new marble tarball - was - Re: KDE Applications 17.04.0 packages available for packagers

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Apr 17 16:19:02 UTC 2017

El dilluns, 17 d’abril de 2017, a les 12:38:52 CEST, Dennis Nienhüser va 
> Am 2017-04-17 11:32, schrieb Dennis Nienhüser:
> > Am 2017-04-17 11:06, schrieb Friedrich W. H. Kossebau:
> >>> That's fine, that's not the problem though. The problem is that
> >>> version
> >>> numbers don't match. Checking git I think a commit bumping marble to
> >>> a
> >>> stable version (0.27.0 instead of 0.26.20, which marks a development
> >>> version) is missing.
> >> 
> >> Passing on to official Marble maintainers :)
> > 
> > Not an official maintainer here, but I can fix it. It's a simple
> > script invocation to adjust the version numbers. Give me an hour or so
> > for some sanity checks on top, then I will push the fix.
> Ok, done. Guess we need a tarball respin as well -- Albert?

marble Applications/17.04


> Regards,
> Dennis

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