.93.0.tar.xz
kpackage v5.93.0-rc1
8de6ecd6ed1cf746b9919d93283aa650922211b51bb2d22027102f67c42ec5cd  sources/kpackage-5.93.0.tar.xz
kparts v5.93.0-rc1
c888e9664cc71a2f52904fa42d6bcedaa76c50c720ef0bee8d8b0c98bbcd1675  sources/kparts-5.93.0.tar.xz
kpeople v5.93.0-rc1
d3e1266982fa2abdd7b216d018569ea83c71312e2cfa35a0bee845e8bb49f371  sources/kpeople-5.93.0.tar.xz
kplotting v5.93.0-rc1
586d1b694213f55259ffb6a96a10648baff6e3ce45c58d7c44734d6096b6a26d  sources/kplotting-5.93.0.tar.xz
kpty v5.93.0-rc1
2a05154dbf9eb082f32f33b494dc36c3b24a59c14521167f3306a04c3649ec12  sources/kpty-5.93.0.tar.xz
kquickcharts v5.93.0-rc1
24346ac484d1d785bff27e0de5d29a7f7d3d73568074f8bdaeb869ff1004a848  sources/kquickcharts-5.93.0.tar.xz
kross v5.93.0-rc1
2ba6fd2438731b1704537889120c0dcdf1eb36bffd1e921736e85834a5551ac3  sources/portingAids/kross-5.93.0.tar.xz
krunner v5.93.0-rc1
2dc6b9169d415d87f5e2d82e2263183f42589cc1e962c9d6d0c60b6dfa48c991  sources/krunner-5.93.0.tar.xz
kservice v5.93.0-rc1
2146df797a1190ace5edeb71f3fb26a41798ef0aea39a6065c84e9c620eff3b9  sources/kservice-5.93.0.tar.xz
ktexteditor v5.93.0-rc1
7af437b882cd2da9cf9780cb660f9242b9c2400a5ff55cf6ca8608b6e62bd6c3  sources/ktexteditor-5.93.0.tar.xz
ktextwidgets v5.93.0-rc1
e27f588929db35f485ebbd6ddec45ec0c56f86844935013f8a39df8bdfb7c215  sources/ktextwidgets-5.93.0.tar.xz
kunitconversion v5.93.0-rc1
9baefb6aed92d2b32727f9492f1322a9e0b17b609c2d82296f4ee10b55a02fc8  sources/kunitconversion-5.93.0.tar.xz
kwallet v5.93.0-rc1
ed56f6477efb250b454f7b7861a16a5ea972487c1373647b7094047ce20fddeb  sources/kwallet-5.93.0.tar.xz
kwayland v5.93.0-rc1
1648a273ad1c0c1895a0edff9a3e97eb151e1e3533362e0f01d72706ac0a7abe  sources/kwayland-5.93.0.tar.xz
kwidgetsaddons v5.93.0-rc1
9c35e17d8c6faae58bfd48180bf968b813e6bfe2d49041b3285f8e326842a410  sources/kwidgetsaddons-5.93.0.tar.xz
kwindowsystem v5.93.0-rc1
97cb223a4d1a7487a3ed496e10ff5e8c320ea7458eb34cbe4ed114bc19ebe4a1  sources/kwindowsystem-5.93.0.tar.xz
kxmlgui v5.93.0-rc1
74ba65d95fac0cd09cb66e14d199efc739e1a8c9aec25812f41cfc64d7f4b099  sources/kxmlgui-5.93.0.tar.xz
kxmlrpcclient v5.93.0-rc1
0cb41aff9f5660d95ee6d669f9c70692b55c089d0e1b9705e19b19fc2c49376c  sources/portingAids/kxmlrpcclient-5.93.0.tar.xz
modemmanager-qt v5.93.0-rc1
3aedde6936524b9d0dea07ead34f44fcff50da2ccc0da73d6208893e270a67a8  sources/modemmanager-qt-5.93.0.tar.xz
networkmanager-qt v5.93.0-rc1
b8588ce2d811094682f51ea6150f3c58baa398fc91339bcb511bf60bc0eba960  sources/networkmanager-qt-5.93.0.tar.xz
oxygen-icons5 v5.93.0-rc1
734e3f44dc3be665350ac5de7f333ab954d3e3b777765b691603b3647c353005  sources/oxygen-icons5-5.93.0.tar.xz
plasma-framework v5.93.0-rc1
d4a2c687ea2ea8dfe7c256eb58441fc458102ed4b445dc24685513dd96b5c322  sources/plasma-framework-5.93.0.tar.xz
prison v5.93.0-rc1
1f43de6622cf263c6b71f9a801174e2791c09b5a0d52c602715659ddfb82fb56  sources/prison-5.93.0.tar.xz
purpose v5.93.0-rc1
dc0bc0c7c5d9b27e21856132ceeb3893555a36f3944ebc97da2eb76a74e92cc4  sources/purpose-5.93.0.tar.xz
qqc2-desktop-style v5.93.0-rc1
161ec085a529e23532badb7723c78051e7b4c3a3fe11d3c4ab8bab93213ba9a8  sources/qqc2-desktop-style-5.93.0.tar.xz
solid v5.93.0-rc1
22eff3f94608793fecb532e097d9022a14c828a0ffad0f73666088153f0d6bea  sources/solid-5.93.0.tar.xz
sonnet v5.93.0-rc1
3c146ba45edee43bf2e8bc48b116a38e0c28d2294fe61b44dc8254b881210d9c  sources/sonnet-5.93.0.tar.xz
syndication v5.93.0-rc1
35f14e36076760170df44785df39f522407f58cfa36faf91564696587d8eda23  sources/syndication-5.93.0.tar.xz
syntax-highlighting v5.93.0-rc1
ebdb51f8922d2bc97457c7df376e6600d5ee9805fdc1ac7f7d6be35a3fec711b  sources/syntax-highlighting-5.93.0.tar.xz
threadweaver v5.93.0-rc1
6c0db7d276052ebc4d512b43792ae2127cb5fafb1cfee890b5f20bd05c06f185  sources/threadweaver-5.93.0.tar.xz
-------------- next part --------------
### Breeze Icons

