Umbrello, hybrid repository, Applications/17.08

Jack Ostroff ostroffjh at
Mon Jul 17 00:14:56 UTC 2017

On 2017.07.16 18:11, Luigi Toscano wrote:
> Hi all,
> umbrello follows an hybrid structure (both Qt4 and Qt5 version at the  
> same
> time, with a lot of if-defs) which poses some complications to our  
> infrastructure.
> The maintainer turned on the KF5 version for non-Windows platform in
> Applications/17.08 today:
> You can read my comments, but in a nutshell:
> - the English documentation use a trick (the cmake equivalent of sed)  
> to use
> the native DTD of Frameworks documentation;
> - the translated DTDs can't do the same. So they will rely on the DTD  
> of the
> original
> - when the translated documentation are injected back, as it happens  
> now for
> KF5 applications, they will introduce an implicit dependency on
> KDELibs4Support, which is not defined.
> I tried to explain the issue with the documentation in the past but  
> with no
> success. There is also a similar issue related to the usage of a  
> piece of
> documentation on its own inside the program.
> The stated reason for keeping this hybrid model is the support of  
> Windows.
> Now, I think that it's possible to keep this:
> - keep a "kdelibs4" branch for Windows, commit there the bugfixes
> - upmerge into "master" (or "Applications/xy.zt"), which would be  
> pure Qt5.
> I would like to ask to revert the change and keep umbrello officially
> kdelibs4, and work to move to pure Qt5 before Applications 17.12 (aka  
> fixing
> the issues on Windows).
> Otherwise I will have to workaround this in the release scripts in  
> various ways:
> - not injecting the localized documentation (at least visible on the  
> website)
> - adding an extra dependency to kdelibs4support in the umbrello cmake  
> code
> - fixing the DTD while injecting the localized documentation  
> (definitely hard)
> The last one would be a special rule just for one program, which  
> takes time
> for no reasons and add a maintenance cost. I personally don't like  
> how the
> common rule and expectation has not been followed for this  
> repository, which
> introduces difficulties for the rest of the community.
> Ciao
> --
> Luigi

I have not used KDE/Windows in quite a while, but are they not capable  
of handling Frameworks and Qt5 based builds?  I do not have my Windows  
box handy to actually check myself.


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