KDE Frameworks 5.62.0

David Faure faure at kde.org
Tue Sep 10 12:14:02 BST 2019

On samedi 7 septembre 2019 18:29:27 CEST David Faure wrote:
> Dear packagers,
> KDE Frameworks 5.62.0 has been uploaded to the usual place.

I forgot to give you some info from F. Kossebau about an important change in 
this release.

Some reorganization that happened across the KDE Frameworks, for providing 
plugins for Qt Designer to support the custom QWidget subclasses from the 
different KDE Framework modules:

* before 5.62, the module KDesignerPlugin has been providing both a tool to 
generate Qt Designer plugins as well as a plugin featuring support for all the 
widget classes from all the non-deprecated KDE Frameworks modules.

* for 5.62, the plugin generation tool has been deprecated in favour of a new 
macro in ECM also since 5.62, ECMAddQtDesignerPlugin.

* for 5.62, that plugin has been removed from the module KDesignerPlugin, 
instead each KDE Frameworks module with QWidget subclasses now builds and 
installs a respective own Qt Designer plugin for its own widgets, using 

* so the KF module KDesignerPlugin now only provides the plugin generation 
tool and has been tagged "Porting Aid", currently still used by some KDEPIM 
modules for Qt designer plugin generation (port to ECM planned) as well as 
KDELibs5Support for a plugin for its widgets, which also has a dependency in a 
CMake macro it installs (no port planned, given that fixed dependency).

https://phabricator.kde.org/T11289 holds the motivation and the execution plan 
for this change.

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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