* Add some more symlinks for zoom icons (bug 450870)
* Add input-tvremote

### Extra CMake Modules

* Fix finding qmake
* ECMQueryQt: don't fail when TRY is used
* ECMQueryQt: Add fallbacks
* ECMAddQch: Make it work with Qt6::qhelpgenerator too
* Deprecate ECMQueryQmake, superseded by ECMQueryQt
* KDEInstallDirs6: port from custom logic to ecm_query_qt
* Port from ECMQueryQmake to ECMQueryQt
* Android: use the current cmake executable
* Add ECMQueryQt module, which encompases both Qt5 Qmake and Qt6 qtpaths
* generate-fastlane-metadata: Don't fail if source URL can not be found
* Fix checking the repository name for detached remotes
* Check that you're building the framework in a supported platform
* Android: autodetect the use of llvm

### KDE Doxygen Tools

* add cmake file for standardised build

### KAuth

* add chrono overload for setTimeout

### KBookmarks

* Add Android to supported platforms in repo metadata

### KCalendarCore

* Notify on notebook change for exceptions
* Note use of low-level libical function
* Print more information about errors when loading vCalendars (bug 328976)
* Implement notebook association when parsing iCal data
* Fix storing of times with UTC offsets
* Compare QDateTime times, timespecs, and timezones

### KCMUtils

* Fix KPluginSelector KCMs missing their metadata on plugin loading (bug 444378)
* Mark Windows and macOS as supported

### KConfig

* Disable DBus support on Windows by default
* Make KConfig::mainConfigName() public
* kconf_update: Fix checking for changes of update files

### KConfigWidgets

* Merge KColorSchemePrivate::init and constructor
* Unify both KColorSchemePrivate constructors
* Default to light mode, where AppsUseLightTheme isn't set (notably Windows 8.1)
* Move KStatefulBrush to its own dedicated header
* Deprecate KColorScheme::contrast
* Fix automatic color scheme on Windows
* khamburgermenu: Ensure menu is polished before creating window
* Fix blame ignore list
* [kcolorschememanager] Initialize selected scheme from config
* Add Android to supported platforms in the repo metadata

### KContacts

* Addressee: make birthday writable from QML (bug 446665)
* Fix bug 451962:  append Instant Messaging service list (bug 451962)

