Naming of desktop/json translation files finally changed

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Mon Dec 31 15:48:10 GMT 2018

Hi all,
as discussed some time ago, the name of the gettext files which contain the 
translations for .desktop and .json files is now different:

- (desktop)_<module>_<project>.po(t) -> <project>._(desktop|json)_.po(t)

Please check the long "Renaming desktop_<module>_<program>.po file" multi-year 
thread on for more details.
Sorry for taking more time than expected.

POSummit users already used this convention, and nothing changes for you. 
Chusslove fixed the last bits in POSummit in order to handle those files when 
scattering and gathering and it seems to work, but please double check that 
everything is fine.

I added the release-team@ list in CC, but as far as I know the change should 
not impact the release process. The release code for Frameworks and 
Applications (different branches on sysadmin/repo-metadata) and releaseme 
(Plasma and everything else) retrieves the list of files from the 
files, so they should not be affected by this.

PS. if the new year is starting in your local calendar, my best wishes for an 
happy 2019!


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