### KCoreAddons

* Add default argument for KPluginFactory::create where no keyword and args have to be specified
* Also wrap Kdelibs4ConfigMigrator in a QT_VERSION check for Qt6
* Optimize KPluginMetaData::findPluginById by using QPluginLoader directly
* Remove *.doc pattern for text/plain
* KPluginMetaData: find plugins in the directory of the executable, too

### KCrash

* metainfo.yaml - add macOS as a supported platform

### KDeclarative

* Deprecate KQuickAddons::QtQuickSettings::init

### KDELibs 4 Support

* Use KDE_INSTALL_FULL_* variables where needed
* Don't assume libexec is a LIB_INSTALL_DIR subfolder

### KFileMetaData

* exiv2extractor: add support for avif, heif, jpeg xl

### KGlobalAccel

* Add macOS to supported platforms list

### KDE GUI Addons

* Gracefully ignore SIGPIPE
* Use nativeInterface to access the x11 display

### KHolidays #

* All values of category get read from holiday file
* Unreliable print of solstice in holidays
* Remove double entries and correct indian- (bug 441275)


* Build without kglobalaccel on Windows and mac

### KIdleTime

* Fixed crash during KIdleTime::timeoutReached() (bug 451946)
* Use nativeInterface to access the x11 display

### KImageFormats

* Fix XCF parasites metadata in QImage and support to ICC profile
* avif: encoder speed 7->6
* avif: fix jumpToImage
* avif: warn about non-recommended libavif configuration

### KIO

* Fix KRecentDocumentTest
* fix reading wrong integer type from config (bug 452048)
* Add Yandex search keywords
* [KFilePlacesView] Don't append "(hidden)" to disappearing groups
* Don't use KCrash on Android, currently not used there
* KOpenWithDialog: alternative fix for the sort filter model regex
* Introduce KCoreUrlNavigator
* filewidgets: Auto-select filename before extension in filename dialog
* Add support in krecentdocument to add to recently-used.xbel
* [KFilePlacesView] Drop now unused placeEntered/Left handling
* [KFilePlacesView] Show free space as permanent thin line
* include QStandardPaths
* KRecentDocuments: don't save history for hidden files by default
* KUrlNavigator: don't force LtR (bug 428567)
* [KPropertiesDialog] Use PlainText format for most labels
* KFileItem: protect againt ' ' passed mimeType
* KFileItem: use passed mimeType to determine isDir (bug 401579)
* KOpenWithDialog: Include arguments in name when writing a new desktop file
* Add Android to the list of supported platforms
* [KPropertiesDialog] Make read-only filename label selectable by mouse
* [KFilePlacesModel] Improve outcome of dropped places
* [ftp] Simplify code

### Kirigami

* InlineMessage: Do not layout for actions at bottom when there are none
* only change height if visible
* -warning: Shortcut.sequence is an Array
* Units: Delete QML FontMetrics object when Units is destructed
* ListItemDragHandle: Emit moveRequest when cursor enters a new index (bug 451014)
* BasicListItem: tighten up spacing for text+subtitle labels
* ListSectionHeader: vertically align default text item
* PlaceholderMessage: compare string length rather than content
* Render Page's default heading as PlainText
* Page: Don't load global toolbar async so that the header looks less stuttery
* Fix warning on the org.kde.desktop Theme
* controls/SwipeListItem: handle RtL properly (bug 441156)

### KItemViews

* KExtendableItemDelegate: Fix HiDPI positioning of indicator arrows (bug 414904)

### KNewStuff

* Fix problems renaming a temporary file on Windows
* Installation: don't let QTemporaryFile delete the file before using it
* Do not set user-visible name as additional agent information when copying provider (bug 451165)
* Do not set user-visible name as additional agent information (bug 451165)
* Engine: Default to autoconfig.kde.org for reading ProvidersUrl
* Port to ECMQmlModule
* Fix close button for NewStuff.Dialog not existing on X11 (bug 437653)
* Fix certain tars not being recognized as valid archives (bug 450662)

### KPackage Framework

* PackageJobThread: Also check if metadata.json file exists
* Explicitly call KPluginMetaData::fromJsonFile when constructing metadata objects
* Fix desktoptojson invocation when cross-compiling

### KParts

* Mark copy job when opening remote URLs as transient
* Mark Android as supported

### KPty

* Add macOS to supported platforms
* add setWinSize() overload which also takes pixels

### KQuickCharts

* Add Android, Windows and MacOS to supported platforms
* Correct install location for ecm_finalize_qml_module()
* cmake: Use the right path to find ECMFindQmlModule.cmake
* Don't crash if we have no qmlContext for a deprecated object
* Use the right path when including ECMFindQmlModule in CMake package config
* Fix punctuation/whitespace of runtime rate-limited deprecation warnings
* Don't add module-uri based path to finalize_qml_module
* Don't use CMake exports for things that aren't really exported
* Port controls module to use ECMQmlModule
* Port main module to use ECMQmlModule

### KRunner

* Mark qrc file as non-copyrightable
* Remove upper-limits for RunnerManagerTest's timeouts

### KTextEditor

* simplify + optimize uniq command
* Fix switching back to normal mode from VI
* quickfix crash on Qt 6
* remove shortcut conflicting with KDevelop ATM
* fix wrap of search for slash (bug 451893)
* Fix multicursor anchor in findNext
* Fix multicursor pasting when cursors don't match copied text
* Fix ordering of selectionText
* Warn + assert if multicursorClipboard.size == 1
* Implement multicursor copy/paste
* Hide statusbar with permanent widget
* Improve cursor movement with RTL text in doc (bug 451789)
* Add support for custom line height (bug 328837)
* Fix cursor in RTL text with dyn wrap on (bug 385694 368182)
* Don't try to convert non-char key codes to strings
* port to QScreen & fix position on Wayland
* Move print and export actions into submenu
* Add actions to allow adding a new line above/below
* multicursor: Use same code path as primary for cursor placing
* Fix multicursor position after selection removal
* use special value to indicate never for auto save
* Allow auto saving document
* Take wrapCursor into account when creating cursor using keybaord
* Improve autocompletion handling
* Add support for auto wrap selection with chars + test
* Add support for auto brackets + fix indentation + test
* Fix crash with stale indexes (bug 451593)
* Rewrite merge selections to fix all known cases
* multicursors: combine cursor and selection into one type
* fix config dialog sizing
* Disable multicursor in block selection mode (bug 451542)
* Remove shortcut for duplicateLinesUp
* Clear previous selections when finding AllOcurrences
* Ensure to provide a proper cursor position
* Use moving cursors directly in typeChars
* Use doc->lineLength
* Avoid tagging lines that are not in view
* Fix toggle comment with space at the start (bug 451471)
* Improve performance with multiple cursors
* Make the multicursor modifier configurable
* keep bom action in tools
* Move some editing related actions to Edit menu from Tools
* Fix incorrect select anchor after undo
* Fix multicursor undo selection restoration
* Allow toggling camel cursor movement
* Clear highlights when multiselecting next occurence
* Find All occurences and select them
* Find next occurence and select it
* Make multicursor shortcuts actions
* multicursor: Introduce setSecondaryCursors
* multicursors: Support tab indent
* Undo: Clear cursors when undo doesn't have secondary cursors..
* Don't allow to place cursor on top of primary
* New shortcuts for duplicate-line-up/down
* Read script action shortcuts as portable text instead of native text
* Remove stray include
* Fix undo doesn't restore cursors
* new method to add a bunch of cursors at once
* Fix backspace cursor duplication
* Completely disable cursors for vimode
* Try to add new cursor in the same column as primary cursor
* clear multicursors on mouse move
* Fix word jumping
* Restore old Ctrl+H behaviour
* Make cursor painting instant
* Make paintCursor a bit more efficient
* ensure to update cursors immediately
* Fix Ctrl+H, use only primary selection text as pattern
* Multicursors undo/redo support
* Allow creating cursors from selection
* Slightly improve Alt+Ctrl+Up/Down cursor creation
* Fix selection merging for cursorUp/Down
* Fix home and end actions
* Ensure unique cursors after deleting
* Remove multicursors on doc reload
* move caret drawing to separate function
* Fix all cursors get hidden with cursorUp
* Remove selections when adding new cursor
* Fix cursor still visible when toggling
* Disable multicursors for overwrite mode
* Clear multicursors in block select mode
* Multicursor text transforms (capitalize, lowercase, uppercase)
* multicursor transpose chars
* Multicursor newline support
* Multi cursor auto completion support
* Ctrl + Alt Up/Down to create new cursors
* Remove unused method
* multicursor copy support
* Add incremental multicursor search
* Fix selection removal with multicursors
* Multicursor home/end support
* Mutlicurosr delete key
* Disable multicursor for overwrite/vi mode
* Backspace for multiple cursors
* multicursor selection removal
* Multicursor kill lines
* Improve cursorUp and handle selection removal
* Remove multicursors on big movements
* WIP: Basic multicursor support
* Don't build KAuth integration on Windows
* vimode: fix extra newline when using the "Find" action (bug 451076)
* fixed loop break condition
* ensure correct highlighting after text change
* fix highlighting while typing in search bar (/)
* fix config dialog sizes for KTextEditor (bug 445541)
* simplify check for empty last line
* add new line on save inside the buffer (bug 450919)
* Implement TextBuffer::saveBuffer without QTextStream
* tidy: make trivially destructible

### KWayland

* Install Client headers in a dirs hierarchy matching the C++ namespaces
* We don't actually need Qt6WaylandCompositor

### KWidgetsAddons

* Align buttons (and icon) on top, also when word wrap is off, but text is pre-formatted to span multiple lines
* avoid quadratic search of children widgets


* KShortcutsEditorDelegate: Fix HiDPI rendering of indicator arrows (bug 414904)
* Tests: Enable HiDPI pixmap rendering
* Add Android to supported platforms in repo metadata
* Fix broken "Add to Toolbar" action

### ModemManagerQt

* Check DBus signal connection
* Include milliseconds when formatting SMS timestamps

### NetworkManagerQt

* Connect in the correct order everywhere
* Remove workaround for properties changing
* Do not create devices to just find out the type

### Plasma Framework

* Make WindowThumbnail build against Qt6 as well
* Highlight: change hover: property to hovered:
* Don't install the heading SVG in breeze-light and breeze-dark Plasma themes
* AppletInterface: Add `self` property which just returns `this`
* Allow applets to have empty json metadata & use KPackage's metadata instead
* Do not compute sizes within dialogs when they're not visible
* Port dateengine away from inperformant KPluginInfo hack
* Factor out QML module URI string
* Adapt to the deprecation of qmlRegisterInterface in Qt6
* Add default switch statement
* Add power profile icons (bug 449475)
* Fix Plasmoid attached property look-up on Config objects (bug 451482)
* Fix potential null parent access
* Break recursion when checking compact representation
* Use generic breeze-styled arrow in Plasma style
* Port to PlasmaExtras version of Highlight
* Hardcode keyboard shortcut in SearchField for now
* Add ActionTextField, SearchField, and PasswordField
* PC3: Remove unreachable code in Svg item from DefaultListItemBackground
* AppletQuickItem: Ensure we provide the attached property when we have it
* Port from using plasmoid to Plasmoid
* Calendar: Draw highlight below the text (bug 451209)
* Use PACKAGE_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX before any find_dependency() calls
* Move Highlight from PlasmaComponents 2.0 to PlasmaExtras
* Introduce PLASMA_NO_CONTEXTPROPERTIES to disable Plasma QML context properties

### QQC2StyleBridge

* Do not make space for invisible items in menus
* TextFieldContextMenu: Make menu separator invisible when its preceding items are too
* KQuickStyleItem: use control mirrored property if available

### Solid

* Recognize fuse.gocryptfs mounts as devices like we do for cryfs and encfs (bug 452070)

### Sonnet

* Enable Windows spellchecker with mingw
* Add Android to supported platforms in repo metadata
* hunspell: resolve symlinks with canonicalFilePath()

### Syntax Highlighting

* Go syntax - "go" -> ControlFlow
* Go syntax - Separate ControlFlow from Keywords
* Bash/Zsh: fix expression closing parenthesis in regex (bug 450478)

### Security information

The released code has been GPG-signed using the following key:
pub rsa2048/58D0EE648A48B3BB 2016-09-05 David Faure <faure at kde.org>
Primary key fingerprint: 53E6 B47B 45CE A3E0 D5B7  4577 58D0 EE64 8A48 B3BB

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